Savage Divinity

Chapter 693

Chapter 693

Sometimes, a moment is all it takes to change the course of a life.

Despite my resolve to save my beloved wifey, I cannot help but hesitate at the mere thought of surrender, a moment of unwillingness born from fear, loathing, doubt, and a whole host of other legitimate reasons. Putting aside the slow and grisly death which awaits me once I fall into Zhen Shis hands, giving up goes against everything I believe in, because despite having personally experienced life after death, I am unwilling to roll the dice again so soon. While I had a rough start and faced many gruelling trials and tribulations along the way, I love my life here and do not want to start anew before Ive had a chance to see this existence through to completion. I have my wonderful parents who dote on me with love and affection without smothering me with their presence. I have a supportive sister and an understanding brother-in-law, as well as their two beautiful children to cherish and spoil. Ive married two wonderful and passionate wives with a third soon to join us, and so many loyal friends and comrades who I can rely on. Then theres all my sweet floofs who I absolutely adore, and I only just reunited with my faithful dog Buddy, even if he is merely a recreation based on half-remembered memories with a new name because I couldnt remember his real one. What if I dont remember any of these remarkable individuals in my next life? The mere possibility of losing these precious people and memories is enough to make my chest ache with grief, a loss I am not well-equipped to bear, and even though logically I know giving myself up is the only way to save the people around me, I still cling to hope and pray for a miracle to save me from my inevitable doom.

I mean... what are the chances that my next life will be equally amazing? Besides safety and security, I pretty much have it all, and I doubt the Heavens would be so generous the next time I cycle back around.

But what other choice do I have? My newly restored strength and newfangled Spiritual Heart are impressive and all, but the Enemy sent four Divinities here to get me. While my gut tells me Monk Bones is a formidable force to be reckoned with, I cannot imagine hes strong enough to stand against his foes on his own, as the Abbots guardian monks and I are all too weak to take part in this conflict. Guard Leader has made herself scarce and is nowhere in sight, but I cant blame her for her absence considering the odds stacked against us. Assuming hes Concealed somewhere in the cave, Kukkus abilities might be enough to even the odds since he was powerful enough to affect GangShu, but considering how familiar Vyakhya is with the roosters abilities, I doubt the traitor monk would have come here unprepared.

There are only two ways this whole thing shakes out. Either I give myself up and surrender to the Enemy, or they kill everyone present at the cost of maybe one Divinity, assuming Monk Bones is strong and decisive enough to sell his life dearly. Is he even a Divinity? I cant really tell, because his... presence, for lack of a better word, pales in comparison to the Enemy Divinities. Yea, better just to go peacefully and hope they leave everyone else alone, because I couldnt bear to live with myself if Lin-Lin should come to harm.

All this and more flashes through my mind in the blink of an eye, a fraction of a fraction of a second, but even this minor delay proves too much for my foes to endure. His limited patience already at its end, the tusked mammoth of an Ancestral Beast utters an expressive snort and advances upon me. Massive hammer resting over one shoulder, his free hand reaches out to grab me in clear contempt for everyone present. This is a man accustomed to getting his way in life, and seeing how his colossal physique makes even Nian Zu and Husolt look like scrawny runts in comparison, its easy to see why. Time slows to a crawl as the State of Enlightenment settles over me, yet even then, everyones movements are almost too quick to follow, with the mammoth actually moving the slowest overall despite closing the gap between us almost instantaneously.

In response to his aggression, Monk Bones moves to intercept, only to be stopped by the combined efforts of Vyakhya and the imposing willowy woman. There are no physical blows exchanged, but an invisible, metaphysical power struggle ensues as figurative sparks crackle in the air between them, leaving Monk Bones with no option but to hold his ground and defend himself. The other four monks are too slow to keep up with the Divinities, or perhaps they are unwilling to leave the fourth Enemy Divinity unchecked, because while he has yet to even look in my direction, the Western Warriors mere presence demands respect and vigilance.

Which leaves me standing behind Lin-Lin while an angry, behemoth of a Defiled Ancestral Mammoth charges towards us.

Or is he just a hairy Ancestral Elephant? Whats the difference between a mammoth and an elephant? Who knows. Now is not the time dude. Go protect your sweet, silly, amazing wifey.

