Since I’ve Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I’ll Do My Best to Make the Heroine Who Doesn’t Stick With the Hero Happy.

Chapter 14: Saturday Night

Chapter 14: Saturday Night

Haah, Friday was such a fun day.

I kept thinking of Friday over and over again.

We had an amazing time talking at the caf, and the walk back home together was also great.

Well, we were a little embarrassed on the way home, but we still had a lot of fun together.

Id never actually gone back home from school with a girl, so I was actually a little nervous. Ok fine, maybe I was very nervous.

The reason why I was so nervous was because I was with Sei-chan rather than another girl.

It was the reason why I was so nervous but It was also the reason why it was extremely fun.

I mean, now that I think about it, that was almost like an after-school date.

Haah, I wish I could do it again sometime.

Sei-chan seemed to enjoy it, too.

As I was thinking about this, the doorbell of my house rang.

Looks like hes here.

Yep, its Saturday night. The day Yuuichi was supposed to come to my house.

Well to be precise, he came to my house to take refuge from Tojoin, so that she wouldnt interrupt his date with Fujise tomorrow.

This means that tomorrow morning, Yuuichi can go on his date without being noticed by Tojoin.

It was a nice strategy on my part.

Well, it was Sei-chan who had realized the merits of this strategy.

As expected of Sei-chan

I opened the front door and welcomed Yuuichi into the house.

Yo. Welcome to my house.

Oh, uh

Well, my parents arent home yet, so feel free to come up to my room.

Alright then.

You dont seem so well, you okay?

Yuichi is always cheerful, but he seemed to be in low spirits currently.

What, did you lose the basketball practice game today or something?

This guys skill regarding basketball was outstanding, and he has also been selected to represent the prefecture.

The other team must have been very strong to be able to win against Yuichi on the opposing team.

No, we won that one, but listen, were in a state of emergency right now.

I really dont want to hear it, really. But is it related to tomorrows date?

Its related to tomorrows date.

Thats even worse then. Im pretty sure its related to Tojoin-san.

Thats right, Kaori found out that Im staying at your house today.

Thats the worst thing that could have possibly happened

Now, the whole operations been blown out of proportion

What were you doing?

Haah, how did she find out about this?

I left my house a while ago to go to your house, but suddenly a limousine came in front of me.

So does that mean the limousine in front of my house currently is?

Of course, I had Kaori drive me here.

Youre really fucked, you know.

You were supposed to come to my house in secret, But SOMEHOW you came here in a limousine with the ONE person you needed to keep it a secret from

Good evening, Mr. Hisamura.

Go-Good evening, Tojoin-san

It was already dark outside, with only the streetlights and the light from my houses front door illuminating the surroundings near us.

Even in such pale lighting, Tojoins beautiful blonde hair shone so brightly that it seemed to somehow be glowing in the dark. 

No, seriously, why is it shining so brightly? Is it for comedic effect or something?

In case you were wondering, this is a manga world, so its possible.

I see that Yuichi is staying over at your place today. Im jealous that youre having so much fun without me. I too want to be a part of it.

N-No, It would be pretty unpleasant for a girl like Tojoin-san to come to a place with 2 men. Isnt that right, Yuuichi?

Aah, yes. Thats right. So Kaori, please go home for today.

Thats a pretty harsh thing to say to her, buddy.

Even if the other party is your childhood friend, shes the daughter of arguably the number one company in the entire world.

Wow, Yuuichi. I gave you a ride in a limousine in the middle of the night, but you still have the guts to say something like that to me.

We-Well, that was a lifesaver so thank you, but were about to have a very hot talk, man to man only. Right, Tsukasa?

Hmm thats right. Yuuichi invited me to watch the adult videos that he always watches in his spare time.

Wait a minute! I never said anything about that!

Yeah, he didnt actually say that.

Tha-Thats terrible Yuuichi. Even though I made a photo album just for you to sneak under your bed. [ED:she wot]

Were you the one who did that?! My sister found the album and we almost had a family meeting because of it!

Wow, thats I know about it since I read the original story, but its amazing seeing what you can do for him, Tojoin-san.

It was an extremely lewd photo book that could even be substituted for adult videos.

Yuuichi also found that photo album, and he didnt know whether to throw it away or not, so he kept it under his bed. But then his sister found it and he had a hard time because of that.

How the hell do you know about that?! I wasnt supposed to tell anyone about it! I was going to take it to my grave!

Oh no, yabe. I got carried away with my knowledge of the original story.

Oh really, Yuichi? I was embarrassed because I thought that Id gone too far, but if Yuichi likes it, maybe Ill make another photo book just for you.

I dont want it! Seriously!

Eh, I was going to do a nude photo book next though. Are you sure you dont want one?


Youre in a lot of trouble right now, you know. 

Well, I can see how that would bother you as a man.

So if Tojoin-san, who has a body thats so BonkyuBon, you wouldnt believe that shes an actual high school student, was the one who told that to you, anyone would be at a loss in that case you know. [TLN: BonkyuBon is a slang that means Big-small-Big, Which means japanese women have Bigger Boings, Smaller Waist, and Larger Hips.]

