
Chapter 384: Thunderous Sound (1)

Chapter 384: Thunderous Sound (1)

Nothing much happened in the following days.

Bloed and the others tried to investigate who was the person that sent the demigod, but without enough clues, there was not much that they could do.

Bloed thought about asking the headmistress about it, but in the end, he decided not to. His relationship with the headmistress was not so close that he could go to her every time that he had trouble.

Plus, the headmistress already had enough troubles herself.

After the demigod left, Bloed was reminded of the gaze he felt when returning from the meeting with the headmistress and the heads of other clubs.

Thinking about it, that time Bloed felt ill will in that gaze, and it was possible that both cases were related.

Perhaps was targeting them with bad intentions? Bloed even had the feeling that it was not related to the War of Clubs.

Thinking about that, Bloed became wary. Fortunately, the security network was already up, so Bloed could use it to detect if someone was observing their club.

Unfortunately, he failed to find anyone. Perhaps they were scared by Regina and Eve's show of strength.

Besides the situation with the demigod, Bloed also paid attention to the mission that the headmistress gave to them. Unfortunately, they failed to find clues about it either.

Following Bloed's suggestion, Regina moved to the security room and spent the entire day observing everything that happened in the area covered by the security network, trying to find anyone suspicious.

The problem was that there were too many suspicious people in the city.

Bloed was sure that most of them were just normal people with slightly suspicious looks. Bloed could not stop every suspicious-looking person even if he wanted.

He would be exhausted before the first hour.

By the way, the fact that Regina was staying in the security room the entire time meant that she could not stay beside Bloed. Due to that, the nightly activities between the two came to a stop.

Bloed could not deny that he was slightly disappointed, but he noticed that Princess Elwha's behavior towards him improved slightly after that.

Noticing that, Bloed was even more certain about his theory of before.

Most likely, the connection between him and the princess allowed the princess to 'feel' his nightly activities.

Unfortunately, Bloed could not confirm his theory.

It was not as though he could ask the princess. 'Hey, Miss Elwha, could it be that you feel it when Regina and I have sex?'

Bloed was sure that if he dared to ask that, the princess would kill him immediately.

Anyway, taking advantage of the relative peacefulness of the last three days, Bloed decided to take care of some things.

First, about the new club members.

Just as planned, Bloed created the combat section of Machine Revolutio and put Liu Ying in charge of it.

The goal of the combat section was to use technology to improve the combat power of the club members. Right now, though, they could only use the battle simulator on the training floor.

Even so, the new members were astonished when they saw it. Right now, they seemed obsessed with that facility.

In the future, Bloed planned to give them the Body-Enhancement Surgery and even create weapons and armors for them (of course, they would not be as good as the weapons he made personally for his friends).

To accomplish that, Bloed planned to introduce a contribution system, through which the students could earn contribution points to exchange them for club benefits.

Bloed also started the knowledge section together with the combat section.

Right now, only Bloed, Toby, and Gina were part of this section, however, Bloed was thinking about adding one of the newcomers to this group as well.

The one he planned to add was Emily, a fourteen-year-old D-Rank mage. Bloed had noticed that of the five newcomers, she was not very good in combat and she was not very interested in it either.

She seemed more like the scholarly type.

Even so, Bloed planned to observe her for a while more before deciding what to do.

By the way, something that surprised Bloed was Gina's talent for engineering.

Bloed had started to teach her because she asked him, but honestly, he did not have much hope for her.

However, the girl surpassed his expectative vastly.

To Bloed's surprise, Gina was not only smart, but she seemed genuinely interested in learning about engineering and was not just using it as an excuse to spend more time with Bloed.

Moreover, Bloed noticed that Gina learned very fast. It was just a bit slower than him, who had the cheat known as [Enhanced Brain Capacity].

In just three days, she learned a great part of the basics. In fact, she asked Bloed about where she could read more about engineering, so Bloed designed a smartphone-like device for her, where he downloaded several books related to engineering from his database.

Gina seemed very pleased with the gift, and since then, every time that Bloed saw her besides during the lessons or when she was training her psychic power, she was reading on it.

Seeing that, Bloed became more and more pleased with her. In fact, the girls had noticed that the way he looked at Gina had turned gentler.

Plus, occasionally the girls could see Bloed and Gina discussing happily topics that sounded like an alien language to them, making them very jealous.

After that, Liu Ying, Aya, and Eres asked Bloed to teach them as well, but Liu Ying and Aya gave up after the first day.

Eres was much better, and in fact, she was pretty talented. Unfortunately, she did not seem very interested in it and quickly gave up as well.

Just like that, three days passed.

But when Bloed was starting to get used to this peacefulness, an event that shook the entire Academy City happened.


On the third day since the demigod appeared, a thunderous sound was heard throughout the entire city.

"What happened!?" Bloed asked hurriedly, stopping his training without hesitation.

[I don't know, Master. It was outside of the security network.] Regina's voice sounded in his mind.

Bloed frowned. But suddenly, his expression changed.

Exiting the tower, he saw several figures flying in the air in the direction of the explosion.

Immediately, Bloed knew that something bad had happened.

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