Springing to action mere milliseconds after the Ancestral Mammoth, I fear I am already too late. His thick, massive arm is already past Lin-Lins head and before my eyes, too close for Tranquility to intercept while his body is too far for Unity to reach in time, even though Im moving faster than Ive ever moved before. Thats how long this big bastards arms are, to the point where his bare-handed reach is almost longer than my glaive, which is kinda ridiculous and not at all fair. Then again, even if I were able to hit him, I doubt my attacks would give him much pause, but thats never stopped me from trying before. Since I cant stop him from grabbing me, I give up on defence and focus wholly on the offensive, wanting, nay needing to land at least one good hit and make him bleed to keep his attention away from Lin-Lin.

The thought consumes me as my Will breathes new life into my actions, Insight guided by Visualization and Intent. A surge of Chi courses through my body at a moments notice, more alive and responsive than it has ever felt before, cloaking me in a shroud of Reinforcement to augment my strength from within and without. The former feels as natural as breathing, while the latter is new and exciting, yet not so out of place as to feel strange or unexpected, like wearing snug but comfortable clothes with a unique, cozy texture Ive never felt before. With all my newfangled power, I execute Deer Pierces the Horizon, a Movement so familiar I could perform it in my sleep, but that is not all I have planned for my foe. From curling the tips of toes to the final push of my forearm, every micro-movement along the way is Amplified with little more than a thought, boosting my power even further. At the same time, a mono-molecular filament of Chi materializes around the blade of my polearm, whirling about the edge at speeds I can barely even comprehend, a metaphysical chainsaw that can cut through anything in existence. Then, as my thrust connects, I Amplify the impact and discharge a substantial serving of Reverberation alongside it, one that should pierce through whatever external protections the Mammoth Divinity has in place and shake him to his core.

All of this is only possible because I Refined my body into a Spiritual Heart, which afforded me a degree of control over Chi which Ive never experienced before. There is barely any need for focus or effort as my Chi works with my body to fulfill my hearts desire, allowing me to deliver a blow unlike anything Ive ever done before, one so powerful not even Dad or Grandma could afford to take this strike head on. As for the Mammoth Divinity however, he merely grunts as Unity ineffectively glances off his chest and slips past his shoulder, unable to move even a single hair on his bared chest much less find purchase in skin or flesh, the impact gliding off his Domain like skates over ice. Barely noticing my most powerful attack ever, the Ancestral Beasts arm forges ever forwards, covering my field of view and engulfing my head in the palm of his outstretched hand.

Or I should say almost engulfing, if not for a pristine, snowy-white bolt of silk holding him back.

As my eyes trace the familiar article of cloth back to its source, my mind fills in the previously overlooked details, all of which took place during the single moment of distraction while I was lamenting about how unfair this was. Looking oh so darling with her cheeks puffed and eyes narrowed, my sweet wifey Lin-Lin sprang into action before the Ancestral Mammoth even stirred. Flicking her ever-present scarf into the Divinitys path of attack, she allowed the cloth some slack so it would get caught in her foes palm, only to wrap her scarf around his hand like a secured noose. Doing this as easily as turning her hand, Lin-Lin proceeded to then run in the opposite direction as if to match her dainty mass against the Ancestral Mammoths ponderous bulk, a hopeless confrontation if Id ever seen one. However, rather than pulling her scarf taut to contest her opponents strength head on, my darling wifey stopped short, lifted one slim, delicate leg high in the air and arched her spine until she was bent backwards with her stomach facing the sky. Then, without missing a single beat, Lin-Lin twirled her body horizontally in place with inexplicable speed and grace while simultaneously pulling downwards with all her might, her movements so nimble and swift one might think she practised them day in and day out to achieve such natural mastery of push and pull forces. Despite all her efforts, her raw strength was no match for her formidable foe, and she knew it from the start, so instead, she set out not to hold his arm back, but to redirect his aim so that his grab would miss.

And miss it did, Ancestral Mammoths arm diverted aside much to his surprise, and his beady, black eyes widen beneath his rugged, protruding brow as he examines my sweet wifey for the first time. Stupid stinky tuskface, Lin-Lin shouts with a scowl, her neat and tidy braids still perfectly coiffed around her lovely little head, a dainty crown of hair for the regal princess of my heart. I said you cant have him. Rainys mine, understand?

Close as the Ancestral Mammoth is, I can tell he doesnt understand her words, nor does he seem to care. I can also see the thoughts flitting through his mind, and watch as his confusion turns to greed and he switches targets to capture my beloved Lin-Lin, with a look in his eyes which ignites my fury.

