Skill Creation in the Fantasy World

Chapter 20: First Mission

Chapter 20: First Mission

Felix took out the id card from his pocket and showed it to the evil eye in the middle of the door just like how Noah did it yesterday.

The door glowed a bit reddish and slowly opened, making the morning sunlight enter the hall.

The weather outside looked peaceful as a few birds flew over the horizon, the clouds looked grey as they blocked the sun and made the surroundings cool and humid.

He kept the id card back in his pocket and went outside the building. Taking short steps, he arrived at the gate which automatically opened to let him go out.

When outside the guild, he turned back to look at his new home which was the guild's building. It looked enchanting and impressive as the morning rays shined on the tall dark architecture.

'It still feels a bit spooky, but inside it felt really warm and pleasant. Appearances cannot be judged at all.'

Felix pondered as he smiled at how the guild was not a bad place, ignorant to the fact that it was all a facade for the new members.

'Well, let's start the mission.'

Turning back, he took out the map bought with his debt money and took a look at it.

The map of the City looked detailed and irregular in shape, but it was divided into five main parts, the north, south, east, west, and center.

He studied the map and found that the guild building's location was in the southern part of the City. And the place for his mission was near to it, a short distance of 1.2 kilometers from here.

Carefully sorting his thoughts, he started walking in its direction while glancing at the streets in his surroundings.

'Hmmm...there seem to be fewer people in the morning except for some going about their jobs.'

The slight gust of wind made him feel cool as the clouds kept the city in their shadows. Holding the map in his hand, Felix navigated through the streets and roads to his destination.

Fifteen minutes later, he stood in front of a neighborhood having identical houses. Checking the house number on the gate, he walked to the house mentioned in the scroll.

He opened the gate and walked inside the compound. Arriving at the door, he gave a few knocks.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Hello, did you submit a mission?"

After a few seconds, the door of the house opened up and a fat lady walked out wiping the tears from her face. She looked sad as she observed Felix.

"Oh, are you from the guild?"

She asked strangely as the boy looked too young to be a member of a guild.

"Yes Mam, I'm a new unofficial member of the guild and I'm here to complete the mission.", he replied to her.

"Is that so...Well, for now, come inside. Let me tell you more about the mission."

She turned to the side and welcomed him in.


They both entered the house and sat in the living room.

"Do you need anything to drink?", she asked as Felix sat on a chair.

"No Mam, I've had my breakfast."

At his reply, she nodded and sat on a different chair, a bit larger.

"Then let me tell you about my request."

"Please help me find my baby cat Suzzy."

"Sniff...Sniff...She is just 5 months old, and while roaming around in the neighborhood, she never came back."

The fat lady cried as she wiped her tears with a handkerchief. She appeared to have already searched the neighborhood where she could not find any clue.

"I have also asked many people about her, but they seem to have not noticed her at all."

Felix already knew the mission from reading the scroll, but he still frowned as they had no clue at all.

'If we have no idea where the cat went, then we'll just have to look around in random locations.'

'But she said that there's no clue even in this neighborhood, then where did the cat go?'

As he pondered about where the cat could possibly go. The fat lady again started crying getting no reply from the boy.

" you have no way to find my cat? What am I going to do now?"

He got worried and consoled the lady.

"Don't worry Mam, we'll definitely find her."

'To find a way?... Maybe I can use my skill...'

He got up and called out to the wailing lady.

"Mam, can you show me where you saw the cat for the last time?"

The fat lady looked surprised before she nodded and walked out of the house with Felix.

"It should be just outside the gates of the house."

They came outside the gate and she pointed at the right side of the wall where there was a pillar for the street lights.

"There. I saw it strolling around there."

Felix nodded and went near it.

He acted as if he was checking around the place looking for the cat's footsteps. Slowly he placed his hand on the pillar while thinking of hearing the cat's voice and closed his eyes.


The voices turned silent as he could faintly hear a cute animal's sound.


The voice came again before silencing down.


He concentrated on the direction the voice was going before opening his eyes.

"Mam, I think it went in that direction."

Felix pointed to the right side of the street and smiled assuredly at the fat lady.

She was a bit doubtful at his answer but having no choice she could only nod and reply to him.

"Okay. We'll go in that direction as you say."

They went there with Felix pretending to look around as he found another pillar a bit away.

He told her to wait there and again used the skill on the pillar.

Coming back, he pointed to her in a different direction to where they traversed again. Doing the same thing several times, they finally arrived at a bridge with a small stream flowing under it.

"Mam, let's check under the bridge. Maybe it's hidden there."

The fat lady could only hopefully nod right now as she felt a little tired from all the walking.

"You go and check there. I won't be able to climb back if I go there."

Felix smiled strangely as he went to the small bridge. Walking down the area, he arrived at the banks of the stream and looked beneath the bridge.


He grinned at the small cat that was staring at him curiously from under the bridge. It appeared a bit dirty with some mud on its shiny white fur but he didn't care about that as he caught the small cat with his hands.

Resisting a bit, the cat tried to run away from his hands but he didn't allow it and held it tightly near his chest.

Climbing back to the top of the bridge, he saw the fat lady running toward him as she spread her arms.


She cried out loudly before snatching the cat from his hands and hugging it tightly in her large bosom, almost suffocating it.

"Mam, I think you should not hold it so tightly. It's already a bit weak and needs a bit of care."

"Hmm thank you. If it wasn't for you I would not have found it.", she thanked the silver-haired boy who seemed much more pleasing to the eyes now.

Felix just smiled at her joyfully as he finally completed his first mission.

'It was easy money. Maybe I should open a 'finding lost pets' office?'

He thought that it could be a profitable business.

"Here. Give me your scroll. I'll sign it so that you can accept your reward from the guild."

He took out his scroll and gave it to her. She signed it and gave it back to him. With the cat in her arms, she waved at him and walked back to her house.

"Thank you for submitting a mission at our guild. I hope you ask for our help again."

He thanked her sweetly and waved at her retreating figure.

'Nice. I got my first mission done. That too only within 1 hour."

Felix rejoiced as he opened the map to find the way back to the guild.

"Hmm...where am I?"

The silver-haired boy looked aghast holding the map realizing that he got lost on his first mission.

"Really? I got lost..."

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