
Chapter 369: I’m Leaving This Club (1)

Chapter 369: I’m Leaving This Club (1)

Eres only left after two hours.

She spent the entire time talking to Bloed. She asked him about all kinds of silly things, going from interesting things he met during the past five years, to his relationship with Regina, Liu Ying, Aya, and Gina.

Bloed noticed that Eres sounded a bit jealous when she mentioned the girls, but he decided not to think too much about it.

He just decided to attribute it to his sister being too attached to him after not seeing him for five years.

'That is the reason, right?'

With that slight doubt in his mind, Bloed accompanied Eres to the entrance of the tower and bid her farewell.

Before leaving, Eres told him to wait for the good news, and that she would join his club soon.

Bloed, of course, nodded happily. Someone as strong as his sister would be very useful for the club.

After Eres left, Bloed found that the entire group was waiting for him with concerned expressions (except for Sara, Toby, and Prince Calisto who were dead-drunk).

"Is everything alright, master?" Regina, as his first girlfriend, took the initiative to ask him.

Bloed smiled normally and nodded, but he did not tell them about his conversation with Eres.

Actually, he did not mind telling them about it, but he would have to explain his relationship with his blood family and the reason he was exiled, and to be honest, he was not in the mood for it right now.

In the end, he just looked at Regina and Liu Ying using his gaze to tell them that he would explain the situation later.

Understanding the situation, the girls did not insist despite their curiosity.

" Well, If everything is alright, I guess I'll go to sleep then. Good night, dear."

"Goodnight, Liu Ying."

"Bloed, goodnight."

"Sleep well, Aya."

"My hero, can you give me a good night kiss?"

"Nope, Gina. I'm not going to give you a goodnight kiss."

"But sister Liu Ying and sister Aya kissed you before Don't you think it's unfair?"

" Please, don't insist anymore, okay? Learn from Regina. She is not saying anything even when I did not kiss her either."

"I don't need it. Master will be only for me for the rest of the night. I can get as many kisses as I want then."

Regina's bold comment stunned the still innocent girls.

Liu Ying, Aya, and Gina blushed deeply, lowering her head as they imagined what was going to happen later.

As for Princess Elwha, her face turned red, and then frosty.

For some reason, she glared at Bloed angrily and turned around, leaving furiously.

Strangely, Bloed could feel a bit of shame and embarrassment through their mental connection.

" Could it be that she likes me as well?" Bloed was confused.

The girls were startled and looked at the back of Elwha suspiciously. But then, Gina shook her head.

" It doesn't look like that. It looks as though she hates you instead."

"Now that I think about it, why is Princess Elwha always angry with you, Bloed?" Liu Ying tilted her head curiously. "It was not like that when we first met."

Bloed smiled bitterly.

"How could I know that? I don't know what in the hell is happening."

"There is no need to worry about the elf, master. At the very least, she is not aiming for you. I think that is good."

" Yeah, Regina is right. We don't need another competitor."

Bloed did not know whether to laugh or to cry. Could it be that these girls think that every girl I meet is going to fall in love with me?

"Anyway, let's go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day."

Liu Ying, Aya, and Gina nodded and left to their respective rooms.

Regina, on the other hand, looked at Bloed and smiled seductively.

"Master, should we go as well?"

Bloed's lips curled up. He then grabbed Regina's hand and pulled her towards his room.

As soon as they entered the room, they slammed the door shut and rushed to undress each other.

Less than two minutes later, the blue-haired boy was lying on the bed as the silver-haired Valkyrie was getting ready to ride him.

But at that moment, a thought appeared in Bloed's mind.

'Wait, it can't be, right?'

For an instant, he thought about the reason for Princess Elwha's behavior; and then, he reached a terrifying conclusion.

"W-Wait, Regina, I think that there is somethUgh"

Unfortunately, the silver-haired Valkyrie sat down before he could finish his words.

Bloed groaned comfortably and closed his eyes. Feeling the enjoyable pleasure brought by the Valkyrie's body, all the thoughts about Elwha disappeared from his mind.

Anyway, it was not as though he could do something about it now.

' Are men really beasts that think with their lower half?' Bloed could not help but ask himself at that moment.

At the same time, he decided to find a way to block the connection between Princess Elwha and him.

That same night, Eres went directly with the Former leader of [Wings of Liberty].

"I'm leaving this club." She told him.

The former leader was startled. But quickly, his expression turned dark.

"Again with this, Princess? I thought we had talked about it already. Did you forget the queen's words?"

"I did not forget them. However, I don't care." Eres said indifferently. "I don't want to be here anymore, so I'm leaving. As for the position of club leader, you can do with it whatever you want."

Then, without waiting for the young man to reply, Eres turned around to leave.

But at that moment, Eres felt a powerful pressure appear behind her.

" Princess, do you think this is a game? Do you know what will happen to the club if you leave? In the worst of the cases, it will disband!"

Right now, the young man had a terrifying expression, and his mana was surging out of his body, creating a blue flame-like aura that spread to the surroundings.

Eres stopped walking and looked back at the young man with an ice-cold look. Then, she replied indifferently.

"Why should I care? What? Do you plan to stop me? Do you dare?"

The young man stared at her briefly before laughing sardonically.

"Princess, it looks like you are misunderstanding something. I'm not afraid of you. The reason I did not oppose your whims before was that I did not want to offend you, but not because I was afraid of you. However, if you insist on leaving the club, then I can only offend you this time."

After saying that, he unsheathed his sword and walked towards Eres.

"I heard that Princess Eres Skysword is a never-seen-before genius. For a long while, I have been curious about your strength. I, Nathan Sigel challenge you to a duel, Princess. If you lose, I hope that you will stop mentioning leaving the club. But if you win, I will not stop you anymore."

Eres looked at the young man for several seconds before chuckling with a look of amusement.

"It looks like you are another idiot that thinks that my reputation is undeserved, huh."

Then, she took out her sword from her storage ring and put on a sharp expression.

"Do you want a due? Very well. I'll give you a duel".

Taking one step forward, Eres released her mana as the world around her trembled in answer.

"Let me show you, the meaning of [World Burning Princess Witch]."

And with a wave of her sword, her flames consumed everything in her surroundings.


If you want to give me a Christmas gift...

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