This fucking, big-eared, long-toothed bastard. Who does he think he is, lusting after my sweet, innocent wifey?

Fuelled by righteous anger and jealous wrath, I lift my right foot and slam it down into the mammoth bastards knee, unleashing a Mountain Collapsing Stomp like nothing Ive ever unleashed before. Before, Amplifying the Resonating waves to build them up into a single, powerful strike felt like trying to work a battering ram by myself, not impossible, just difficult, exhausting, and time consuming to accomplish. I needed to start small with barely noticeable movements and slowly build it up into something substantial without ever losing control, but now, all that has changed. If I had to give it words, I would say it feels like theres no resistance to slow down my efforts, as if friction and inertia no longer applies, allowing my Mountain Collapsing Stomp to go from zero to sixty in a split second after hitting the right notes, like nailing a hundred button presses timed to a complex melody in the space of a heartbeat.

As my bare foot makes contact with the side of the Ancestral Mammoths knee, it feels a lot like what I imagine kicking a solid, unanchored mountain of indestructible steel, but I succeed in shifting his knee a few millimetres which means the pain is nothing compared to the satisfaction of having made a Divinity falter in his steps. Enraged by my impudence, he bellows in a guttural tongue and turns about to unleash what appears to be a casual backhand, one powerful enough to kill with a touch. Taking a cue from my darling, beloved wifey, I raise Tranquility not to block the attack, but Deflect and direct it away from my vital organs. The resulting impact sends a jarring jolt up my arm and down my spine despite having avoided the brunt of the blow behind it, and I quickly sidestep to move behind my foe in case he decides to really follow through. If he tries, hed have to twist about in place, and while I wouldnt say itd be difficult for him to do so, at least it would mean his attention is no longer on Lin-Lin.

For a little while at least. I cant imagine it would take the Ancestral Mammoth long to kill me, but hopefully I can buy enough time for my sweet wifeys guard to get her away from this death trap.

Theres no such luck however, as the Ancestral Mammoth turns to face me and rears back to deliver a powerful head-butt, one that will undoubtedly smash my skull open like a rotten egg. Darkness fills my vision and for a brief moment, I wonder if death has finally come to claim me, until I realize Im looking at someones back, someone who wears all black everything and is standing much closer than I am usually comfortable with. In this particular case, I am willing to let it slide, seeing how Guard Leader just placed herself between me and the Mammoth Divinity, and I offer a small prayer to the saintly woman who I didnt think even liked me. A sad fate, to be pulped by an Ancestral Mammoth, and I would have much preferred if Guard Leader had instead taken Lin-Lin and run away, but the woman was never the sharpest tool in the shed, even if her loyalty and bravery are unmatched. My eyes widen in horror even as I take in what might well be her last moments, and to my astonishment, Guard Leader doesnt balk or shy away, nor does she take this time to prepare her defences against her foes full-body headbutt. Instead, the veiled woman sways back and rockets forward in a preposterous move to match the Ancestral Mammoths headbutt with one of her own, and my stomach turns at the mere thought of the inevitably gruesome sight.

One which never comes to pass as Guard Leaders veiled forehead connects with the Ancestral Mammoths, and to my great surprise, it is the latter who is found wanting.

Disappearing before my eyes, I spot the Ancestral Mammoth after following the sounds of a tumultuous crash back to the far end of the underground bunker, his sizable bulk embedded into the thick stone wall, one now covered in a web of crumbling fractures. Huffing as he pulls himself free, the formidable beast bellows in challenge as he stumbles about on two, unsteady feet, dazed by the direct clash while Guard Leader seems none the worse for wear. Unwilling to move out from behind her slim but dependable back, I cautiously lean to one side to make sure shes not actually unconscious on her feet, only to have my breath stolen away by the sight of her dislodged veil listlessly fluttering down to the ground, revealing a gorgeous face with a petite, dainty nose, full, rounded cheeks, and a honeyed complexion complete with deliciously plump lips pursed in a frown.

Insolent brute, the beauty utters, and her glare sets my stomach aflutter even as our foes ready to meet her in battle. You dare have designs on my daughter?

