
Chapter 361: Tower Conquest (2)

Chapter 361: Tower Conquest (2)

"It's time."

Bloed and the girls walked towards the entrance of the tower after hearing the demigod's words.

The ones participating in today's game were Bloed, Liu Ying, Aya, Princess Elwha, Gina, and Sara. Toby and Prince Calisto were not strong enough to participate in this kind of battle, and Regina's strength meant that she was not qualified to participate.

Actually, Gina's strength was lacking as well, but she could use her pseudo-prophetic abilities to keep an eye on the situation and warn the group in case something unexpected happened.

At the same time, the people of [Gathered Feathers] moved as well.

Four A-Ranks and eight B-Ranks departed towards the Machine Revolutio tower, leaving a late-stage A-Rank, four B-Ranks, and fourteen C-Ranks behind to defend the base.

It was obvious that the leader of [Gathered Feathers] did not underestimate Bloed's group. Even when his club had a complete advantage, he left behind a portion of the club's members in case of an emergency.

"They are coming. They should be here in ten minutes." Gina's abilities allowed her to see the movements of [Gathered Feathers]. "Some members of the blub stayed behind, but my sister should be able to take care of them.."

"Well done, Gina." Bloed nodded and then looked at Sara. "You know what to do."

"Understood, my lord. I'll not disappoint you."

Bowing slightly, Sara took a step backward and activated her special talent.

One second later, she had disappeared completely, becoming practically undetectable.

Sara then left the tower and ran towards the headquarters of [Gathered Feathers].

Despite her fast speed, Sara's movements were completely silent. Furthermore, she somehow managed to not disturb the wind around her with her movements.

Five minutes later, she saw the students of [Gathered Feathers] that were advancing towards the Machine Revolutio tower.

Instinctively, Sara gripped the handle of her dagger tightly. However, when she discovered she had not been discovered, she relaxed.

She then looked at the students in front of her and shook her head.

" You are lucky today."

Her lord had given her a mission, otherwise, she would have attacked them.

Muttering that under her breath, Sara kicked the ground again, jumping towards a roof and passing by the students of [Gathered Feathers] completely unperceived.

Only the leader of [Gathered Feathers] furrowed his brows, feeling something.

"Leader? Did something happen?" One of the A-Ranks beside him asked.

The leader hesitated for a moment before frowning.

" For some reason, I have a bad feeling."

"A bad feeling?"

"Mm." The leader nodded. He then looked at the students beside him and made a decision. "Speed up. We need to reach the enemy base as quickly as possible."


The students of [Gathered Feathers] did not complain and increased their speed. But even so, the leader was still frowning.

For some reason, the feeling that something was wrong was growing increasingly bigger.

And when he arrived at the headquarters of the enemy club, that feeling reached the peak.

As though telling him that their defeat was assured.

" Dammit, what is it?"

Looking at the huge building in front of him, the leader put on an expression of hesitation.

"Should we attack?" One of the students asked him.

The leader wrinkled his brows and looked at the Machine Revolutio tower.

Strangely, he could not see any of the members of the enemy club; as though they were not worried about [Gathered Feathers]'s attack.

' Something definitively is wrong.' He thought to himself, convinced that it was a trap.

Then, he looked at the students of his group and shook his head.

" Let's wait a moment first. Something is not right."

He wanted to discover the cause behind the bad feeling he had been feeling before attacking.

What he did not know was that his hesitation took away his last opportunity to win today's game.


"What is happening?" One of the students observing the game could not help but frown.

Right now, the students of [Gathered Feathers] had arrived in front of the headquarters of [Machine Revolutio]. But for some reason, nobody of [Machine Revolutio] came to face them.

In fact, they had not seen any of the members of the group since the start of the battle.

And strangely, [Gathered Feathers] did not attack the tower either, as though they were hesitating about something.

"What are they waiting for?" Another student asked.

However, several people were looking towards the battlefield with serious expressions.

They were Mu Quan, Isabella, Eres Skysword, and the top students and teachers observing the battle.

" Interesting." Isabella's lips curved up in a smile.

She looked at the students of [Gathered Feathers], who finally made up their minds to attack the tower, and sighed.

"Unfortunately, it's already too late."

Her gaze then moved in the direction of the headquarters of [Gathered Feathers].

Although she could not see what was happening inside, she could feel the fluctuations of mana coming from inside the club's headquarters.

Someone was fighting inside.

And [Gathered Feathers] seemed to be in the losing end.

The problem was that she did not manage to see who was the person fighting them, and how that person arrived at the headquarters of the enemy club.

"How interesting."

At that moment, she saw Bloed finally leaving the tower to defend against [Gathered Feathers]'s students.

Isabella heaved out a sigh.

"It looks like I won't be able to learn much about him in today's fight."

Bloed looked at the students of [Gathered Feathers] in front of him and frowned slightly.

"Gina, how much longer?" He asked through his earpiece.

[ Sister should finish in one minute. I'm sorry, the enemy that stayed behind was stronger than we expected.]

Bloed smiled softly and looked at Liu Ying, Aya, and Princess Elwha.

"It looks like we don't need to show this trump card today."



"I'm fine with that."

Liu Ying, Aya, and Elwha nodded in understanding.

Just at that moment, the leader of [Gathered Feathers] stepped forward.

"Your name is Bloed, right? I'm Kany. Leader of [Gathered Feathers]."

"Nice to meet you, I'm the leader of [Machine Revolutio]," Bloed replied.

Kany looked at Bloed fixedly before moving his gaze at the three girls behind him and frowning.

"Just three B-Rank? It looks like you are underestimating my club a lot."

Bloed chuckled and shook his head. "Quite the opposite, I overestimated it. It looks like I will not have to make a move today."

"Arrogant." Kany snorted. "I can't believe I was worried about facing your club. Students of [Gathered Feathers]! Attack!"

Bloed shook his head with a smile and did not move.

Because at that moment, he heard a voice coming from the earpiece he was using to communicate with Sara and Gina.

[My lord, I already destroyed it.]

[My hero, it's done.]

And in the next second, the demigod arbitrating the battle spoke up.

"The battle has ended! Today's winner is [Machine Revolutio]!"

Under the stunned gaze of the leader of [Gathered Feathers], Bloed walked towards him and patted his shoulder.

"See? I told you I won't have to make a move today."

The leader of [Gathered Feathers] could only look at Bloed with an expression of shock.

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