Savage Divinity

Chapter 479

Chapter 479

Today was full of surprises, and Yuzhen loathed surprises.

Traditionally, the second day of the new year was reserved for visiting close friends and compatriots, so shed been quite flattered when Baatar personally delivered a handwritten invitation to Zheng Luos performance. Considering their difference in status, most would see it as the Northern Marshal gracing a promising Major Generals event with her attendance, but in her eyes, she was finally being accepted by her beloveds fellow people. The Bekhai were an independent bunch who rarely mingled with outsiders unless necessary, and even her upcoming nuptials werent enough to establish herself as one of their own, so imagine her surprise when she arrived and found she wasnt the only outsider to have been invited. Nian Zu, Han BoHai, Man Giao, and the married Exarches Bralton and Erien, none of them were tied to the Bekhai by more than friendship, yet they too had been invited alongside a plethora of acquaintances and associates who could barely be counted on to remain neutral in event of a political conflict, much less lend aid to Baatar or his kin.

So why did they also count as close friends and compatriots? Yuzhen would soon marry into their stupid, insular tribe, but she had yet to even be invited to a casual meal, much less anything more intimate...

Her disappointment aside, she was relieved to see the brusque half-wolf making an effort to connect with possible political allies, but there was still plenty of room for improvement. All of the Major Generals colleagues, some of the most powerful and influential people in the North and Central, had been hosted on the fourth floor alongside Yuzhen, while Baatars family and the reclusive elites were on the fifth and highest floor above them. While not an intentional slight, someone ignorant of Bekhai ways would see it as a snub, but the reclusive mountain dwellers cherished family above all else and community coming in as a close second. Though most would have no choice but to swallow the perceived insult, Yuzhen did what she could to soothe bruised egos and hurt feelings by quietly suggesting these arrangements were to keep the Major Generals talented but troublesome son, with his ailing physical condition and all too many pets, out of the public eye.

Ah Falling Rain, truly a name for the history books. Most of the Empire lamented the loss of such a promising young Warrior, but Yuzhen saw things differently. The Mother always left a path to salvation, and Rain had many other talents to choose from. Considering his imaginative and revolutionary thought process as well as the talents demonstrated by his Imperial Consort, Yuzhen had offered him a high position in her administration whenever he felt ready to put his financial talents to good use, but the poor child seemed all too happy to spend his days idling about while frittering away a vast fortune. Whether it was buying Spiritual Plants, funding Runic research, or simply giving his coin away, she feared even Consort Luos business acumen could not keep up with Rains profligate spending habits, though having seen the girls most recent marketing proposal promising an alternative laxative to mandrel stalk, it seemed Zheng Luo was doing better than most would in her shoes.

Add in her phenomenal musical talents and she was a true treasure of a woman, one Rain and the Bekhai were lucky to have.

Bringing her mind back to the present, Yuzhen quashed the urge to scream in frustration and slowly put her tea cup down so as not to give away her trembling hands. Though shed known this year would be a tumultuous one for her office and allies, she thought shed have more than a single days respite before having to deal with any political disasters, but it seemed like neither time nor the Bekhai were willing to wait. The thirty-sixth year of His Imperial Majestys reign marked a momentous occasion for the North and the Society in particular, because Nian Zu, the black sheep of the Situ Clan and antagonist to so many of the Societys ambitions, had turned a hundred years old. A small stone which created countless ripples in the surface of Northern politics, for the balance of power swung heavily in favour of the Society now that the aged Colonel could no longer keep them in check. The Hero of the Wall once dominated his peers in the twenty-five to ninety-nine year old age group, but now that he was a centenarian, participation in a trial by combat meant he would have to face the likes of ancient, powerful half-beasts and monstrous half-step Divinities. Judging by the injuries hed taken some fifteen months ago at the hands of a mere three Demons and a host of Wraiths, the famed heros abilities were no match for the hidden behemoths of the Society, which meant his once-domineering influence had faded away with the changing of the year.

