Savage Divinity

Chapter 697

Chapter 697

A deluge of searing agony accompanied a rush of unwelcome consciousness as Songs slumber was disturbed by the joyous sounds of the pets excited greetings, the first indication she had that she was not alone.

Normally, knowing there were other people around would have her on her feet in a heartbeat, but the mere act of opening her eyes already seemed like more than she could bear, much less sitting up or standing. Leaden eyelids kept her shrouded in darkness as the world pressed heavily down upon her, her lungs burning with every breath and skin rubbed raw by the mere touch of cloth. The once soft bed she lay upon now felt like hard, uneven ground, with sharp rocks and steel needles jabbing into tender flesh no matter how she moved. This was her life now, awash in a sea of torment and misery until such a time as her shattered Core was restored, a miserable existence brimming with a cornucopia of agony and anguish that she would not wish upon even her worst Enemy in existence.

How Rain survived like this for so many months, Song would never know, but she was almost ready to give in and give up.

As she lay there in a haze of unending torment, she was overcome by a rising tide of mixed emotions, ones she struggled to parse through in her current condition. Welcoming anything that might take her mind off the pain, Song fixated on these unfamiliar emotions in an effort to untangle this most uninteresting of mysteries. A generous serving of guilt and self-contempt formed the foundation of this medley of emotions, sprinkled with a dash of relief to still be alive and a muted hint of joy thrown in for good measure, though she had no idea what she might have to be happy about. There was also plenty of gloom and melancholy, but it went further than mere regret and remorse, for she felt genuinely heartbroken to be seen in these dire straits and would do anything to fix herself. There was outrage too, a constrained, smouldering anger that stemmed from helpless inability that threatened to boil over into violent rage, and might well have if not for a dearth of nearby targets. Most overpowering of all was the shame however, shame for having allowed matters to get this far, as if she should have done better to prevent it.

How absurd. Song had done the best she could given the dire situation, and were she to go back in time and be given another chance, she would have made the exact same decisions again. Even if there was no cure for shattering her Core, she counted it a fair trade, her meagre life in exchange for removing Gen from the board as a leader and figurehead for the Defiled. It wouldve been even better if shed killed him outright, but alas, the Father was not yet finished with His foul Emissary of Earths Fire.

However, despite knowing shed done her best and believing it with all her heart, Song still couldnt shake off this barrage of emotions, a veritable whirlwind of sentiment that swept her away and left her unable to make heads or tails of her thoughts. The mere struggle to stay calm and composed was utterly exhausting as these insensible sensibilities battered her about and left her a jumbled mess of thoughts and reactions thanks to this unfamiliar blend of internal woes. Aggravating is what it was, to lie here unable to accept logic and good sense, so with no other choice, she sought out help from the people around her, hoping someone nearby could support her through this unexpected and unwelcome deluge of emotions. Pushing through the pain and enervation, Song cracked open her eyes and licked her dry lips with a tongue rougher than sand, only for her lip to fissure in an eruption of molten hot pain. The air itself felt like daggers stabbing into her eyes, and she blinked as quickly as her body would allow, but even this minor exertion cost her much. Finally, as the blinding lights dimmed and her vision adjusted to the surroundings, she found herself in her guest room at the monastery with Lin-Lin and Rain kneeling by her bedside, while the Medical Saint sat on a chair beside them and checked on Songs health.

Sorry for waking you, Rain whispered, his words accompanying a fresh bout of emotional angst assaulting Songs senses. I didnt know you were injured, and wanted to steal Mama Bun for a nap.

Not your fault, Rain my boy, the Medical Saint said, his warm Chi coursing through Songs body to soothe away the vast majority of her pain. I shouldve warned you before coming in, but I was too preoccupied with other matters. Its a good thing I decided to pop over for lunch today and arrived just in time to save her, else who knows what might have happened...

The soothing process was a result of the Medical Saints Domain shielding Song from the pressure of the world now that he noticed she was awake, but he could not keep this up forever. Grateful for even this temporary reprieve, relief coursed through her body as she went from unbearable torment to more manageable misery, which afforded her the clarity of mind to finally understand what was happening. Aura, Song croaked, interrupting Rain as he teased the Medical Saint about his previous aversion to eating vegetables and his newfangled love for the Brotherhoods vegetarian cuisine. Too much. Shuddering as she studied Rains shame-faced expression, she watched as he recoiled in self-reproach while emanating the same, the emotions so vivid and clear shed initially mistook them for her own.