Before she finishes speaking, my eyes have already moved to the top of her head, but rather than two stiff black hare ears sticking up from the top, Guard Leaders snowy rabbit ears are long and droopy, with one falling to each side like twin locks of ivory white hair. Add in the twin nubby horns protruding from her forehead and the pieces fall into place, my heart soaring as I gaze upon what might well be Mama Buns future, an Ancestral Bicorn Bunny who is just oh so adorably beautiful. Quickly revising my estimation of the power levels on each side, my spirits surge as Im overcome with an uncharacteristic bout of confidence and optimism. Two Divinities against four are still not the best odds, but things are looking half as dire as they were a few seconds ago, especially judging by the reactions of the other Divinities. The Defiled woman is still unreadable, and Vyakhya seems far too in control for my liking when presented with this unexpected development, but one thing that catches my eye is how the Ancestral Mammoth reacts, stomping his feet and smashing the wall with his fists in a fury, but never actually advancing upon Guard Leader. Though his actions make him appear furious and ready to fight, I recognize the bluff for what it is and realize he does not, in fact, want to trade blows with Guard Leader again, for he came out on the losing end once already and knows he is not her match. Even the proud and aloof Western Divinity can no longer hold his head high, and instead is now fixated intently upon Guard Leaders actions, his fingers cracking as he slowly curls his hands into fists. That is not the gaze of a lecher beguiled by Guard Leaders beauty, but rather one of a Warrior facing a worthy challenge, one he is unsure of overcoming with ease.

I wonder how long itll take Mama Bun to become this strong...

Hang on. Daughter? Doesnt that mean shes my Mother-in-Law? I knew she had something going on with Taduk, but who knew my teacher had it in him to bag himself a super sexy hottie waifu.


I probably shouldnt say that about my teachers wife, but seeing how Im already uncomfortably attracted to one Mother-in-Law, whats the harm in adding another?

Daring indeed. Appearing at Guard Leaders side with sweet Lin-Lin behind his back, my goofy teacher makes his presence known with his customary lack of awareness. If he could make his way here with Lin-Lin, then he could have brought her away instead, but alas, hes too soft-hearted to ever leave me behind. Taking his eyes off the dangerous Defiled Divinities before him, Taduk offers me a warm smile and comforting pat on the head before adding, Doubly so, for trying to take my student and future son-in-law at the same time.

Hi hubby, Lin-Lin sheepishly greets me with a quick hug, her cherubic smile wavering with uncertainty as if unsure how I will respond. Youre back, ya?

Leave it to my wifey to be the first to notice, though I think Taduk saw through it as well. Hi wifey, I reply, wrapping my arms around her dainty little frame and marvelling at how brilliant she really is. Im not jealous, or at least not too jealous, because my sweet wifeys talents were never in doubt. It just so happens she shines much brighter than I thought possible, so its not her fault her accomplishments make me feel insignificant and inferior in comparison.

Tippity tapping around my feet, Ping Ping squeaks up a storm as if she understands whats being said, voicing a warning to her foes while craning her neck to peer at my expression instead of keeping an eye on the danger at hand. Why Taduk brought her here along with him, Im not entirely sure, because there is no way she is a match for a tried and true Divinity, not with how sheltered and gullible she is. At best, she might be able to distract one of them for a bit, but I dont see her going toe to toe with an Ancestral Beast any time soon. A wave of nervous reassurance courses through me, and it takes me a moment to realize that those emotions didnt stem from me, but rather from a friend nestled just out of sight atop my head. There, hiding in my tangled locks of unbrushed hair, sits good old reliable Pong Pong, terrified of the situation unfolding before him yet unwilling to abandon me just like my teacher and wifey.

Like I said, I have a great life here, and I doubt my next life could be any better.

You! The forgotten giant of a human reminds me of his presence by rudely pointing at my teacher, and I regard the sole non-Divinity foe inside the room with curiosity. No, hang on, thats not true anymore, as there are at least a dozen presences hiding in the shadows, both in and outside of this room, as well as many more just standing in the first room down the hall. How I know all this, I cant really say, but I can feel them lurking about just out of vision, as if I had an extra sense I cant quite quantify, and while they are far less threatening than a Divinity, they still feel dangerous enough to be wary of.

Still unable to quite place where Ive seen this bald, herculean figure before, I glower at him as he continues to point at my respected teacher. What Medical Saint? he asks, sneering to hide his trepidation. Youre clearly the Territory Lord who chased me away from the Northern Wall!

Shrugging with his customary careless ease, Taduk buffs his nails with obvious disdain and says, I never claimed to be a Territory Lord. Your stench simply offended me, so I told you to leave, lest I grow tempted to break the treaty to kill a mortal who offended me.

