Small upgrade system

Chapter 108 108 - Helps Arrived

Sam and Jeni already cast their last attack. They had little spiritual energy, so it was their last attack. If this attack can stop the enemy, then they will be safe or they will be doomed.

While Sam and Jeni were preparing for their last attack, Elena and Tony also had a tough fight against the other peak D grade warriors. The enemy defeated almost all of their teammates and sent them back to the association. It was just them and 4 of their teammates who could still fight the enemy. It wasn't like that the enemy wasn't injured. As you can guess, this peak D grade warrior also underestimates Tony and Elena's power. But compared to the warrior condition Sam was facing, his condition was better.

Elena and Tony were also at their limit. They won't be able to fight for very long. It was their willpower that prevented them from giving up.

"Hahaha... Genius child, give up. I will give you a slow death," the enemy said to them.

" Shut up!!! You scoundrel," one of Tony's teammates replied to the enemy.

"Guys, it will be our last attack. Don't hold back. Use your full strength." Tony told them with a serious face. Everyone nodded. They also plan to use their last bit of power in this attack. It was a do-or-die situation.

At this time,

Tom easily dominates his enemies. It was just that he needed some time to finish them. Only then will he be able to help the students. The students didn't know, but he can tell these warriors from the dark association were most likely bait who were in charge of stopping these students while their teammates finished their work.

He can easily finish them but some time ago, these three warriors took out some kind of pill and ate that. After that, they become fighting machines. They could not feel fear in this state and their wounds got healed faster. Because of this, Tom needed some time to finish them. He didn't want to kill them because these warriors were very useful. If he takes them to the association, he can extract information about their goal. Now Tom was hoping that the help quickly arrived or all the students would be sent back to the association with serious injuries. If they directly go back to the association, then it won't be a problem. But, while fighting these warriors, they will be injured seriously.


Unknown to them,

The other five warriors at this time were inside the cave. They previously didn't leave the cave, but hid themselves. When they saw all the students leave the cave, they finally worked. They mainly came here to activate the forbidden summoning symbol. It needed them to send their spiritual energy toward the symbol to activate it. The moment they finish their work, they will leave the place. Because they needed to leave the forest.


Back to Sam and his team,

Jeni had already finished casting the white thunderbolt. She almost used all of her spiritual energy in this attack. Wasting no time, she attacks the enemy.

The enemy stopped screaming, and now he was looking at them. He needed to finish these two rats, then he would help the others.

He didn't want to give them a simple death; he planned to make them suffer. These students dare to hurt him, they will pay for that. It was his mindset at this moment. His focus was on Sam. This boy's fair hurt him the most. He needed to finish this boy first. But at this moment, he saw a white light.

He didn't know what this was, but tried to avoid the light. But the thunderbolt traveled quickly toward him, and he didn't even get the chance to react when the thunderbolt hit him. He once again screams after getting hit by the thunderbolt. The previous fireballs didn't hurt him that much, they only burned his clothes, but this time, this attack hurt him very much.

Sam also finishes casting his great fireball. In just 2 minutes, he finishes casting it. Previously, he never had 3 minutes to cast this spell, but he improved in his casting. Wasting no time, he also sends the fireball toward the enemy.

The enemy at this moment was screaming painfully while his eyes were closed because he wasn't aware of Sam's attack. The great fireball hit him. Instantly, he feels like someone throws him in the sun. His skin burned from the attack.

​ Sam, at this moment, arrives in front of Jeni. He saw she was unconscious. It was normal because when you use it, most of the spiritual energy will become unconscious. It was willpower that made him still awake, or he also became unconscious after using almost all of his spiritual energy.

He carries Jeni to a safe place. Now he didn't know if they were successful or not? But he knows one thing now. He was the only one that could fight if the enemy still didn't get defeated by them. He had little strength now, now he can only rely on his berserk technique to fight the enemy if the enemy still attacks him. This was his trump card.

Sam was panting and looking at the enemy to confirm if they had defeated the enemy. He saw a person coming out of the fire. He didn't have any dress on his body; the fire had already burned all of this. His skin also got burned by the fire. A skeleton-like person comes out of the fire.

Sam was shocked even after this. The enemy was still alive. He was about to activate his breaker technique to fight the enemy when he saw a light coming toward the enemy and hit the enemy. It instantly made the enemy turn into ash.

Sam looked in the direction from where he realized came. He saw a person with long hair. She was coming towards him. After seeing the person, he was relieved and finally became unconscious. Yes, your guess was right. She is Alena. She finally reached the cave.

Alena quickly comes in Sam's direction and checks his condition. She sighs in relief because he didn't have that many serious injuries. She also sees Jeni and the other girls. They also check their condition. Seeing that no one was seriously hurt, she was relieved.

Alena got up from his place and looked in the other students' direction. She saw the serious condition of the students. Wasting no time, she went towards them. She needs to help or it will be bad for those students. She instantly cast a 'Sun ray' and attacked the enemy. It was one of her attacks. She also previously used this attack to kill the enemy that Sam was fighting.

Tony, Elena, and their 2 teammates were seriously hurt. Even after attacking the enemy with their fun power, the enemy can still fight them. But they didn't have the strength to fight the enemy. Because of this, they were seriously hurt. Just when they felt that their death was near, they saw a light hit the enemy. Instantly, the enemy let out a painful cry and a few seconds later, turned into dust. They saw a person coming toward them. After seeing it was Alena, they were finally relieved and became unconscious.

Alena quickly comes toward them. Seeing their serious condition, she quickly uses a healing ray. It will heal their injuries. After some minutes later, she finally sighs in relief because finally Tony and the others were improved. They just need some rest, then they will fight once again.

Tom had already killed two warriors and was about to kill the last warrior. He killed the last enemy quickly and quickly searched for the students. He finally can help the students. He just hoped nothing bad would happen to them. Tom saw Alena, who was healing the students.

He sighs in relief. Finally, Alena came and saved the students. He also quickly went towards her. He saw she had already finished healing Tony and the others and was about to get up.

"Finally, you came. These damn warriors are using pills that made them quickly heal, which made them difficult to kill," he said to her.

" So, how are their condition? I can see fewer students here. It means many students already teleport to the association," he asked her. Tom was also worried about the student's injury.

" Don't worry, I already stabilized their condition. They just need some good rest," Alena answers him.

While they were talking, 10 warriors appeared. It made them alert, but after seeing that they were the warriors from the association; they were relieved. Finally, they were here.

"Harry, Lina, and Fin, you three will stay here and look after these students. Others will go with us to search for the other five enemies. Previously, I felt a five presence in the cave. We need to search in the cave." Tom said to them.

" Yes sir," all the warriors respond after hearing his words. Instantly, Lina went in Sam's direction. They were unconscious, and Harry and Fin will carry them toward Tony and Elena.

The others were already gone to the cave. It wasn't time to waste. Tom can already guess why these warriors came here.

________________To be continued_________________

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