Oh gods, Im so sorry. Ive been firing off Aura without meaning to and I have no idea why. The emotional torrent receded as Rain suppressed his Aura, one he apparently had unwittingly condensed. All those emotions Song had previously struggled with werent hers to begin with, and she wondered how he ever got anything done if he felt like that all the time. To be beset by so many complex and confusing emotions at once had almost unmade her in moments, yet it was clear Rain had only internalized his torrential hysteria, rather than divest himself of it entirely.

It was only now that she realized Rain was here, not just physically at her side but also returned to his full mental capacity, which spoke volumes regarding her current debilitation. Youre back, she whispered, pleased hed finally overcome his latest tribulation. There was something different about him, something she couldnt quite place, but she was inspired by his resilience and vowed to follow in his footsteps. Rains Core had also been shattered and he endured this pain for several months, so Song could survive the few weeks it would take to gather the necessary Spiritual Plants and restore her back to full health. How long... have I been asleep?

As neither Rain nor Lin-Lin were present when Song passed out, they both looked to the Medical Saint for an answer, whose eyes glanced skywards as if trying to gauge the passage of time by staring at the sun hidden behind the ceiling. Mm... a few minutes? A quarter hour perhaps? Choking back a sob of pure anguish which was all her own, Song struggled to keep her spirits high amidst this shocking revelation, one which promised so much more misery ahead. The fight didnt take too too long, and the trip back went smoothly with Kukku to clear the way.

At his beloved daughters urging, the Medical Saint filled them all in on what they missed in broad, indefinite strokes, a vague retelling which left Song utterly baffled and bewildered to the extreme. Hearing Monk Happy defeated the Half-Step Divinity Confessor came as no surprise, but learning Rain was able to slay the monstrous man in single combat was utterly unbelievable, even if Goujian still technically lived on in Demonic form. How far had Rain progressed during his latest convalescence? Was this a result of the physique refining baths, or some other secret along the Martial Path hed unexpectedly stumbled across? Would Songs strength progress by leaps and bounds as well once her shattered Core was restored?

There was just too much to process, Song was almost overwhelmed with regret. To think, she missed witnessing Monk Bones ascension to Divinity, a once in a lifetime experience she might never have a chance to see again. It wouldve been so useful to see an actual ascension, as it would be of great help in the future when she herself tackled that final, ineffable milestone along the Martial Path.


Your Aura, she whispered again, this time her voice coming out clearly, but Rains response was the same, assailing her with yet another torrent of shame and self-reproach before he managed to close himself off. By the Heavens, despite knowing he suffered from an irrational mindset, Rain was far more skittish than Song had ever believed possible, but what she found most fascinating was how easy his emotions were to read. You intend to Shatter the Void? And soon from the feel of it, as if he could make the attempt whenever he so chose, limited by a lack of time rather than opportunity as most others were. In his eyes, Shattering the Void was no different from turning his hand, a natural, casual step along the Martial Path he was always going to make, proving to Song once again that no one could ever match him in matters of talent, ego, and pride.

Um yea, he replied, distractedly considering the issue and letting his Aura slip once again. The Abbot told me I was ready, but I really dont think I am. Frustration and impatience laid atop a bedrock of fear and anxiety, this was what Song sensed, and it made for an interesting insight into his mindset. Fear drove Rain in more ways than one, and it was surprising to learn just how prevalent it was in his emotions, constantly lurking there just beneath the surface of his every conscious thought and action. Whats more, merely looking at her became a source of guilt and shame, unable to admire her beauty without self-condemnation. This wasnt anything new to Song, as she knew he lusted after her body, but the outright hatred he had for himself caught her by complete surprise. All this time, Song believed his guilty expressions were because hed been caught imagining something lewd and obscene or contemplating acting on such thoughts, but as far as she could tell, even merely acknowledging the fact that he found her attractive was enough to send him in a downwards spiral of shame and remorse.

Which was ridiculous. Why did he behave so remorseful over such innocent and blameless thoughts? All it did was raise undue suspicions and lead everyone to mistaken conclusions, Song herself included, for what felt like the most innocuous of reasons. Even now, she could feel his pique and indignation, railing at the Heavens for allowing her to be injured while also hating himself for finding her attractive. When he himself suffered from his shattered Core, he never once displayed a single shred of resentment. Instead, he grimly clung to hope where so many others would have succumbed to despair, and look at where it brought him. In contrast, Song suspected Rain was on the verge of losing control from seeing her in so much pain, his rage directed inwards not just because he failed to prevent her injuries, but also because there was nothing he could do to help her. He so very desperately wanted to take all her pain away, would will it onto himself if he could, not because he wanted to earn her gratitude or win her affection, but because...