...Mortal? Territory Lord?

Teacher, I ask, my eyes wide with disbelief. Are you a Divinity?

Caught off guard by the question, Taduk sheepishly scratches his nose, struggling with so much dread and anxiety before he finds the courage to answer. Yes, Rain my boy, he admits, and it breaks my heart to see how much shame and contrition he bears. Im sorry I hid this from you, but I hide my true self from everyone, as people tend to treat me differently when they learn how powerful I am.

You have nothing to apologize for, I whisper, resisting the urge to hug him lest our enemies take advantage of distraction. I dont care what secrets you keep, because you are still the same person regardless. I feel kinda stupid for not seeing this sooner, but this doesnt change anything about our relationship. Hes still my kind, lovable Taddy, so I extend a wisp of Loving Aura to make sure he understands it, and its both sad and gratifying to see him smile with obvious relief. I know what its like to keep a huge secret from the people you love, and it is not a pleasant experience, Ill tell you that. Who actually knows about him would be my next question, because I somehow doubt Mom and Dad would be so cavalier when speaking to and about Taduk if they knew he was a Divinity.

Which I suppose was the whole reason he kept this particular detail to himself. Taduk wanted to have friends and confidants, not toadies and bootlicks.

Hmph. Sounding mighty smug for a guy retreating to the sidelines, Vyakhya gestures at the Ancestral Mammoth beside him while glowering at my teacher from across the room. So, the Medical Saint is in fact a Divinity, and the Territory Lord of the Saints Tribulations Mountains his wife.

Shes not my wife.

My husband is speaking nonsense. Ignore him.

The denial and cover up arrive simultaneously, as if the two of them have practised it many a time before. Though clearly put off by their curious response, Vyakhya powers through without question. Regardless, it would appear we are now outnumbered, but how will you fare in battle while burdened by the mortal behind you? Whats more, you lot are trapped and without options, so out of respect for this monks Junior Brother, I will extend you the same courtesy I offered him. We are here for Falling Rain and him alone. We have no interest in anyone else, nor are we so willing to see the Treaty undone. Hand the boy over now, and we will depart in peace. Refuse, and you force this monks hand.

Luckily, Vyakhyas calculations are off and the sides are more skewed than he knows, because Ping Ping is not the only Turtle Divinity around. Pong Pong is here too, and he is far more formidable than she. By my count, that makes it five against four, with the ball in our court if things should devolve into violence, something neither side seems ready to embrace without reservations. Knowing my teacher is never gonna give me up, I stand tall and take control of the narrative before Taduk does something silly and tries to fight it out anyways. He might be strong, but hes still the same person he was yesterday, one who cannot bring himself to harm a fly, much less a wily rodent whose taken to raiding his precious Spiritual garden. Somehow, I dont see him flying off the handle to kill a Divinity, assuming hes even powerful enough to do so, which means its best if we kept matters from escalating too far out of control. Still, even though Im trying to moderate the situation, I cant help but take the opportunity before me. None of you seem to understand, I growl, my voice deep and raspy. Im not locked in here with you. Baring my teeth, I unleash an Aura of threat and menace while uttering, Youre all locked in here with me!

In the ensuing awkward silence following my poorly imitated portrayal of a meme I barely remember, I realize Id seem more threatening if the Ancestral Mammoth hadnt shrugged off two of my best hits without even trying. Maybe if I melted his face or something, then my statement would have more impact, but instead, everyone present is looking at me like Im some sort of special, including my sweet wifey, supportive teacher, future Mother-in-Law, and the various monks on my side. At least Ping Ping and Pong Pong will never judge me, which is why I generally prefer the company of animals over people, but thats nothing new. Inwardly sighing while presenting a confident facade, I mentally evaluate the strength of both sides sans Divinities and come up woefully short, mostly because of the bald body-builder standing by Vyakhya. The Wraiths and Chosen shuffling about outside arent really a huge concern, as Im pretty sure me and the four guardian monks can handle anyone short of a Colonel General, but burly baldy seems more dangerous than everyone else combined.

Still, theres nothing I can do but try, so I might as well give it my best shot.

Since no one here wants this minor conflict to turn into a battle of Divinities, why dont both sides take a step back? Gesturing at the gathered powerhouses, I suggest, How about we have all the Divinities leave together, and let us mere mortals deal with the rest?

