
Chapter 395: Crawling Beast (2)

Chapter 395: Crawling Beast (2)

Sorry for the lack of release, guys. I was feeling a bit unwell recently, so I stopped writing. Fortunately, I'm already feeling better.

I bring seven chapters today because it had been a while since the last post.



Bloed advanced deeper in the tunnels carrying Aya on his back.

He made sure to be as silent as possible and deactivated every magic circle that he saw in the way. Despite that, though, his expression was grave.

Just then, Aya's ears twitched softly.

" Bloed. It's still following us."

"Is it so?" Bloed sighed with a bitter smile.

Just a few minutes ago, they were attacked by a creature with abilities related to the 'Devourers'.

The creature was very dangerous, but Bloed and Aya were strong enough to barely defeat it. Unfortunately, the creature escaped when it realized that it did not have any chance to win.

However, Bloed and Aya soon realized that the creature had not given up yet.

It had been following them since a while ago. They could not see it, but Aya's sharp earing occasionally caught the sounds it caused when it followed them.

"What are we going to do, Bloed?" Aya asked with a nervous expression.

"We need to get rid of it," Bloed stated. "Otherwise, we will be in trouble soon."

Aya nodded.

The cat girl knew the danger of these creatures. They were strong, fast, and could absorb mana.

If it attacked them and caught them unprepared, they would be in grave danger.

But that was not the worst that could happen.

If another creature arrived and attacked them together with the first creature, they would turn disastrous.

And right now, Bloed was sure that this creature was not the only one in the tunnels.

The reason?


The occasional sound that Aya could hear.

It was a strange low-frequency sound that came from the creature's throat.

The sound was almost inaudible for normal people, but Aya had exceptional hearing. Thus, she could barely hear it.

And if Bloed was not mistaken, that sound was some kind of call.

Most likely, this creature was using it to call its companions.

Aya had not heard any creature answering yet. But if they continued like this, there was a high chance that another creature would arrive before long.

And by then, Bloed and Aya's situation would turn much more dangerous.

"We can't continue like this." Bloed put on a serious expression. "We need to get rid of it quickly."

"Do you have a plan?" Aya asked.

Bloed nodded. "I do. But I don't know if it will work. Let me tell you about it." He said and murmured the plan in Aya's ears.

After hearing the details of the plan, Aya was surprised. But she nodded in the end.

"I understand."

"Let's do it then."

With a smile, Bloed put Aya down. The pair then sat on the ground and put their backs against the wall.

" Will it work?" Aya was a bit doubtful, but Bloed smiled wryly and shrugged. "I don't know, but we can only try. I have some other ideas, but this is the best one."

"Mm I'll follow your plan then."

Then, with an embarrassed expression, Aya's put her head on Bloed's shoulder.

" This is embarrassing." She murmured with a red face.

"Just sleep. Anyway, even if the plan doesn't work, you need a bit of rest."

Aya nodded and closed her eyes.

Maybe it was because she was very tired; but less than two minutes later, Aya's breathing turned even signaling that she was asleep.

Bloed smiled softly and closed his eyes as well. Not even ten seconds later, he seemed like he had fallen asleep as well.

His hand, however, was holding his saber firmly.

Nothing happened during the next five minutes, and it seemed like the monster did not fall by the trap.

But once the first five minutes passed, the monster started to approach carefully.

Its movements were very stealthy and wary, as though it was not sure about the situation, and its senses were completely focused on the two two-legged creatures that it was hunting.

Through its senses, it could feel their breathing, their heart rate, and even the state of their muscles.

It seemed like both of them were asleep.

However, it was still not sure if the two creatures were truly resting or if it was a trap.

For several minutes, the creature observed the two preys. It waited patiently until it was sure that its two preys were really asleep.

And when it was completely sure, it moved.

It approached them softly, crawling on the roof so silently that it did not cause the slightest noise.

Fifteen meters, ten meters, five meters.

When it was five meters away and it realized that the two two-legged creatures did not react, its killing intent burst out.

Kicking the roof, it opened its jaws and charged towards them!

But just in that instant, Bloed's blue eyes opened abruptly.

He had not been asleep! Instead, he had manipulated his body perfectly to create that illusion!

Curling his lips up, Bloed looked at the creature with a mocking look.

"You are mine."

He did not give the creature time to react. With a smooth movement, he raised his hand, and his saber cut upwards.

At this distance, and with the creature charging towards him, it could not avoid the saber!



Blood flowed out of the creature's chest.


The creature let out a roar of pain. Bloed's sudden saber slash gave it a lethal injury.

But to Bloed's surprise, the creature was not killed by it.

In the last second, it managed to twist its body out of the way, thus, Bloed's saber missed its neck and instead cut its chest.

Then, the creature did not hesitate to jump backward at a quick speed.

It was about to escape again!

However, a sharp sound sounded at that moment.

Aya, who woke up just after Bloed, shot two daggers from behind Bloed that pierced the creature's legs!


The creature screamed in pain. Aya's daggers had hit its legs and made it lose a great part of its mobility.

And without missing that opportunity, Bloed moved again.

Holding his saber tightly, he kicked the ground, passing the creature and slashing with his saber.

One second later


The creature's upper body slid down, falling to the ground.

Bloed had cut it into two.

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