
Chapter 415: Tower Defense (4)

Chapter 415: Tower Defense (4)

Outside the Machine Revolutio Tower.

Isabella Castor, the second strongest student in Academy City and at the same time the leader of [Genius Society] was observing the battle inside the tower with a calm look.

The War of Clubs was a tradition of many years, so Academy City had already perfected it completely, even finding means to transmit the battles in real-time.

This time, a small flying golem controlled by the demigod in charge of the battle had entered the tower together with the men of [Call of the Wild]. This small golem was integrated with a magic formation that transmitted what it saw to a screen outside the tower. This way, the students outside could see what was happening inside.

This system was not completely perfect. This time, for example, the fog made it hard for the situation inside to be seen clearly.

Even so, Isabella's sharp senses and her ability to perceive mana allowed her to grasp what was happening inside.

Thanks to that, she knew the current situation of the challenge.

" How unexpected."

"Leader? What happened?" A male student standing behind Isabella asked confusedly.

If Bloed would have been here, he would have recognized him as one of the club members that was with Isabella in the underground tunnels.

"It's nothing. I'm just surprised by the development of the challenge." Isabella replied.

The young man was startled.

"Could it be that Mr. Bloed is losing? That is impossible, right?"

"Of course not." Isabella smiled wryly. "You should have seen the power he showed inside the tunnels. Although it looks like such power carries heavy restrains, there is no way that Bloed can lose if he uses it. No, I'm surprised because it looks like he is winning, and very easily."

The young man was startled, however, Isabella did not reply to him and just continued observing the screen.

She did not lie when she said that she was surprised. In fact, she could almost not believe what was happening.

No matter how she watched the situation, it was obvious that Bloed's club was at a great disadvantage. If not that she had seen Bloed release his true power in the underground tunnels, she would have not doubted that Bloed would lose.

But the truth was the complete opposite. Bloed's club was winning with an overwhelming advantage.

Even now, none of his club members had been disqualified. However, most of the enemy was already disqualified.

Only a few of the strongest ones remained, but after seeing the development of the battle until now, Isabella had the feeling that they would be defeated as well.

"It just that" Isabella put on a pensive expression and wrinkled her brows.

Because of her growing interest in Bloed after the events of the underground tunnels, Isabella had investigated the club that challenged them, [Call of the Wild], before the battle.

However, the information that she found was completely different from what she saw during the actual battle.

'The number of A-Ranks doubled Moreover, some of the new A-Ranks are not weak What in the hell happened?'

Isabella's expression turned serious. If her speculation was right, then someone was using [Call of the Wild] to attack [Machine Revolutio].

However, who was it?

Not many people in the city had the power to make eight A-Rank students, including a peak A-Rank student, join an almost unknown club.

And among these people

Isabella moved her gaze and looked at Mu Quan, George, and Nathan Sigel.

They were the leaders of the Guardian Order, the Martial Arts Club, and Wings of Liberty respectively.

Just like her, they came to observe today's challenge. Of the leaders of the strongest clubs, only the three of them plus she came.

But, who of them wanted to attack Machine Revolutio?

And What was the reason?


While Isabella was lost in her thoughts, the situation on the second floor continued developing.

Oscar had a dark expression, He looked at the fog around them and frowned.

' Dammit. How troublesome.'

He did not know exactly how Sara's ability worked, but he knew that it was a kind of stealth.

Just Sara's ability by itself was dangerous. But in this foggy environment where their sight was greatly hindered, she was much more terrifying.

If she just focused on ambushing them and thinning their strength slowly, then she alone would take care of the rest of them eventually.

Of course, Oscar did not think that the situation would come to that. At the very least, he was confident that he could defend against Sara's sneak attacks.

But he was a peak A-Rank practitioner, and the others were not as strong as him.

Just when he was lost in his thoughts, he saw a part of the fog move from the corner of his eyes.

"Careful!" He shouted hurriedly, but Sara's next target, a B-Rank student, did not manage to react.

In a swift movement, Sara's appeared briefly, her dagger stabbing the heart of the surprised young man, before her figure disappeared again, fading into the fog.

One second later, the barrier protecting the B-Rank student broke, knocking him unconscious and eliminating him from this battle.

Since they arrived on the second floor, he was the sixth student that Sara eliminated.

Of the initial twenty students, only fourteen remained. Ten of them were A-Ranks, and the others were three B-Ranks and one C-Rank.

"We can't continue like this." One of the A-Ranks said. "At this rate, all of us will be eliminated."

Oscar nodded. He looked at the young man that spoke, a peak A-Ranks and one of the A-Ranks that joined his club to defeat Machine Revolutio.

"Do you have any idea?"

"I do. However, I'll need your protection while I prepare it."

The young man then approached Oscar and whispered his plan to him.

When Oscar finished listening to it, he thought for a moment and nodded.

"It can work. Do it then."

The young man did not hesitate. Immediately, he closed his eyes and started to cast a spell.

As soon as the young man started to cast the spell, the fluctuations of mana alerted Sara. She immediately knew that she should not allow him to finish.

Thus, without hesitation, she charged out of the fog and attacked him!

However, now that Oscar knew who was going to be Sara's target, it was much easier to defend against her.

Even if he could not find her until the last moment, that brief instant was enough for a peak A-Rank as him to stop her attacks.

And immediately afterward, the other members of the group attacked following Oscar's lead.

Sara frowned. Although she was not injured in the last exchange, the result was not good.

She could feel that the spell of the young man was almost ready. In another two seconds, he would finish it. She needed to interrupt it before that.

Snorting, she kicked the ground and increased her speed even more.

In an instant, she disappeared from Oscar's senses. Then, while Oscar was trying to find her, he suddenly felt her presence appearing again.

But to his surprise, she was behind him!

She had circled behind the group and attacked from behind, penetrating their protective circle and aiming her dagger to the spellcaster's nape!

Oscar's expression changed. He knew that he could not stop that attack.

"Not yet!" He shouted. His mana surged out violently, creating a shockwave that rushed towards Sara.

Thanks to that, he slowed her movements and slight bit. And using that opportunity, one of his club members attacked her!

However, Sara was agiler than they expected. Calmly, she twisted her body, evading the attack easily and continuing her attack.

But when her dagger was about to pierce the young man's neck, the young man spoke up.

"[Great Protection]!"

The spell was completed.

Immediately, a protective layer of mana appeared on each member of the group.



Sara's dagger clashed against the barrier and was stopped.

The eyes of the black-haired girl opened wide.

At the same time, Oscar's lips curved up.

"You are mine."

And with a ruthless movement, his sword descended towards Sara.

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