Vyakhyas smarmy smile makes my skin crawl with loathing and revulsion, but I keep it to myself as he silently nods in agreement. Good, good, he intones, and my contempt grows that much stronger, as I can see how similar he is to the Abbot, right down to the movements and speech patterns. This monk was just about to suggest the same. In fact, we will retreat first, as a show of good faith, though surely you will not protest if we linger nearby to ensure fairness? After all, trust only goes so far in matters of this magnitude, and it would be best for all if we removed any temptation to skirt around the rules, as I suspect your protectors are wont to do.

What is he even talking about? And why does Taduk have that look like when Lin-Lin catches him stealing her sweets? Much as I would like to question my teacher here and now, there are more pressing matters at hand, like figuring out why Vyakhya is so confident of success. Eyeing the four guardian monks who will likely stay behind, I try to catch their attention using subtle, non-verbal clues, only to attract everyones attention once again. I wish I knew how to Send, because that would make things so much easier. If only it was like radio, I could just transmit a message over the airwaves and -

Hang on. It cant be that easy, can it?

Visualizing my message as if watching it play through sound equalizer software, I capture the acoustic wave I intend to pass along and deliver it through Reverberating Domain to the closest monks ear. What do you make of our chances? Im fairly certain I can kill the Wraiths lurking about before they can react, and the Chosen outside shouldnt be too much of a problem, but I cant get a read on the bald guy.

My efforts are rewarded with a look of surprise as the monk in question responds, Eh-Mi-Tuo-Fuo. Brother Rain is full of surprises, and this monk is pleased to discover this, but be wary of excessive pride, Junior Brother. The Enemy would not so easily withdraw if not for some scheme in mind, and you have failed to account for Rakshasa, who himself is no small threat. Seeing my confusion, the monk adds, The Spiritual Tiger, one tamed by the apostate Wisdom himself and is currently Concealed within this abode. If not for the formidable beasts presence, it would be a simple affair for Kukku to consign all our foes to their slumber, but Rakshasa has long since learned to counter the roosters song of sleep, alongside various other forms of mental and spiritual attacks. The Abbot has made mention of your advancements in Aura, but it will not serve you here, not with Rakshasa to guard against it.

...Shit. I was kinda counting on Aura to deal with the small fries. Thats how I drove off the Wraith ambush after all, but now I am no longer so confident about our chances. Still, Ive already stepped foot into the proverbial tigers den, so I have no choice but to man up and face the music.

After some back and forth with Monk Bones, whose Dharmic name is Dama which means Self Restraint, the various Divinities finally come to an agreement. The Western Imperial and mysterious Woman leave the cave first, then Guard Leader and Monk Bones go next. The Mammoth and Vyakhya head out next, but the former Wisdom stops to exchange a few words with the bald giant who is busy limbering up with his giant greatsword. Remember what I told you, Vyakhya says, his tone quiet and conspiratorial to hold more meaning than the obvious. Do not fail.

How encouraging, but the bald giant merely bows with respect. By your command teacher. Your student will return soon enough with the runt in hand.

Runt? Is that what they call me? How rude. I am perfectly average height for a regular person. Its not my fault every Martial Warrior in the Empire is supersized. Dammit, why didnt I take the opportunity to bulk up while Refining my Spiritual Heart? Even as I give voice to the mental complaint, the answer comes readily to mind, though Im unsure if its due to Insight or just general logic. I didnt bulk up because this is the form I am most familiar with, and adding extra height, reach, or weight would take time to get used to, not to mention the fact that I was lacking the necessary nutrients and Heavenly Energy reserves to achieve such a change. I used up almost everything I had to Refine my Spiritual Heart, and if Id tried to make any further adjustments, Id have been stuck doing them manually instead of letting auto-pilot take over, which is why animals bulk up first, then Refine a Spiritual Heart, instead of skipping that first step like I did. Honestly, with my luck, if Id tried to do more, Id have screwed up somewhere and ballooned into a giant mass of tumours, which no one wants to see happen. I mightve been able to pull it off if I did some in-depth studying of the human physique, but there are just so many ways things could go wrong. Nah, if I want to bulk up, itd be so much easier to do it naturally, though I have no idea how to naturally increase my height.

Still though. Runt? Cmon now. Thats just hurtful. Dont worry about disappointing your traitorous teacher, baldy. Matching his gaze, I refrain from radiating Aura and hope my natural presence is intimidating enough. Ill make sure you wont live to suffer the consequences.