And now, it appeared the Bekhai meant to fill the void left in Nian Zus wake. Thats what all this pomp and pageantry was about, using Zheng Luos concert to draw in a crowd before parading a remarkably long line of young talents to exhibit their skills for all to see. Though Rain was now crippled, Sumilas tyrannical talents would ensure Bekhai supremacy in the under twenty-five category for the next five years, and her shapely bared legs in that scandalous red dress would have the Empire talking for more, but the Bekhai didnt stop there. Alsantset, Charok, Vichear, and Dagen were warriors she knew of, but there were at least a dozen new names she marked to watch out for in the future, not to mention the surprising progress made by the members of Rains retinue. Most notable were the five new Domain-capable Experts, two half-beasts in their prime and three humans under thirty, two of whom were Oath-bound young Experts, which meant the Bekhai had already revealed enough talent to shake the Empire to its core.

Though they had yet to show a Warrior capable of matching Nian Zu, by trotting out so many remarkable Martial Warriors from the younger generation, the Bekhai insinuated that just as a sparrow can not beget a hawk, a tiger son could only have a tiger father. A bold, brazen warning to their political opponents, but one which struck fear into the hearts of many, for who knew how many Peak Experts were hidden in the shadows or what their ages might be. If the Society were united in this feud, then perhaps they too could match this demonstration of younger talents, but considering both Han BoDing and Jin ZhiYa were also Bekhai guests in the tea-house alongside Yuzhen, only the Situ Clan and its allies were opposed to an alliance with the Bekhai, a stance which could very well change today.

That is, unless someone was stupid enough to spit on the Situ Clans honour and offer a not-so-subtle challenge to Patriarch Situ Rang Min, like Yuzhens idiot betrothed just did.

Heart pounding and mouth dry, she dared not take another sip for fear of dropping her cup. Though she knew Gerel was vain and prideful, she never thought her handsome, passionate beloved would be so arrogant as to declare himself a Peak Expert at thirty-three years old, not to mention challenge a man rumoured to be the Societys answer to Nian Zu. In truth, knowing how heated tensions between the Situ Clan and Bekhai were, she half-expected something like this to happen, but it should have been the Bloody-Fanged Wolf Baatar to offer challenge instead of Gerel. Did he intend to make her a widow before even going through their marriage ceremony? They were scheduled to be wed at the end of the new year festivities, but she refused to become the bride of a corpse, nor would she be like one of those idiot doe-eyed maidens from the dramas who threw themselves atop their beloveds funeral pyre or some other such nonsense. All the same, she loved him so much it hurt, so why would he risk this? He wouldnt be the first Warrior to die in a friendly spar nor would he be the last, and were she not concerned about affecting his confidence and certain her efforts would bear no fruit, she would have rushed onto stage and dragged him off to be beaten and scolded.

This fool of a man had no right to look so damned handsome while causing her so much distress...

Ease your worries, child. The Sending startled Yuzhen so much she almost jumped out of her chair, but a calm, reassuring hand kept her in place and squeezed her shoulder ever so gently. Having snuck up behind her, the Living Legend Nian Zu offered an encouraging smile before nodding at Gerel down below. Ive been sparring with your betrothed these past few months, and make no mistake, his claim is justified.

What? When? Why?

A Marshal must always remain calm. Winking to show he meant no criticism, he Sent, Your father was a master at keeping a straight face, and none will ever match him. I once snuck a trained carnugator into his bedroom and scattered my torn, bloodied clothes about, then Concealed myself nearby to watch his reaction, but all my hard work was for naught. Du Yi just opened the door, blinked twice, and gently closed it without breaking a sweat. Later, he tells me he almost had a heart attack, but you wouldnt know it from looking.

...Why was Nian Zu sneaking into her old mans bedroom? Or playing childish pranks despite knowing how to Conceal? No, as much as shed like to hear more stories about her father, now was not the time. Why have you been sparring with Gerel? And why didnt he tell her? Well, she knew why, because she explicitly warned him against bothering the Colonel General, but it seems like her Guard Captain was not as obedient as she thought.

Hmm? Lost in his memories of past mischief, Nian Zu returned to the present with a distracted look in his eyes. Oh right, your betrothed. After the tragedy in Sinuji, Baatar wanted to spend more time with his family, so he requested I take over his late afternoon duties. I thought he meant paperwork or troop inspections, but no. He spars with your betrothed for at least an hour every day, and the young man is tenacious. Swelling with pride, he gave Yuzhen a grandfatherly smile and said, While hes not the most... socially adept person in the Empire, his courage and devotion are unmatched. One only need broach the subject of you to know he loves you with all his heart, and I believe Du Yi would have wholeheartedly approved.

