
Chapter 348: Sharing Knowledge

Chapter 348: Sharing Knowledge

Eighth chapter of last week...


One second later, Bloed and the headmistress reappeared on the top floor of the Great Library.

"Come, sit." Headmistress Wave smiled and pointed to a nearby table. "Do you want a drink? Tea perhaps?"

"No, it's alright," Bloed said with a strained smile and sat down at the table.

At the same time, he was looking at the headmistress with a strange look.

This woman, she did not even ask for his opinion to bring him here!

'Sigh Well, I was planning to agree in the first place.'

This was the main reason Bloed came to the Great Library after all.

To talk with Headmistress Wave.

He was almost certain that once Headmistress Wave learned he was in the library, she would go to meet him.

After all, from what he noticed when he talked to the headmistress before, she was someone with great hunger for knowledge. Just like himself.

For people like them, learning something unknown was exciting.

Such a person would be very curious about many things after seeing Bloed's tower.

Most likely, she had been suppressing her desire to find Bloed and interrogate him.

"You seem interested in magic, boy." Wave stared at Bloed with a curious light in her eyes before sitting across him. "Could it be that you want to learn magic?"

"You should know that I'm unable to use mana."

"I do." Wave nodded. "So I'm even more curious to know why you are so interested in magic when you can't use mana."

Bloed did not reply. He just remained silent and looked at the headmistress with a smile.

Seeing that Bloed did not plan to reply, Wave shrugged.

"Well, I'm sure I will learn about it someday. How about this, boy? I can teach you as much as you want about magic."

"Huh?" Bloed was stunned. "W-Wait a moment, do you mean"

"Yes, I'll teach you personally." Headmistress Wave grinned. "Let me tell you, boy, nobody in this world knows more about magic than me. Not even the gods. I'm the absolute authority when it came to magic theory. The number of spells I have created surpasses ten thousand! With my help, you will learn every secret about magic!"

A blank expression appeared on Bloed's face. For an instant, he was unable to react.

This offer It was amazing!

Learning magic from Wave Golden, the founder and Headmistress of Academy City, was an opportunity that even demigods would fight to get!

But Bloed quickly calmed down.

Because it was too good to be true.

"What do you want in exchange?" Bloed asked.

Headmistress Wave's lips curved up in an impish smile, and her caramel-colored pupils glowed brightly.

"I can teach you everything about magic. But you must teach me everything about technology."

Bloed fell silent.

As expected, it was that.

As the Headmistress of Academy City and perhaps the greatest erudite in the world, there was no way Wave could not see the worth of technology after seeing the Machine Revolutio tower.

In fact, she had realized that it had the potential to change the world!

Just the ability to construct such buildings in a short time was something any king and ruler would desire.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Bloed's face. He stared at Headmistress Wave fixedly before opening his mouth.

"How about this? We will exchange knowledge instead. Each week, You will teach me about magic and I'll teach you about science, technology, and engineering in exchange. A fair trade."

Headmistress Wave narrowed her eyes and curved her lips up in amusement. She looked at Bloed with a playful gaze before chuckling.

"You are very interesting, boy. Anyone else would have agreed to my proposal without hesitation."

Bloed said nothing and just stared at the headmistress, waiting for her answer.

Sighing, Wave shrugged and put on a mischievous smile.

"Fortunately for you, I like guys like you. Very well, I agree. What do you think if we start right away? There are some things I would like to ask you."

Bloed sighed in relief and nodded.

"Before that, can I ask you for a favor? No, make it two."

"Oh? So you are already asking for favors, huh. Boy, with that attitude you will never win the heart of girls."

"I already have two girlfriends, so I don't care."

"Right, I forgot how popular you are." Headmistress Wave laughed softly and held her cheek with a hand. "Okay, tell me, what do you want?"

"Firstly, I would like if you can give me a new ID for someone."

"Oh?" Wave's expression turned serious. "Tell me about the situation. If it's not for something evil, I don't mind helping you."

Bloed nodded and explained to her about Princess Elwha.

Bloed had already thought about it. Even if he helped Elwha to change her features, someone could identify her through her ID.

Unless Elwha planned to not leave the mansion ever, she would have to use her ID eventually. After all, IDs were used everywhere in Academy City.

However, using her ID meant risking being found by the people of the Church of Slaughter.

When Headmistress Wave finished listening, her expression turned severe.

"The Church of Slaughter, huh. These psychos... Very well, I'll help you. I can't tolerate these bastards living in my city anyway. What is your second request?"

Bloed fell silent and thought about the girl he met today.

Black skin, short ash-gray hair, and Peak A-Rank strength.

He then stated his request.

"I want permission to bring someone to the Great Library once."

Headmistress Wave narrowed her eyes with a smile.

In the end, Headmistress Wave agreed to both requests.

They were not too difficult for someone like her after all, but even so, she told Bloed that he needed to pay her with pieces of knowledge she found interesting.

Bloed agreed easily. Anyway, the amount of knowledge the Human Confederation possessed was so abundant that telling some things to Wave would not even pain Bloed.

Thus, after Bloed taught Wave about the concepts of gravity, planets, solar systems, and galaxies, the exchange was successful.

Moreover, Wave was now looking at Bloed as though she was looking at a treasure.

Her gaze was so intense that Bloed felt shivers in his spine. He had the feeling she was planning to chain him to a wall and extract everything in his brain.

Fortunately, nothing like that happened.

Once they came to an agreement, Wave started to teach Bloed about magic. She first asked Bloed about what he knew before nodding and supplementing his knowledge.

Quickly, Bloed became shocked.

Because he realized that Headmistress Wave's knowledge about magic was more astonishing than he expected!

Without the need of teaching Bloed new magic runes, she managed to double his knowledge about magic and magic circles.

Her knowledge of magic was so incredible that Bloed quickly was completely immersed in it

However, Bloed was not the only one surprised.

Headmistress Wave was also looking at Bloed like he was a monster. She could not believe there was someone so talented in the world!

She did not need to explain anything twice even once! With just an explanation, Bloed would memorize and understand everything!

Moreover, most of the time he could associate what she just taught him with many other things.

Sometimes, he even reached conclusions that even Wave had not thought about.

'Amazing It's as though he was born to learn magic!'

For an instant, Wave wondered if Bloed's claim that he could not use mana was a lie. Otherwise, why his understanding of mana and magic was so impressive?

Of course, she did not know that Bloed possessed [Enhanced Brain Capacity]. It was the perfect tool for learning.

In the history of the Human Confederation, each person born with this ESP ability became a famous scientist at the top of a field!

Quickly, five hours passed. But strangely, neither Bloed nor Headmistress Wave were mindful of it.

In fact, it seemed like they could continue chatting for two days straight.

Unfortunately, someone barged on the top floor of the Great Library at that moment.

"Headmistress, something bad happened! Another student disappeared!"


Now I need to start to write this week chapters :p

Wish me luck x)

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