Long have I yearned for this day, the baldy responds, his eyes burning with a familiar fanatical light, one Ive seen in many a devoted Aspirant, including poor, pitiful BoLao. The Medical Saint saved you at the Northern Wall, but now, your time of reckoning has come, puppet. Your masters cannot save you now, not here so far beyond their reach.

...Uh, what? Thats the second time you mentioned the Northern Wall, but Im drawing a complete blank. Scratching my head with a shrug, theres no need for me to feign confusion as I genuinely have no idea who he is, I ask, Who are you again? Are you someone from the Society? Did I kill one of your juniors or something?

Baldys fury is amusing to behold, or it would be if he wasnt so goddamned intimidating, so ripped even his muscles have muscles. You dare mock me? he asks, feeding me a direct line I am unable to resist.

YoU dAre MoCK mE? Parroting his words back to him in a sarcastic tone to show I do, in fact, dare, I add, Seriously, have no idea who you are. I mean, you look sorta familiar, but I have a lot of enemies, so a little reminder would be helpful.

To my surprise, the angry baldy seems to understand my confusion and clears his throat to hide his awkward shame. Of course, of course, I have changed much in recent years, so it is only natural that you do not recognize this one. Drawing himself up to his full, considerable height, the baldy pats his chest and Sends, You will have the honour of dying by this ones hands, so it is only right you die knowing the name of the man who killed you. Tremble and despair, runt, for I, Goujian will be the one to take your life, but know that your end will be quick and merciful, unlike the death you so handily deserve.

The Confessor. No wonder he looks so familiar. Oh, I remark, doing my best to hide my trepidation, as I remember how fearsome and inhuman he was the last time I saw him in the Northern Citadel. It took the efforts of four Peak Experts to subdue him, and while Ive progressed by leaps and bounds since then, without being able to freely abuse my Aura schenanigans, Im not entirely sure I can win in a straight up fight against him. I suppose I could kill the tiger first, but I have yet to even lay eyes on the beast, and I cant really bring myself to murder him out of hand. I mean, he might be a murderous floof, but hes still a floof, and I would love to have a tiger for a pet. So youre the one who led BoLao astray. Drawing courage from my anger, I narrow my eyes at the Bloody Confessor, a crazed maniac who put Mother knows how many innocents through a slow and torturous death, all for the sake of proving the existence of Defiled taint. You also killed Twinned Dragon Jukai, my good friends Mentor, on top of your countless crimes against humanity. While the Empire might have justified your actions, know that the Heavens will never condone them, and with your death, I will lay to rest the multitude of aggrieved souls still haunting you.

The words are no idle embellishment, for I can see the heavy cloak of resentment hanging from his shoulders, one woven by the Spectres of innocents he maimed and tortured in the name of foul justice. He feels it too, the weight of his sins dragging behind his feet, kept there by his inability to accept the errors of his ways. Though his mind appears firm and resolute, the madness in his eyes shines true, for this is a man deep in the throes of denial with no choice but to continue forward without ever looking back, because if he were to ever turn his gaze back to the sins of his past, he would not be able to stomach his guilt.

And he knows it, or at least part of him does, and he has nothing to respond with as Taduk leads a reluctant Ping Ping away, alongside Lin-Lin whose presence will hopefully escape the Enemys notice. Then again, given the prowess she displayed by Deflecting the Ancestral Mammoths attack, maybe Vyakhya will turn a blind eye to her escape and chalk it up as a win, since my sweet wifey is apparently a formidable force to be reckoned with. Thankfully, Goujian doesnt even bat an eye as my wifey leaves, nor does anyone say anything about Pong Pong still hiding in my hair, and I stifle a sigh of relief as things are finally starting to go my way. Itd be best if we could win this fight without relying on Pong Pong, but Ill take all the help I can get if things get sticky. Im just glad the little guy is so adept at hiding, to the point where so many Divinities didnt even notice his presence.

...Hang on. If Vyakhya was counting Ping Ping as a Divinity and didnt notice Pong Pong, that only makes it four friendlies against four Defiled. Why did he say he was outnumbered then?


Wait. If Guard Leader is her mother...


Can rabbits and hares interbreed?


Holy shit. Is my sweet wifey a natural-born Ancestral Beast?

I have a lot of questions which need answering, but maybe I should focus on this minor matter of life and death first...

Chapter Meme

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