Well, because it hurt him to see her in pain, wounded him in ways no weapon ever could. The question was, why?

That wasnt all that plagued him either. Shed seen how his eyes focused on her breastplate and how his hands twitched yet remained firmly at his side. He wanted to help her out of the armour and maybe stroke her hair, hoping to make her more comfortable but worried his intentions would be misconstrued, so he held his tongue and clenched his fists to keep himself from acting. Again, he let fear take control, so worried about the opinion of a mere slave that he tormented himself endlessly for his impure thoughts. Truly a fool and an idiot, but a well-meaning one, and Song was touched by both his intentions and his overwhelming compassion to ensure she was never discomforted by his actions.

That being said, he was right in that she would have misunderstood if he had acted to take off her armour, so she met Lin-Lins warmhearted gaze and asked, Please... help me... armour? Even saying this much left her out of breath, but the sweet half-hare was more than happy to oblige as Rain turned around and directed the Medical Saint to do the same in order to preserve Songs modesty. A strange habit considering the People were accustomed to mixed bathing in groups, but according to the stories Niece Alsantset so loved to share, Rain had earned himself a reputation for staring a bit too intently. Which, in his defence, was understandable coming from a boy of twelve or thirteen who had yet to grow accustomed to the Peoples lifestyle, but unfortunately, this had developed into a habit which endured to this very day.

Hence why Rain had a private bathhouse built in his own manor, so he could ogle his wives in private and without guilt. Yan and Mila were more than happy to let him stare to his hearts content, though oddly enough, Rain avoided going anywhere near the bathhouse whenever Luo-Luo was there. He also left Lin-Lin and Song well-enough alone, for which she was grateful for, but even she was curious to know what was hidden beneath the Imperial Servants somewhat scandalous attire...

Right now though, such lascivious thoughts were the furthest thing from Rains mind as he brooded over his path in silent frustration, allowing himself no time to celebrate his recovery or astounding achievements. In his mind, killing the Confessor, a cunning, dangerous Warrior who almost assassinated Colonel General Nian Zu and required the combined efforts of no less than four Peak Experts to defeat, was only expected of him, and anything less would have been considered an abject failure. In fact, he didnt even seem happy about his victory against his foe, obliquely mentioning how he cheated and had help from Pong Pong without referring to the Divine Turtle by name or species. All he could think about was the next step ahead, so fixated on his goal that he could no longer appreciate the incredible journey he took to get there.

Perhaps this mindset was how hed progressed as far as he did in so short a time, but Song worried his mind would eventually crumble under all the self-inflicted stress, and sooner rather than later at that. Much as it pained her to move, once she was out of her armour and wearing a silken night-gown, she gestured for Lin-Lin to hold a moment before laying her down in bed again. Rain, Song said, reaching out to pat his head with a phenomenal effort of will. Good job.

His response to this minuscule show of reassurance was astounding to behold as his sheer joy and contentment overwhelmed her senses in a torrent of cheer and elation. Thanks Martial Aunt Song, he replied, all but glowing with pride as he turned to meet her gaze, pride not from his own accomplishments, but because hed won her praise. A strange thing to cherish so highly, but cherish it he did, unable to contain his glee as he shuffled excitedly in place. If he had a tail like Brother Baatars, it would be wagging uncontrollably behind him, an image which had Song smiling in spite of her aches and fatigue. Leaning into her hand a little longer than proper, Rain finally collected himself amidst Lin-Lins girlish giggles and said, Well, we should let you sleep now. Dont worry, well spare no expense and have your Core fixed in no time, and Im sure your father and sister will fight for the right to craft you a new weapon.

For some unknown reason, this statement gave Rain pause as he stopped to consider his words in depth. After a moment of silence, he shook himself out of his fugue and opened his mouth to speak, only to stop and censor himself before sharing his thoughts. We each walk our own paths, he said, flashing a wry smile in response to a joke only he understood. Just because it worked for me doesnt mean itll work for you. Still unsure about what he was going on about, Song merely nodded as Lin-Lin helped her back into bed, gingerly arranging the rabbits around her before letting the bears and wildcats back on, though Princess never stirred from her side, nestled beneath the covers never to emerge. Not for the first time, she noticed Rains hand start to move before he caught himself, so she raised her own hand in search of his. As his fingers wrapped around hers, she lost herself in his warm and comforting Aura, one lessened by the underlying currents of self-contempt that accompanied his every thought and action. Sorry, he whispered, apologizing for matters far outside his control while encouraging a grumpy Mama Bun to snuggle down in Songs embrace. If only I had enough usable Heavenly Energy, or if I knew how to use whats readily available...

