
Chapter 419: New Members? (1)

Chapter 419: New Members? (1)

"Cheers! For our victory!"


Bloed and the others raised their cups of wine and juice and cheered excitedly.

Even the new members joined to the cheers. They were just as excited as Bloed and the others.

After the overwhelming victory against [Call of the Wild], the club was filled with an atmosphere of excitement. Right now, every member of the club had a wide smile.

Even Toby was smiling softly. Seeing the club that his senior created resurging, he felt something hot in his chest.

Just a few days ago, the club was about to be dissolved, and all the members of the club had left.

But now, the same club had become one of the top fifty clubs of the city.

Yes, after the victory against Call of the Wild, Machine Revolutio's ranking had gone up from fifty-four place to forty-seven place.

It was a full six places.

It was still away from the top thirty that Headmistress Wave asked for, but taking into account that Machine Revolutio only had two A-Rank members, the club's current ranking was already shocking.

'However, it means that more people will target us.' Bloed smiled bitterly to himself.

Bloed did not think that other clubs would be intimidated after they defeated two clubs. It was obvious that the two victories were not due to Machine Revolutio's combat strength, but due to strategy.

Anyone could see that Machine Revolutio's victory this time was because Tower Defense was a type of challenge advantageous for Machine Revolutio. However, there were many other types of challenges besides Tower Defense.

What if the challenge is a ten against ten battle instead? Or a battle royale?

Although Bloed did not want to admit it, that kind of challenge would put his club in a tough spot.

Due to that, he was sure that many clubs would not mind betting on their luck to challenge Machine Revolutio. Mainly because the reward was very high.

Right now, Machine Revolutio's ranking was much higher than its true strength, so it was normal that it attracted greedy gazes.

However, Bloed decided not to think about that now.

Instead, he focused on the small party.

"Senior Eres, you are so strong! Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Right! I thought that the club leader was very amazing, but you are even more amazing! So strong!"

Alice and Emily, two of the new club members, were looking at Eres with glittering eyes.

They were not the only ones. After they learned that Eres defeated five A-Ranks by herself easily, the rest of the club could not help but look at Eres in shock and admiration.

" I was lucky." Eres replied modestly, but Bloed shook his head and looked at her with a gentle expression.

"No, it was not luck. You are amazing. I was completely shocked when I saw you defeat five enemies by yourself. As expected of my sister."

This time, Eres could not help but become embarrassed and her cheeks became slightly red.

She could accept the compliments of others calmly, but it was different when it came from her brother.

Just then, Bloed felt someone pinching his waist.

Looking beside him, he saw Liu Ying pouting sulkily. At the same time, Aya, who was seated on his lap, was looking at him expectantly.

Bloed smiled wryly and patted their heads.

"Yes, yes, the two of you were impressive as well."

"Hmph! Don't treat me like a child."

" Mm."

Right at that moment, he heard Regina speaking.

"Unfortunately, I could not participate in the challenge. Otherwise, I would have defeated all of them by myself."

Bloed looked at Regina and was speechless.

This girl, why was she like this now?

She was a powerhouse comparable to demigods! Why was she trying to compete with Eres?

Could it be that she was jealous of his sister?

Bloed did not know whether to laugh or to cry when he thought of that.

Shaking his head, he looked at Sara and Princess Elwha.

"Sara, Princess, the two of you did a good job as well. Thank you."

"I'm glad that I was of help, my lord."

"Mm. Thank you."

At that moment, Bloed noticed a pair of silver eyes staring at him.

The owner of the pair of eyes, a cute honey-haired girl, was looking at him as though she was expecting a compliment.

Bloed did not know whether to laugh or to cry, but in the end, he patted her head and complimented her as well.

"You were great as well. Well done."

Anyway, it was thanks to Gina that they managed to learn about the unusual changes in Call of the Wild.

Although Bloed was confident that they would have won even if they did not know about that information beforehand, it was true that knowing it made everything easier.

Just like that, the celebratory party continued for a while. But one hour later, Bloed was forced to leave it.

Because the AI of the tower informed him that they had visitors.

Moreover, it was not only one person, but almost fifty.

Bloed furrowed his brows in confusion. But when he heard the reason why they were here, he could not help but put on a surprised expression.

" I must admit it, I did not think that so many people wanted to join our club."


In someplace in Academy City, a shadowy figure was looking at a middle-aged man with a wary expression.

" Why are you telling me this?" The shadow asked. "What reason do you have to help me?"

"Reason? Mm You can think of this as a little revenge against that young man. Plus, giving you this information will be beneficial for us as well. The more chaotic the situation is that day, the greater our chances of success."

The shadow fell silent and looked at the middle-aged man with a wary expression.

" I don't like your kind, [Returning Dusk]."

"I know. However, you will cooperate with us despite that."

"Why do you think so?"

The middle-aged man looked at the shadow and chuckled.

"Because that what I want is what your master wants as well."


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