
Chapter 432: A New Subordinate

Chapter 432: A New Subordinate

Bloed looked at Nathan crying and fell silent. For an instant, he could not help but feel bad for him.

However, he soon shook off that thought of his mind.

In the end, Nathan and he were enemies. He was the winner, and Nathan the loser.

If the situation would have been reversed, then he knew that Nathan would not feel bad for him.

Just then, the club members that were observing the battle rushed towards them.

"Big Brother Bloed, it was amazing!"

"Yes, my hero! You were so cool!"

Bloed patted the heads of Prince Calisto and Gina and looked at the rest of the group.

"Thank you. Nathan was a difficult enemy, though."

"Well done, Master," Regina said with a smile. She then looked at the young man lying on the ground with a curious expression.

"What should I do with him?"

"Take him to a recovery chamber. He was badly injured."

Regina nodded and waved her hand, using her energy to lift Nathan and take him away.

"Big brother, what are you going to do with him?" Eres asked.

Bloed thought for a moment and shrugged. "Let's wait until he wakes up. Perhaps he won't want to accept his loss, thus I have to wait and see how he reacts."

"Hmph! I don't like him! That guy is not trustworthy." Liu Ying snorted. She still remembered that he had gone back in his words and used peak A-Rank mana to fight Bloed.

Fortunately, he had already been injured by Oculus's plasma ray by then, so Bloed managed to defeat him despite it. But even so, Liu Ying did not like him.

Bloed smiled wryly and patted Liu Ying's head to calm her down. Anyway, he needed to wait until he woke up to know what he is going to do with him.

If Nathan accepted his loss and kept his words, then Bloed would happily accept him as his subordinate. A subordinate like him could be very useful.

But if he didn't accept his loss, then Bloed simply would continue his plan to destroy Wings of Liberty completely.

In fact, judging from Nathan's personality, he thought that the second option was the most likely.

But to his surprise, Nathan calmly accepted his loss when Bloed saw him again.

"A word is a word," Nathan said with a sigh. "Don't worry, I know how to accept it when I lose and when I win."

Bloed was slightly surprised.

" You are taking it more easily than I thought."

Nathan smiled bitterly. "What can I do? Wings of Liberty is already doomed, and you have a demigod protecting you, I can't even think of revenge. My last opportunity to turn the tables around was defeating you here, but I was completely defeated. Tell me, what else can I do?"

"You are right." Bloed nodded. "Then, are you going to be my follower from today onwards?"

"I guess so." Nathan's expression was complicated. Several emotions flashed through his eyes before he sighed. "Give me a week. I will disband Wings of Liberty first and then come to follow you."

"Are you going to disband it? Why?"

Nathan was surprised.

"What do you mean? I promised to be your subordinate and I plan to keep my word."

"Yes, but you don't need to disband your club to keep your word."

Nathan was stunned.

"Do you mean that Wings of Liberty can keep existing?"

"Yes. I don't see any need to disband it."

"But, if I want to be your follower"

"Nobody else will know that you are my follower, right?" Bloed smiled playfully. "Let's do it this way. I will stop the rumors about Wings of Liberty. As for you, you will be my follower but continue being the leader of Wings of Liberty. Your current life will not change, but if I need help, you won't hesitate to move then."

Nathan was startled. But then, he smiled wryly.

"You sure are greedy. You want to have an entire organization as subordinate instead of just a single individual."

Bloed shrugged.

"Then, what do you say about my proposal?"

Nathan smiled bitterly and put on a helpless expression.

" I agree. Pleased to work with you, boss."

"Please to work with you, Nathan."

Once Nathan was gone, Regina appeared behind Bloed with a frown on her face.

"Master, are you sure that you can trust him?"

"Of course not." Bloed smiled. "But that guy is very prideful. He won't go against his word easily, at least for a while. Moreover, having more allies is always better than having more enemies, and with Wings of Liberty's influence, I'm sure that there are many things that I will find easier to do."

Regina furrowed her brows slightly.

"What if he betrays you, master?"

"Then we just need to make him pay. Just as simple as that."

"... You are right." Regina nodded. "If he dares, I will make him learn what is true pain."

Bloed smiled wryly in his mind.

Yeah, knowing Regina's overprotectiveness, he could imagine Nathan's fate if he dared to betray him.

Bloed shook his head and stopped thinking about that.

Now that he took care of Nathan and Wings of Liberty's situation, he needed to worry about his next problem.

Tomorrow was the battle of clubs against [Flying Leaves].

And it would be Machine Revolutio's hardest battle since the War of Clubs started.

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