ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

Chapter 145: Because We’re all Underwater Part 1

Chapter 145: Because We’re all Underwater Part 1

Dealing with the monster parade that followed me wasn’t actually all that hard. And anyways, since they are all concentrated on me only, getting away from them was rather easy once you managed to cause them to lose sight of you.

Now, since running around and making lots of noise allowed me to locate a player or an NPC, there was nothing more left for me to do but to put up a decoy and rush towards the source of the voice I heard just now.

However, the voice that I just heard belonged to Emul and it was a mixture of terror and relief in 7:3 proportion. When I heard that sound, every schedule and every strategy I conjured up in my mind went to hell.

There was once a matter I asked Emul about.

「What is this magic called “Random Encounter” in here?」

I still clearly remember Emul’s answer. It was a really powerful magic, a sort of a trump card that only monsters such as Vorpal Bunnies or Cait Sith could use.

A trump card that could go into effect only if its user found himself into a grave danger from which there was no way of getting out of.

Random Encounter

Summons monsters around the caster that are of a higher level than caster himself. The monsters to be summoned are chosen upon skill’s activation and their level is determined by the skill’s level.

I also remember the information I heard from Alva. About this whole “inversion” that turned the whole island underwater and caused the mermaids to swim in the air. The power that is unique to Kutanid.

It was crazy and hard to believe, but seeing how this here place was “underwater with no water” and “mermaids were swimming in the air” we had to take it for granted at face value. In other words we had to accept the fact that we were currently deep underwater.

Not to mention that this place was now at the very bottom of the sea. We didn’t really test out the “Random Encounter” range and effectiveness, so in our current predicament we couldn’t even be sure if any monsters at all would arrive.

Well, what I wanted to say is…… We cannot be sure that Emul’s magic will be of any use here at the bottom of the sea.


It was still rather unlikely, but it would be awfully nice if we could summon something in here that was huge in size and about level one hundred or so…… That’s right! A celestial dragon, for example!

「Why you, stop running around and summon something in here already!」

「I’m trying! I’M TRYING! But!!! BUT!!!」

But instead of a Celestial Dragon, what we’ve got here was…… what the hell was even that thing? A dragon? An eight-car train with a dragon’s face attached to it? There was no way a thing like that could be defeated solo, as it was probably one of the rarer monsters from around these parts that was summoned just now. Normally the little bunny would probably be able to control that thing easily, but right here right now it would be literally impossible.

「Here, hand it over! Now grab onto me!」

「Yes, sir!」

The speed at which this thing was going was way higher than that of a human. For that reason I needed Emul as close to me as possible, so I urged him to come over and take his rightful place on my back.

「Now I’m glad I brought over this horde of monsters, now sic ‘im, boys……!」

With Emul safely on my back, I activate all of the necessary skills. Normally I would be able to move around freely just fine, but with extra luggage I needed to boost my STR to be sure I would be able to get away.

「Barely made it…… Now, time to actually accumulate some acceleration……」

When the dragon-thing starts chasing after us, traces of white smoke starts to come off from my feet, meaning that I managed to satisfy the conditions of a certain other skill.

The name of this skill is Burnout. It is a skill that lets you run at ever increasing speed if you charge it for enough time. Just like you would do with a normal car.

You can only have this skill at level one, but the amount of acceleration you get from it is pretty sweet. Charging for about five seconds would give you about fifteen seconds of acceleration. Just as the dragon-thing’s jaw was about to snap me in half, the acceleration kicked in and I started running like a bullet.

「Hold on tight, Emul!」


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