Then he would be a True Divinity, or at least comparable to one, which was a ridiculous flaw to apologize for. Regardless of his outlandish pride, Song accepted his warm sentiment for what it represented, wishing he could do as he hoped he could and take away all her pain and ease her sorrows forevermore. His warm Aura sank deep into her bones as she closed her eyes to rest, but still she did not release his hand, nor did he make any move to pull away. Somehow, just having him nearby alleviated the pain permeating throughout her body, easing her inflamed nerves like the cooling touch of a cold compress against her bare skin. It was different from Medical Saint Taduks Domain, which merely alleviated the cause of her suffering while Rains presence soothed her aches and agonies away. Opening herself to his emotions, she accepted his love and even his affection, understanding he had no ill-intent and simply couldnt help himself from desiring her, yet comforted by the knowledge that he would never act on his feelings so long as she didnt allow it. It was reassuring to bask in his soothing presence without having to worry about his underlying motives, and she allowed herself to indulge in her fancies and imagine what it would be like to love him back.

She didnt love him of course, not in the way Mila, Yan, Lin-Lin, and Luo-Luo loved him, but if Song were to fall in love with any man in that manner, she imagined it would be Falling Rain. Not the worst fate to succumb to, for he was a good man who would work hard to ensure all his wives were loved and contented, but Song was not quite ready to take so large a step, which he understood and accepted. It was enough to be at ease in his presence, to be his friend, comrade in arms, and fellow floof parent, and they would both have to wait and see if any more was forthcoming. There were no words exchanged between them, but they both understood the others thoughts and intentions, his being that he would never push her for anything more than what they already shared, and hers that she could not promise a future between them, but would consider it when she was ready later on so long as he still cared to accept her.

Even this minor concession was enough to make his heart soar with joy, not out of hope for the future but unbridled bliss in the present, to know that hed left some mark on her heart and garnered a bit of goodwill. This in turn set his Aura to coursing through her body and easing away even more of her pain, until its absence became so jarring she could no longer ignore it in favour of blissful rest. Surprise and concern welled up from within, echoed by Rains Aura as he noticed the same, strange change that had come about them. Then, his heart skipped a beat and surged with delight and excitement, encouraging her even as he reassured her that everything was going to be alright. Trust me, he said, without having to say or Send a single word, and Song did so without a thought, not because she was Oath-bound to obey, but because she knew, understood, and accepted that Rain would never do anything to hurt her.

In short, he didnt even need to ask for her trust, for he already had it, without any reservations on her part whatsoever.

Having already eased away her pain and suffering, he guided her mind back to Balance and showed her the shattered remains of her Core, the images coming through as clear as day. Physically, there was nothing wrong with her, but spiritually, her foundation had been demolished, a foundation she didnt even know she had. Gathering up the fragmented remains of her Core, she became aware of the lingering connection she still had with her melted sabre, the cooled and hardened remains of her liquefied weapon lying just under her bed, where the Medical Saint left it. Memories of the sabre welled up from within, some of the few fond memories she possessed before coming into contact with her new family, for her sabre represented Teacher Dus faith in her abilities and the Path she set herself upon of her own free will. She would be Li Song, Slave and Warrior, which even now seemed like a lofty ambition too far above her station, but Rain challenged her to aspire for more.

Youre not a slave any more, he told her, the thought appearing in her mind using his voice, and to her surprise, she discovered this to be true. So unexpected, she didnt even have it in her to be happy, overwhelmed as she was by her shock and wonder, unable to believe she was finally free yet knowing it could not be any other way. Your Oaths were bound to your Core, which no longer exists, so at least some good came from this.

Im free, she whispered, tears springing to her eyes as she knew this for truth, tears which were the product of a curious mixture of joy and loss. The freedom she once didnt even dare secretly desire was now hers, but shed lost her identity and sense of self alongside it. All her life, shed been Li Song the slave, and everything else had been tacked on afterwards, but now, that first link was no longer there and she knew not how to connect the remaining elements of her identity without her status as a slave to hold it all together.