As a man, I can totally understand why youd want to take a good long look at Tojoin-sans photo album that was under your bed.

Too bad, well, my nudes will be on your bed sometime in the future?

Ku I-I have to endure the nosebleeds

Aah, I didnt hear anything, nothing at all.

I made a gesture of tapping both ears repeatedly to show that I wasnt listening.

Well, Im doing it after I heard it of course.

But seriously, if I had such a naughty childhood friend, my life would be a rose-colored dream.

In addition, his childhood friend is wealthy, which means that his life is not only rosy but also golden.

But Yuichis mental strength is also quite impressive.

If I were in Yuuichis position, Id have been swept away by her for sure.

But now Ive got my lifelong love, Sei-chan.

If Sei-chan had said something like Tojo-in just now

Yo-You want my nude album? We-Well If you do then, Ill d-do my best


Did you just get a nosebleed?

I got a nosebleed just by imagining it and it wasnt a low amount either.

We-Well, that was my first erotic fantasty and somehow I got a nosebleed.

As expected of a world of manga, I never thought that something like that would ever happen in the past world.

Oh, Hisamura-kun, of course Im not going to show you my nude photos, okay? Well, if youre prepared to have your eyeballs gouged out afterwards, I can show it to you for a second but I still wouldnt like it.

I dont really want to see it, but you can predict what I was thinking?

Of course, its me after all.

Thats true.

Im sure there are many wealthy people who would be willing to pay hundreds of millions for a nude photo of the daughter of the Tojoin Group.

And Yuichi can get it just by saying he wants it Wow, thats seriously amazing.

An-Anyway, I dont want your nude photo album! And you should go home, too! Your parents will be worried if youre home late!

AhYuuichi, thats

Yes, youre right. Okay, I should probably get going then.

Tojo-in-san replied disheartedly she seemed to be more depressed than before, no matter how you look at it.

Just a moment ago she had a beautiful look with her confident smile on her face, but now she wore a somewhat fragile smile.

Yuichi also noticed it immediately, probably because they were childhood friends.

Whats wrong, Kaori?

No, its nothing. I guess Ill be leaving then.

Ah-Ahh have a safe trip home.

Hmm, I came in a limousine, so as long as the driver is careful, I should be fine.

With that, Tojoin-san got into the limousine and left.

What? Did I say something strange?

As expected, even Yuichi, the insensitive protagonist, would notice if she was so blatantly depressed.

Well you didnt say anything particularly strange.

Though I do know the reason why.

Thanks to my knowledge of the original story, of course.

Kaori Tojoin doesnt actually get along well with her parents.

Her mother died when she was born, and her father is her only parent presently.

Her father is also the president of the Tojoin Group, so he has very little time to be with his daughter.

Once a month, the two of them would have dinner together at a fancy restaurant.

That dinner party is also very formal, like a dinner party where you just report on whats going on in your life.

There were no conversations about their day to day life like a normal parent-daughter relationship, and even though they were supposed to be eating very expensive food, Tojoin always seemed to be so nervous that she could hardly taste it.

Kaori Tojoin is hungry for love.

I guess thats natural since she grew up without knowing her parents love since her childhood.

She believes that Yuichi Shigemoto is the one who can give her that love, and she is so obsessed with him that she is dependent on him and keeps all the other women around her away from him.

So when Tojoin heads home her parents wont be there to greet her.

She thinks that she doesnt have any parents that actually care about her.

Yuichis words earlier must have reminded her of that, so she felt depressed.

Even Yuuichi, who has been with her since elementary school, doesnt know about it, or rather, Tojoin-san makes sure that Yuuichi wouldnt know about it.

Still even after knowing each other for so long, Yuuichis still clueless about her family.

For a moment, I was wondering whether to tell Yuuichi about it. But I decided that I shouldnt tell him about it here.

Well, normally if I told Yuuichi about it, hed be like, How the hell do you know about that?

This backstory will be incredibly relevant to the story in Ojojama later on and I dont want to interfere with that event early on.

For me, this is the backstory that moved me and made me care about Ojojamas story a lot.

I dont want to interfere with that event. Since I do want to see that happen as a fan of Ojojama.

Why dont you come into my house now? If I leave the front door open any longer, the bugs will get in.

Aah pardon my intrusion.

Tch, the bugs got in already.

Oi, Im not a bug

For now, lets leave aside the story of Tojoin-sans parents.

What I have to do now is focus on Yuuichi and Fujises date tomorrow.

TLN: Welp the usual Massive thanks to Spynine01 for editing this, I would have uploaded this yesterday but I fell asleep so my bad. If you like novels like these check out the others on the site, Its all pretty fluffy. If you see any mistranslations or typos feel free to leave it in the comments or join the Discord. Were also recruiting Editors and Translators feel free to join the discord. If youd like to support me heres my Ko-Fi button.

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