Savage Divinity

Chapter 481

Chapter 481

For the first time in recent memory, Im awakened not by agonizing pain, night terrors, or Mama Buns insistent pawing, but by something far more pleasant and mundane, something Ive not felt for many months.

Hunger pangs.

The sensation is so unfamiliar it takes my sleepy brain several seconds to interpret the significance of the rumbles in my tummy, and the momentary panic over a possible pressing poop plight is enough to jump start my brain. Forcing out a long breath to relax, I lounge in bed and ignore my stomachs gurgling to watch Mama Bun sleep instead. Food can wait, because Im not ready to face the day and bunny snores are adorable. Flopped on her side, my snuggle bun lays nestled in the crook of my arm, her eyes shut tight and head tucked close while she smacks her lips and dreams of eating a delicious meal. A safe home, a warm bed, and enough food to eat, these are all she needs to be happy, and shes never greedy for more. I think the world would be a better place if people could be more like Mama Bun.

...Minus the near-suicidal greed for Spiritual herbs of course, and the ruthless child beating. Also, no poop eating. Okay, so minus a lot of things, but my point still stands. People suck. Floofs rule!

Take the Legate for example. On the surface, he is an approachable and magnanimous man with gorgeous features, perfect teeth, and a magnetic personality, but underneath all the smiles and kind words lies a man driven by costs and benefits. Every time weve met, he brings up the things hes done for me and the expectations he holds, because he isnt trying to win my loyalty, but aiming to buy my freedom. He doesnt want a partner, or even a subordinate; he wants a tool to use, a weapon to wield, and a slave in everything but name, which is a status I will not accept.

Luckily, our meeting last night went better than expected, though I wasnt exactly in the right frame of mind to think things through until now. I went into that meeting ready to argue my case against Yang Jixing, but the second I stepped into the room, I was side-tracked by the delicious aroma of sweet tofu pudding and cane sugar syrup with a hint of spicy ginger. Ive had tofu pudding before, and its delicious, but Ive never tasted anything as wonderful as the eight bowls I ate last night. Whatever special ingredients the Legate added made the tofu pudding irresistible to my nutrient starved body, and now Im worried Ill never enjoy eating anything else ever again. If it wasnt for Luo-Luo warning me to ease off, I mightve gotten real snippy with the Legate after he refused to sell me the recipe, which wouldve been an unimaginably stupid thing to do.

If I could, Id take whatever was in that pudding, cram it into a syringe, and inject it straight into my veins. I bet this is how Mama Bun feels when eating Spiritual Plants, and it lends confidence towards my future, because with unlimited Spiritual Plants thanks to Pong Pongs poop, its only a matter of time before I figure out something comparable to the Legates restorative elixir. Thanks to the pudding, I had the best nights sleep Ive had in years, and now that Im awake, I feel good. Damn good, as in the absence of crippling agony good. Dont get me wrong, everything still hurts, but in an aching bones and sore muscles sort of way, instead of Oh my God, get me my drugs or kill me now thing. My head is clear, my breathing easy, and it doesnt feel like the atmosphere is trying to crush me into a meat paste, which is pleasant and all, but the better I feel, the more suspicious I am. The magic elixir wasnt cheap and couldnt have been easy to procure, so whats the Legates game? I sincerely doubt he did all this out of the goodness of his heart, which means he expects something in return for his investment, but what? I dont believe he did it to secure the goodwill of the people, or rather, it cant be all hes after, so there has to be more.

Putting the guesswork aside, I hug Mama Bun close and kiss her head, seeking comfort in her presence as she finds comfort in mine. Though she stirs in her sleep, its not enough to wake her up, so utterly relaxed in my presence and trusting me to keep her safe. Unlike Mama Bun, Pong Pong is suspicious by nature and pokes his head out of her fur to see what all the fuss is about, but after glaring about this way and that, he decides its safe to come out and start the day. After doing a few turtle stretches on the bed, he turns his gaze to me and waves a leg in my direction, which is his way of telling me to pick him up. Not by the shell, which is a big no no because only Mama Bun is allowed to hold him tight. I have yet to earn this privilege, so I offer him the palm of my hand and wait for him to climb on of his own free will, while resisting the urge to close it tight as a joke. Hes a very particular turtle with picky tastes, but I suppose if anyone has the right to be finicky, itd be Pong Pong.