Youre free, Rain said, echoing her words in reality as well as her mind, and his voice erased all her doubts and uncertainties. Whatever trials and tribulations lay ahead, he would be there to help her through them, as would Mama, Papa, Sister Mila, and the rest of Songs beloved family and friends shes collected along the way. Though she still didnt know what to make of herself anymore, she would slowly discover her identity in time, so long as she allowed herself to be comfortable in her own skin, a luxury she now possessed. No more worrying about if her actions would displease her Master or if her freedom would one day be taken away, for Song was free of her Oaths for good now, and her loved ones would never allow her to be chained down again.

Releasing the fragments of her old life to the Void, she felt the molten remains of her sabre scatter away with the wind, dust to be swept up the next time she cleaned her borrowed room. Then, upon the remains of the cleared foundations, she built herself up anew, unsure what to make of herself but just allowing things to fall into place where they would, where they felt natural and like they belonged. It was similar to utilizing Panacea, but different in so many ways, the Energy of the Heavens doing things she could barely even perceive much less comprehend. Throughout the entire process, she felt Rains comforting presence there at her side, providing her with the means and materials required to remake her foundation at no small cost to himself, a cost neither of them truly understood, but there was no expectation of gratitude or repayment in his heart. Instead, he was all too happy to help and even directed her attentions towards complications shed overlooked, ones neither of them truly understood, but were able to fix regardless of their lacking comprehension.

And when all was said and done, Songs Core had been restored to better than it was before, free of the Slave Oaths binding her to his commands. Though her Natal Palace was a thing of the past now, her constant agony was no longer an issue as she sat up in bed and clutched Mama Bun close. The grumpy rabbit snorted and glared in quiet discontent, annoyed that her comfortable bed was no longer lying down, but she settled in soon enough with a few reassuring pats. Soothing the sweet rabbit as she met Rains tired, but elated gaze, Song didnt know what to say to this man whod done so much for her without expecting anything in return. A mere thanks seemed insufficient to convey the depths of her gratitude, but to offer any more would make both of them uncomfortable, Song because she was not yet ready to try her hand at love, and Rain because he would then be plagued with doubts about her intentions.

Despite the many women in his life, Rain truly loved each and every one of them, for varying reasons no less. Lin-Lin he loved because of her sweet and cheerful nature, as well as her sharp mind and devoted love and affection. Sister Mila he loved because of her staunch and stalwart attitude, a strong, straightforward woman who told him in no uncertain terms how she felt. Sister Yan he loved for her bold and courageous perspective, always ready to challenge him no matter the issue and willing to brave the unknown without hesitation. Song even sensed Rain succumbing to Luo-Luos persistence, his inherent mistrust worn away by the Imperial Servants unwavering loyalty, tireless persistence, and sheer competence in civil and business matters.

All of which proved that Rains affection required more than mere beauty to obtain, so why did he love Song?

The answer revealed itself to her as he looked deep into her eyes, his inner desires exposed through his Aura without intent. He saw her as a kindred spirit, someone who did more than just accept his strange and curious nature, but actually understood it because she was in many ways the same. Lin-Lin, Mila, Yan, and even Luo-Luo knew he needed his time alone and enjoyed the company of his pets, but Song was the only one who shared his quiet, reclusive nature and understood why he needed this time to relax and recuperate. Social exchanges were exhausting and unpredictable, and Rain was a man who liked to plan out his moves in advance, lest he panic and do something stupid and unexpected as he so often did when caught unawares. He also wanted to help her through her trauma the way others helped him, because he knew what it was like to be powerless and afraid, as well as the difference a single persons support could make.

All of which was rather sweet of him, but still not enough for Song to fall in love with him. That being said, before she could come up with something to say, Rain sprang to his feet with a smile and clasped her hands in his. Thank you Li-Li, he said, hesitating as he went to pat her head, only to go through with it once she gave her unspoken permission. Rubbing the base of her cat-ears with startling familiarity, his fingers delivered a pulse of pleasure careening down her skull to the base of her spine, an expert at massaging cat ears from all his time spent with Aurie, Jimjam, and Sarankho. For trusting me, that is. How do you feel? Does anything seem out of place? Are you able to voice your thoughts without difficulty? Can you find Balance?

Stop. Interrupting Rain in the midst of his rapid-fire questioning, the Medical Saint took him by the shoulders and squatted down to look him in the eyes. Tell me exactly what you just did and how you did it.

