ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

Chapter 154: Half-Naked Man Drinks Thin Domestic Energy Drinks Part 1

Chapter 154: Half-Naked Man Drinks Thin Domestic Energy Drinks Part 1

「Haah…… I’m here…… Here I am……」

「Mu? Well, if it isn’t Sanraku! If my biological clock is not wrong, it should be night time, right? Are you perhaps nocturnal?」

「Hey there, Alva. I’m not nocturnal, but rather I’m active when my motivation is burning bright! And there’s no such thing as day and night when it comes to motivation!」

「I, I see……」

As for other people…… They must be hiding somewhere else or not be logged in, for I couldn’t see them anywhere. Emul was also sound asleep. As for this base, it was mainly Emul, Alva and I. Others were somewhere else simply because of logistics: there were not enough beds for us all in one house. But because of that I didn’t know if they were logged in or not.

「…… Well, no need to wake Emul up, I guess. Come on, Alva, we are going to do some late night exploring, just the two of us.」

「Ahh, so you must be one of those! Those creatures that need to be constantly on the move, even in their sleep? Will you die if you stop even for a moment?」

「If I were a tuna or a shark, I could as well turn myself into fish soup at that point. Come on now, don’t sweat the small detail and just play along for now.」

With just the two of us any major progress is pretty much impossible, so for now I might as well do a sightseeing tour and check a few things out. Also, for something like that I wasn’t going to risk the lives of the NPCs.

We get out through the roof and while staying on the high ground we start to explore the city. And although the city itself was illuminated just the same as it was the other time I was here, since it was upside down on the seabed, at least the looks and types of enemies should be different since the day shifted to the night.

「Hnnnnh…… I knew it, this scenery is just great!」

If during the daytime this place could be summarized as “blasphemous city crawling with fishmen zombies”, than right about now I would describe it as “paradise for fish”. Fish, fish, and fish, all gracefully swimming through the air. Literal swarms of them just swimming around, a sight that you couldn’t simply witness in real life. And they were all normal and not rotten fish, which was probably from where all those fishmen were coming from during the day.

Even though I’m no fisherman myself, because of my dad’s hobby I can distinguish quite a few of them from their shape and colors alone. Their designs may have been altered in some ways, but in a nutshell they were all made to resemble the fish that you could find in real life. And some of them were so big that they wouldn’t be able to fit into cooling boxes, and some of them were so small that you’d have trouble with witnessing them with naked eye.

「Still, if they weren’t around here, the daytime battles would be so much easier……」

Here’s the problem. Why is it that fish creates schools like that? It’s simple, really: the more numbers you have, the easier it is for you to win.

「I see how it is: zombie panic during the day and monster panic during the night.」

Then a huge shadow attacks the school of fish that was passing us by nearby. Its jaws were huge, it was as long as a train, and against it only a handful of fish managed to get away and avoid being swallowed up. It was the same type of dragon-like enemy that I defeated earlier, now swimming through the area with grace and aura of dominance.

If it was only one or two of those, it would be nothing more but a matter of “Oh, sweet! Rare monsters, more EXP for me!” kind of things. But it wasn’t like that. There were many, MANY more of them, hence the monster panic.

But to that, the sky was the answer. Because in here, not only alignments, but also physical conditions are being reversed. That is why the sea creatures can move on the ground and the things that come from the ground can suddenly reach the sky. That is why when one of the monsters spread its finsh and came rushing towards us, I was able to jump high in the air and avoid the attack by twisting my body, just like I did in that fight against Katsu earlier on.

That being said, the assailant was glowing so brightly right now that it shouldn’t even be possible. It was a thing that should not be able to use such abilities underwater, but because of the city’s peculiar ability it was able to produce clusters of blue flames around its body, distinguishable even in the bright blue glow of the city itself. It was also moving fast and was very nimble, which would make it even more dangerous than the dragon-thing from before. A new apex predator of this place, perhaps?

「Oi, oi…… I thought that it should be safer around here during night time? Or maybe its just an irregularity that a monster like that suddenly appeared?」

The new monster had its fins as thin and sharp like finest blades, Using them, it managed to get close to the dragon-thing that was nearby and struck right into it. Dragon-thing, Arctus Regalex, should have been huge and armored enough to withstand something like that, but instead it rose its huge body and let out a scream full of pain.

Given what I just witnessed, it is safe to assume that this new monster is not only nimble, but also way more powerful than Regalex is. Even witnessing that from a distance, I could feel the power of that blow, and it wasn’t pretty. While squirming in pain, the Arctus Regalex’s body thrashes about, causing destruction like a small truck it was.

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