Divine Turtle he may be, but he has the personality of a spoiled six-year-old, which would be cute if he didnt also have the power to rearrange my bones without so much as lifting a finger.

Moving slowly so he doesnt think Im trying to grab him, I rub Pong Pongs head in greeting. Hey there little guy, I whisper, mostly because Id feel silly speaking out loud. You sleep good? While he doesnt understand Common, Pong Pong responds with a big yawn before wagging his butt side to side in appreciation for the early morning scritches. Despite having been a part of the family for over half a year, the beautiful yellow markings on his smooth, green shell still blow me away, as the intricate designs look more fitting on a piece of expensive jewellery than a living creature. Its almost hypnotic watching the striking patterns move back and forth while Pong Pong dances in place, his eyes closed and mouth open in sheer bliss as I work my massage magic. All animals love scritches, its a universal truth which no creature can escape from, and if I were to call myself the second best scritcher under Heaven, then no one would dare claim to be first.

Adorable as this all is, I cant help harbouring reservations about my tiny turtle friend, because Im not sure thats what he is. A friend, not a turtle, because the shell kinda gives it away. While Im happy to keep his Martial Prowess a secret, Im a little miffed hes never shown me any love like Ping Ping does. While shes grown more lax about letting me out of her sight, she still insists on following me to all my meetings with Imperial Scions even though I havent given her any Chi Tea for months now. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know she likes me for me and not just for Chi Tea, but I still havent figured out how she knows when its dangerous and she needs to tag along. As for Pong Pong, either he doesnt know, or he doesnt care, and is all too happy to stay behind and sleep. Maybe its because hes smarter and has lived longer than the rest, but I get the feeling Pong Pong sees our relationship as a transaction more than anything else. I provide the shrimp, safety, and scritches, and in return, he poops in a pan.

Im not even sure if he meant for me to learn about the power of his poop, or if he just enjoys watching me clean up after him.

Another point of contention which has been gnawing away at me is how he is probably the most powerful being living in the citadel, yet he gives zero fucks about my plight. Logically, I shouldnt hold this against him because... well, hes a turtle. What does he know about politics, warfare, or Healing? Animals fight only when forced to, and even as powerful as he is, Pong Pongs first instinct is to flee. He wouldnt even fight against Lei Gong to save himself until my Aura tricked him out from the depths of the Azure Sea, so I shouldnt resent him for not coming to my rescue in Sinuji. As for the other thing, since using Chi is based on Visualization and Intent, I can assume Heavenly Energy is the same way, so how can I expect a turtle, Divine or otherwise, to know I need my Spiritual Self fixed and then go about fixing it? Even if he wields the Energy of the Heavens, the concept is several magnitudes too complex for most people much less a hyper intelligent animal, but Im still a little irked he wont wave his turtle arms and put me back together again. Lastly, even though I have no proof, Im almost certain Blobby dumped me for him, and if anyone might know how to repair a broken Core or keep my Spiritual Weapons from crumbling apart at a touch, itd be a quasi-sentient droplet of Heavenly Water.

I wish I were back in tip-top shape with Spiritual Weapons to boot, because Jixing isnt one to play fair and I sense Imperial assassins in my near future. Hopefully Pong Pong will lend a hand if Im in danger and hes nearby, though theres a better than good chance hell just run away instead. Either way, I shouldnt plan on the tiny Divinity saving my ass anytime soon, which means its about time I got out of bed and went about my day. Youre lucky youre cute, I whisper, giving him one last scritch before turning my attention to Mama Bun. Careful not to scare her, I gently stroke her long whiskers and floofy cheeks until she yawns and stretches herself awake. Morning Mama Bun, I giggle as she greets me with wet bunny kisses. Yes, I love you too, but your breath stinks. Maybe this is why I have so much acne. Whatever. Small price to pay.