Er... Cheeks blazing with red-hot embarrassment, Rains amber eyes flickered between his teacher, Lin-Lin, and Song, unable to meet any of their gazes for more than a half second. Well, its err... a little complicated and not all too clear, but well, while wishing I could help her, I was reminded of something that happened way back when... Clearing his throat in embarrassment, Rain rattled off a tale from his time in Castle JiangHu, detailing his experiences before falling into yet another lengthy coma. Some of this they already knew, like his ability to Scry the battlefield despite lacking a Core, but most of it was news to all of them, including the pivotal section regarding his part in helping Mister Rustram Develop his Domain.

which is when I realized that Rustram and Sai Chous love allowed them to... err... well, mix souls, in a way, leaving no barriers between them when it comes to matters of Chi. Shrugging, he stared at his feet and continued, See, the rejection of Chi happens because Souls are inviolable, but they say people in love are two parts of a whole. Cheesy, I know, but true love allowed Rustrams Chi to affect Sai Chou because they are, in some ways, a single, shared soul inhabiting two bodies. So I err... drew on that, shared how I felt through Aura, and err... well... I was able to see her injuries teacher, the same way I see my own, and I guided her body to Heal itself using ambient Energy of the Heavens. Shes Healed, because... well...

So he was saying his love for her allowed him to Heal her shattered Core? Pleasant as it all sounded, Song felt it to be...

Poppycock, the Medical Saint declared, gently flicking Rain on the nose. Did you already forget what I told you in the Abbots abode? You said it yourself, its trust, not love. Its clear little Li-Li trusts you enough to cede control over to you, else this never would have worked. Even then, it shouldnt have, and I can tell you overlooked some key points in the process and dont entirely understand what you did, else youd have much more to say about it, my boy.

That made more sense, because Song did trust Rain to such an extent, as her life had literally been in his hands for so long without incident. Rain however didnt seem ready to accept his teachers explanation, but he was too loyal and loving to disagree out loud. Well, either way, it worked and I think I can use this to help the Abbot now, though Ill need some help. Ill explain while we go find Jorani, so I can ask him a few questions and get a different perspective. Turning to Song, he said, Why dont you get some rest? Err... unless you want to come along? Or you know... do whatever you like. You are free to do so after all.

Curious as she was, Song had more pressing matters to attend to, namely testing out her new and improved Core, mostly to make sure it was in working order and to uncover in just what ways itd been improved. Maybe shed have time to Condense her Aura again and possibly even Form another Natal Palace, though using the emerald and chain to symbolize her throne and boundaries no longer seemed appropriate. No, she answered, shaking her head while slipping out of bed, and only shrinking back a little when she caught his hungry gaze skimming up and down her barely covered body, one hidden behind a sheer, silk nightgown. Bravely ignoring his stare, she stood up and stretched while marvelling at how refreshed and relaxed she felt, her previous fatigue all washed away by the excitement of her Core Re-Creation. Balance came easily and the Energy of the Heavens rushed in to fill her Core, faster and more responsive than ever. A soothing sensation washed over her body, easing away strain and tension shed never known existed and leaving her feeling full of vim and vigour and better than shed ever felt before, but all she could think about was how she could do anything she pleased now that she had no Oaths to stop her.

And what she wanted to do most was get back to her family and tell them how much she loved and appreciated them.

Once she was ready to change back into her clothes, she gave Rain a pointed stare and uttered, Privacy please. A rush of exhilaration coursed through her body from her head to her toes, for her Oaths would never have allowed her to make such a demand of her master, not when it was obvious how much he yearned to stay and watch. Exercising this tiny bit of freedom was even better than she could imagine, especially seeing how he hopped to obey and dragged the Medical Saint off with him. Truth be told, Song wouldnt have minded if either of them stayed, because it was only a look. Rain deserved some reward for his hard work and the Medical Saint wouldnt have cared either way, but this was much more fun and exhilarating. Matching Lin-Lins beatific smile with one of her own, Song wrapped her arms around the waifish half-hare and whispered, Im free.

Yup. Congratulations Li-Li. Hugging her oh-so tightly while carefully sparing Mama Bun stuck between them, Lin-Lins joy was a match for Songs own, and their smiles turned to laughter as the other animals sauntered over for their fair share of affection, and for several, glorious minutes, Song ignored her pressing responsibilities to exercise her freedom for the first time in memory.

And it was everything she imagined and more.

Chapter Meme

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