Single Stat System

Chapter 60: Espionage

Chapter 60: Espionage

So as the Blood Servant flew towards the other carriages, Sakim's consciousness was controlling it as if it was his own body. He seemed to enjoy doing it though. After all, he finally was able to fly. Although he did it while in the body of a dragonfly, it didn't change the fact that he could still fly. And the experience was really great. Even when against the strong wind, he wasn't swayed even a little at all. And he could fly freely as if the world had no shackles.

Not only that, this dragonfly's eye vision was simply too impressive as he could see nearly 360 vision. With this extraordinary vision, he could keep watch at almost everything around him with only one blind spot directly behind.

Having the experience of flight and extraordinary eye vision, Sakim flew to the other carriages with a smile. The first carriage he had seen was most likely full of corpses. From the looks of it, under that clothing covering the inside of the carriage, Sakim recalled that it was where the corpses of the bandits were piled up. So seeing that he wouldn't be able to see any valuable information from the two knights in there who appeared that were only talking with each other, Sakim went to the next carriage. He might as well, see if the other knights were scheming something.

The next carriage was most likely where the corpses of the knights were. And including the two in front, there were five living knights in this carriage. They seemed as if talking with each other seriously.

Unfortunately for Sakim, he didn't understand a single thing at all. Even if he tried so hard reading the movements of their mouths, he still couldn't understand what were they saying. Was this what the deaf felt like when they saw other people talking with each other?

However, although Sakim couldn't understand what they were saying, he could read the emotion emitted from their eyes. Together with the heavy atmosphere, Sakim could tell that this carriage was filled with sadness as the knights talked with each other. To what it looked like, they weren't scheming about something against him and they were only talking about their fallen comrades.

So seeing that nothing was amiss here, Sakim moved to the last carriage. Only three knights were there. The two in front with one of them driving the carriage, and the knight's captain who was alone inside.

Outside the window, the knight's captain was staring far away, seemingly thinking about something deep. But a moment later, Sakim found him smiling.

Sakim was taken aback. This guy was smiling with just himself? It couldn't be that this knight had finally lost his mind?

"Kekeke," And as if the knight's captain responded from his thought, Sakim saw the other party who had his smile turning into an ear-to-ear grin. But shortly after that, his grin turned into a laugh similar to a laugh of a madman.

"Puahahaha," The knight's captain laughed like a madman for a good while. The two knights in front couldn't help but begin to sweat as they were afraid to look behind them and asked their captain if he was alright.

On the other hand, seeing the knight's captain, Sakim was now more than sure of it. This guy had really lost his head. Although he couldn't hear the other party's laugh, he could see clearly that he was laughing like a madman. Just what in the world had happened to him for him to suffer like this? Sakim sighed inwardly as he pitied the knight's captain for his current situation.

So seeing that he wouldn't be able to get much valuable information unless he was able to hear them, Sakim retracted his consciousness from the Blood Servant as he let it function automatically. Sakim's real body then opened his eyes before a slight smile surfaced on his lips.

But his smile didn't last for too long as he turned serious again.

Although the outcome of having a dragonfly as a Blood Servant was really good especially its eye vision, it was still severely lacking especially in its hearing capability. Perhaps, he could just create another summon creature that had a good hearing so to compensate the dragonfly's shortcomings.

With that in mind, Sakim stared at his palm again. Although he wanted to create another summon, this skill costs a lot of MP making him hesitate on doing so, especially when he only had 180 MP left. If he created another summon, wouldn't it be that he would only have a little amount of 80 MP left? With that, he could only use his Go Die skill eight times.

But... Sakim wasn't just relying on his active skill to deliver damage. So why would he worry about such a little thing? Even without mana, he could still use his passive skill: Greed. And with passive skill, it wasn't exaggerated to say that he could survive most dangers. So he might as well create a new summon creature that had a good hearing capability.

Thinking about it, Sakim decided to create a new summon. Another drop of blood then came out from his palm and levitated a little above it. From what he knew, there was one thing in his mind that could have a good hearing capability.


Sakim still remembered how good of a hearing capability did this insect had, especially the Greater Wax Moth. Their hearing capability was way too good as it was actually 15 times greater than the hearing frequency of what humans could hear. If he created this kind of insect, then wouldn't it mean that he didn't need to worry anymore about a spy that could hear?

With that in mind, Sakim intended for the drop of blood levitating above his palm to become a moth. As he did it that way, he couldn't help but mutter, "Blood Servant."

Sakim was just hoping that this time, the System wouldn't mess with him again as he could create the summon he wanted to.

The drop of blood then finally took its form. There was an oval shape before something like wings finally sprouted out from it.

And Sakim smiled seeing the result. It appeared that the System didn't mess with him this time. Although, he didn't see it personally, and other than its blood-red color, this moth's appearance was really similar to the Greater Wax Moth he saw on the picture in the past. It could be said that he was successful this time.

So now that a new Blood Servant was created, and with a good hearing ability at that, Sakim intended to transfer his consciousness to this moth. He might as well try to hear what the knights were talking about.

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