As miraculous as the Legates tofu pudding elixir was, my legs are still too shaky to get around without my walker, which is a real bummer. On the bright side, I found no new pimples and feel good enough to go without painkillers, so after doing my morning business and bundling up in my warm and stylish yak-wool jacket, I hobble out into the courtyard in search of breakfast. With the sun still low on the horizon, the citadel and manor walls keep the whole place shrouded in gloom and the light dusting of frost has yet to melt. Theres a dreary beauty to it all, and if not for the winds chilling bite, I mightve stopped to enjoy the sights a little longer, but alas, I am still a feeble, frail sub-mortal, too delicate for the harsh rigours of this world, so I shuffle full speed towards the dining room where my family greets me with open arms and delighted smiles.

Come sit, Dad says with a smile, gesturing for Alsantset to stay put as he pulls out a chair. Food will be ready soon, and it has been a long time since the family sat down together for breakfast.

Morning Rainy. Adorable as always, Tate rubs his eyes and yawns while helping Tali set the table, who is bright-eyed and bushy tailed as always. Smiling at the both of them, my expression falters as I spot their kid-sized training swords strapped to their hips and their matching spears leaning against the dining room wall. New year gifts from their parents, and the weapons havent left their sides since. Ten years old and already training with weapons, this is the sad reality of the world we live in. I wanted to scream and cry about how they werent ready for this, because in my eyes, theyre still the same darling babies who used to run into my room screaming because they thought it was funny to startle me awake.

In contrast? I got Tate two model chariots complete with hand-carved bulls, while Tali got an elegant pipa, which is a small, stringed instrument which kinda looks like a pear-shaped banjo and sounds nothing like one. Those are the toys they should be playing with, not swords and spears...

Hmm. I never really noticed it before today, but I am just super depressing without drugs...

Making an effort not to stop and cry, I settle in beside Dad while Mom looks me over from head to toe. Did you sleep well? she asks, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Are you feeling any discomfort? Should I send for Taduk? I would not put it past the Legate to dose you with something unsavoury or deal with you in some other underhanded manner.

Its okay Mom. Her warm concern washes away my bleak and dismal thoughts, and I reach over to squeeze her hand. I slept so well, I couldnt possibly sleep anymore. Half the time with twice the results, which is why Im up so early. No drugs either, which is great. Well, the drugs were nice, but lack of pain is better.

Good, good. Nodding as he looks me over, Dad says, It seems we owe a great debt to the Legate.

Lowering my voice so the twins cant hear me, I say, We should be wary of him. Hes a political animal and weve yet to uncover his true motives. Had I known the tofu pudding was so valuable, Im not so sure I wouldve eaten it. Owing favours to a man like him is not in our best interests. Then again, with how fragrant and mouthwatering those bowls were, Im not sure I couldve refused...

His motives matter not. Drawing himself up to full height, Dad pats himself on the chest. I care little for matters of politics, but your health and happiness are of paramount importance. Motivations aside, the Legates gift has allowed my son to wake before noon and lessened his pain, so what price would be too high to pay?

Warmed as I am by the sentiment, its a little frustrating when he puts it like that. There are many prices too high to pay, too many to list in one go. To be fair, I think the Legate just wants me strong enough to put up a fight against Yang Jixing. Id hardly make a decent chess-piece if any random child could overpower me, but thats not worth the staggering cost of a miraculous restorative elixir. Theres more to it, because the Legate is playing games within games, and I havent even figured out the rules yet, much less where we go from here.

Then I fear your mother would scold you for a fool. Ignoring Moms scowl and her knuckles rapping against his head, Dads wolfish grin is both reassuring and terrifying, to the point where I almost feel bad for his enemies. No need for you to worry, boy. These matters are beyond you, but there are others to shoulder the burden. After we put you to bed last night, your Grand-Mentor and I called a meeting to discuss our next move. Noticing my surprise, he winks and adds, You think yourself the only one concerned? Now, we know why you were ordered to remain here, instead of sent away to safety. It is clear we are being used to deal with Yang Jixing, but the Yang Family presents a dire threat to the Bekhai, one we cannot take lightly or defeat without grave repercussions.

Well... at least hes confident about our chances of victory against a Supreme Family and only worried about the freaking Emperor supporting them from behind. So what did everyone decide? Also, who was at the meeting? I dont know any of the Bekhai big-wigs besides Akanai and Guard Leader, but no one will tell me any more.

