ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

Chapter 146: Roaring Beacon of Destruction Part 1

Chapter 146: Roaring Beacon of Destruction Part 1

I didn’t think that I’d manage to beat it on my own. Well, I wasn’t going to chicken out of it either, but I honestly thought that for a tough monster this thing would know when to call it quits and back away eventually.

But this guy…… I don’t know how it behaved under normal circumstances, but thanks to Kutanid’s power, right now it was going through the air in the same manner as a normal animal would move around on the ground.

In other words, even though it was underwater here, it basically didn’t think anything of it.

Not to mention that the way it was moving was downright creepy.

Also, moving around the body that was this big underwater was creating a considerable amount of resistance, so even if it was normally quite fast, right now it was taking it a while to accelerate properly. So we were kind of on equal grounds here. It was then that a certain thought occurred to me.

Huh, but isn’t that too easy? And then.

In that regard, this thing couldn’t even hold a candle to monsters such as Wezaemon, Luukan or even the Golden Scorpion. It wasn’t able to spam attack after attack like Wezaemon could, covering almost the entire arena with them. It wasn’t able to project an invisible alter ego that would suddenly come down on you and kill you instantly. And it surely didn’t possess the tenacity and regeneration of Golden the Scorpion, not to mention a thick armor that you’d have to work really hard to put a dent in.

When it comes to dealing with huge monsters that are not all that mobile to begin with, the best course of action carried from generation to generation was simply “wait for approach”. Because once it was close, it couldn’t breathe fire on you and the only real threats were the body slams that were also really slow. Not to mention that its skin looked to be hard, but in reality it was surprisingly supple…… It was too easy. Or maybe it was me who was working too hard. But still, I did my best.

「Once you closed that gap this is too easy, even by my standards……」

Normally there would be water resistance to my attacks, but since for me it felt only like a gas it was no problem. Also, since gravity was working correctly for me, I could run, turn, dodge and jump like I would normally be able to. On the other hand, this dragon-thing had a difficult time to move properly, and because every move cost it tremendous amounts of energy I was able to basically cut it into small pieces without really having to worry about the state of my weapons or even breaking any skills. Normal attacks were more than enough here. If it was a battle under any normal circumstances, it would surely be hard as hell. But right now? Not so much.

「But since the difficulty bar was set so low, I can’t really talk about any sense of accomplishment whatsoever……」

No, I keep saying that, but the battle lasted fairly long and each and every single one of those body slams could have very well been my doom if I didn’t evade them properly in time. So at least some degree of challenge was present here, but since I was so used to hunting large monsters in other games, I couldn’t see that challenge all that well.

「But still…… To be able to take it down solo…… Am I too strong or what……? Nah, that can’t be it…… Or maybe that thing was simply too weak……?」

No, that one was unlikely as well. That is because this dragon-thing was responding to my attacks in frantic actions of its own, really powerful ones but delayed. Also, none of my weapons were really able to stagger it, which was hardly any surprise looking at its sheer size. So maybe it was already weakened before it was summoned here? Or maybe…… Don’t tell me some of those fishmen are actually walking sacks of poison?

「Oh sh*t…… If there really are poison carriers among them, I’ll need to be even more careful from now on……」

If it really was poison, then how big of a danger must the fishmen that managed to inflict that status on this thing be!? Also, it would be good to establish if there are any other species of half-fish around here, like pufferfish or scorpionfish…… Thank you so much, Dragon-thing! Thanks to your noble sacrifice, I’ve become that much smarter!

Now, as for the items that dropped from the corpse…… I don’t know if it’s because of its size or what, but there was even more stuff than in case of Golden Crystal Scorpion. It was a literal mountain-load!

「Uhe… Uhehehehehehehehehehe……!!」

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