Dad chuckles and trades a glance with Mom, who rolls her eyes and waves him aside. You are a clever boy, but there are times when you think too much. Stroking my cheek to blunt the sting of her words, Mom smiles and asks, You say the Legate plays games within games, and you have yet to learn the rules, but even if you could recite them forwards and backwards, do you think yourself a match for a master such as he? Not expecting an answer, she shakes her head and continues. Not only is your opponent more skilled in this game of politics, but he has also stacked the odds in his favour, placed the judges in his pocket, and rigged the game so you will always lose, yet you still think to play, much less win? My sweet child, you are far too naive.

Well, when she says it like that, anything could sound naive... So youre saying we cant win no matter what? Seeing Mom nod, I ask, Then what are we supposed to do?

The only thing we can do in our circumstances, Mom replies, leaning back with a smirk. You carry on learning the rules and playing as you please, and if matters continue in this manner and your position becomes unsalvageable, then your father and I will step in to overturn the board.

An answer so ludicrous I can only laugh, until I realize shes dead serious and everyone else is in total agreement. Wait really? Thats... Not a terrible decision considering the circumstances. Forget their rules and play by our own. Were not here to delve into politics, were here to fight the Defiled, so as long as the Legate and Jixing dont cross our bottom line, then the Bekhai are happy to let the Imperials play their games. Mom is literally saying we give zero fucks, which I knew all along, but I figured the son of the Prime Minister would warrant at least a modicum of concern. As things stand, he does not, so come one, kill one, come ten, kill ten, regardless of the consequences, so we showed off our strength and put the ball in their court. Thats the Bekhai way.

Its almost inspiring.

Im still holding out hope for a non-violent resolution to this mess, because when you break it down, the sole cause of conflict is that Jixing wants Luo-Luo but cant have her. Hardly a noble motivation for insurrection in light of the ongoing Defiled hostilities, but I doubt Shen ZhenWu will let things escalate so far. Hes probably just using the Bekhai to bring the Yang family down a peg or two before he swoops in to save the day and negotiates a compromise we can all agree on, which makes a hell of a lot more sense than driving a powerful loyal faction to rebel against the Empire. Essentially, hes creating problems so he can be the hero who fixes them, like a fire-fighter who starts giant blazes before clocking in to work. Not exactly honourable, but so long as youre never caught and dont care about innocent casualties, then effective, I suppose.

Wait... what if he wants the Bekhai to rebel so he can sacrifice our fifteen-thousand soldiers to unite millions of others behind him?

My parents and sister dont seem too concerned about my latest theory, merely shrugging it off with almost careless indifference. Regardless of their enemies plans or motives, theyll do what needs to be done. This is true arrogance, complete confidence in their own ability to survive whatever may come, and its almost alien to my way of thinking. Deciding its too early for this much contemplation, I look around for my floofs but only find Mama Bun munching away at fresh veggies in the corner. Where are my bears and wildcats? I wanna know if I can pet them without being impaled by their fur...

The answer soon reveals itself as Luo-Luo steps out of her room with Jimjam, Aurie, Banjo, and Baloo all hot on her heels. Sorya and Anhri also follow behind, but its my pets who Im concerned with, because theyre all so focused on Luo-Luo they have yet to notice my presence. Seething with jealousy, I sit and count the seconds before my traitorous floofs finally realize Im here, which is far too long for my liking. To make matters worse, not only does their fur still pierce through my skin if I pet them the wrong way, but Luo-Luo also has little to say regarding my theories on Yang Jixing and the Legate, and even less on the Five Supreme Families in general. She can go into great detail about the Prime Ministers office, but ask her about the man himself, and she cant give me anything, not even a name, nor will she offer a guess about why the Legate might want the mans son humiliated. I think shes holding out on me, but not because she means to betray us. Despite all her progress these past nine months, shes still wearing her Imperial-tinted glasses and believes no Scion can ever do any wrong. If ordered to tie a noose around her neck, shed do it without thinking twice and then ask which branch they want her to throw the line over.

Another alien mindset, but I cant blame her since she was raised and indoctrinated to be the perfect Servant, which is pretty much a slave without the Oaths. Still, Im gonna need my Aura back asap so my floofs will love me more than they love her again.

Well... at least food tastes good again, though meat is still a little hard to chew. Now that I have an appetite again, maybe I can do away with my Skeletor cosplay and bulk up again...

When breakfast is done and my belly full, I offer to tag along with Luo-Luo and help do paperwork. I feel too good to sit around doing nothing, but not good enough to run, jump, or Perform the Forms, so paperwork is a good middle-ground and lets me keep an eye on Luo-Luo and my floofs, who seem hellbent on following her around even though Im sitting right here. As soon as were ready to head out, Red One arrives with a Death Corps entourage, which is strange because Orange One arrived earlier while I was eating breakfast to report for escort duty. Raising an eyebrow at Red One as he kneels before me, I ask, Did one of you get your schedules mixed up?

This one has not come for guard duty, though he is happy to serve at Great Ones pleasure. At least this time, Red One said it without extra emphasis or innuendo, something which I would never live down if Alsantset overheard him.

So why are you here?

Red One reports, Imperial Legate Shen ZhenWu has dispatched reinforcements to replenish the ranks of Great Ones diminished Death Corps Honour Guard, so this one has brought them here for inspection.

Ah. In my defence, not only do all Death Corps dress the same, but theyre also all kneeling with heads bowed, so not realizing theyre all new employees isnt entirely my fault. Please stand, I say, trying not to sound too pompous while I do the introductions. Thank you all for coming, and I... uh, I look forward to... Kuang Biao?

Dressed in black Death Corps armour, the former Royal Guardian grimaces as I call his name, but the expression disappears as he straightens to full attention. This slave once bore this name, he says, his voice monotone and eyes betraying his bitter outrage, But no more. For crimes unbefitting of an Imperial Scion, this slave was sentenced to serve in the Death Corps and has yet to receive his designation.

A glance at Luo-Luo confirms my sinking suspicion and my stomach somersaults in response. This is my fault for calling him out in public, because it meant someone had to pay for Yang Jixings blunder. Kuang Biao was likely ordered or blackmailed to shoulder the blame, and the Legate thought itd be funny to place him in my honour guard as a slap to Jixings face. This is how the Imperials play politics, using the blood and freedom of innocents. Even a warrior as talented as Kuang Biao, a thirty-seven year old Peak Expert who would be lauded as a genius amongst geniuses in the outer provinces, couldnt escape his fate as a pawn of the nobility, so what chance do I have to do the same?

Im sorry, I whisper, and though Kuang Biao stiffens in surprise, he makes no reply, nor do I expect one. My good mood gone, I inwardly rail at the injustice of this world and wish I had the strength to change it, but if wishes were horses then beggars would ride. Right now, I barely have the strength to stand unaided, so all I can do is swallow my pride and accept this support from Shen ZhenWu.

I once asked Zian how strong he would have to be before hed act to save innocents from the Purge, but he didnt answer and just walked away. Now, I understand why. Its not the Purge Im fighting against, nor is it inequality, slavery, or any other hot button issue. If my goal is to change the world for the better, then my enemy becomes the Emperor and Imperial Clan themselves, the true ruling elite who propagate and enable all of the above and will undoubtedly resist any efforts to change. This means the only option left is bloody, violent rebellion, something I was hoping to leave to future generations after the balance of power naturally shifted, but I dont think I can wait that long anymore. I dont want to lead a revolution, become the new God Emperor of Mankind, and park my ass on a throne for the rest of eternity, but even if I live till a ripe hundred and twenty years old, Lin, Mila, Yan, and Song will still be around long after Im gone, and the same with Tali and Tate, Dad and Alsantset, and so many others. My pets, my friends, my family, my future children... Is this the world I want to leave for them?

Something to think about, but probably not act on until I have my Domain back, or like... a working Gundam or some other overpowered MacGuffin. For now, Ill play along and pray I dont have to go running to Mom and Dad, because if Im being honest, I dont know what theyll do, and I never want to find out.

...Huh. I never thought of it like this, but I have MacGuffins for parents. Thats kinda awesome.

Chapter Meme

  Chapter Meme2 Ala Moe from Discord

- End of Volume 26 -

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