Why was he being so... familiar? Nian Zu had been good friends with her old man, but never the kind to be so intimate. Perhaps he felt guilty for not taking her in as a Disciple, though in his defence, she had been none-too-thrilled at the prospect of learning under a mace-wielding muscle-head. She favoured the jian, a light, double-edged sword which had nothing in common with the mace, and she dreamed of having a heroic, female instructor to guide her along the Martial Path, a woman to look up to and model herself after. Her old man never married or even took a lover in all his years as Marshal, and she wanted to set him up with a powerful Martial sweetheart to support him in office, but all her attempts had fallen flat.

There was a story there, one her old man never shared, but perhaps Nian Zu might know...

Focusing her thoughts on the matter at hand, Yuzhen took a deep breath, reached for Balance, and cast her fears and apprehension into the void, a trick shed actually learned from Nian Zu. Calm and emotionless, she Sent, What are his chances for victory?

Near nonexistent, Nian Zu replied, filling her cup with tea before pouring one for himself and taking a seat. Gerel is a phenomenal talent and never makes the same mistake twice, but I fear hell need a few more years of training before he can defeat Rang Min. Noticing her clenched fists and grinding teeth, he quickly added, Fear not. While victory might be out of reach, hes not so weak as to be slaughtered out of hand. Besides, Rang Min is a coward at heart, a shrinking turtle who will take no unnecessary risks. Hell send someone out to test the waters, but I doubt he has anyone young and powerful enough to pose grave threat to your betrothed.

While itd been several months since she last saw Gerel spar, she didnt think his skills were advanced enough to be considered a Peak Expert, and she voiced these concerns through Sending. Nodding in agreement, Nian Zu replied, He wasnt a Peak Expert four months ago either, but hes improved by leaps and bounds ever since. Do you know who his Mentor is? I would like to meet and learn from the brilliant warrior guiding your betrotheds steps along the Martial Path, but he refuses to even name his Mentor much less give an introduction. Hes not much of a conversationalist, your betrothed. I dont think Ive heard him speak more than ten words in our time together, four of which are greetings, let us begin.

Strange. Nian Zu had always kept himself away from most political affairs, but now it seemed like he intended to throw his support wholly behind the Bekhai, and was asking her to make the introduction. Why not ask his protege Baatar? His Mentor is a woman, Yuzhen absently Sent, noting there was finally movement among the Societys ranks in response to Gerels challenge. Who would they send out? I dont know her name and have never seen her face, but shes one of the Bekhais hidden Dragons to be sure, a reclusive Expert who wears a veil and sticks close to the Medical Saint. No harm passing this information along, because she explicitly asked Gerel if she could, but she knew little else.

Ah yes, Ive seen the woman before. Didnt she escort Rain into Nan Ping? An influential woman then, and powerful enough to escape my detection. Good, good. Finally noticing the gargantuan Society Adherent stepping on stage with a massive maul, Nian Zu chuckled and shook his head. Sang Hyoon is in for a rude awakening. Look at him swagger like a man half his age, as boorish in age as he was in youth. Worry not, this match will be without suspense.

Easy for him to say, as he had no vested interest in keeping Gerel whole, but Yuzhen loved his mind almost as much as she loved his body, and even a glancing blow from the weighty weapon could render him into a drooling mess. I am Sang Hyoon, the hulking adherent declared, raising his maul overhead in a single hand. Father of Sang Ryong and First Elder of the Seven Star Sect. Brigadier of the Heaven and Earth Battalion, and Peak Expert of fifty-seven years. Does this humble one qualify to challenge the illustriousguard captain?

The last was said with a sneer and elicited a few laughs from the crowd, but Gerels reply put them in stitches. No, but Im feeling generous. Fifty moves.

Forcing out a harsh laugh, Sang Hyoon smacked his chest and asked, You think you can defeat me in fifty moves?

No. Shaking his head, Gerel spoke in deliberate monotone, which made his remark all the more cutting. Im gifting you with fifty moves, because I can defeat you in one.

Silence fell over the central square aside from the barely perceptible sound of Sang Hyoons teeth gnashing together in frustration. Then, the audience burst into excited discussion over Gerels bold claim while Yuzhen closed her eyes and took another deep breath. It wasnt enough to defeat a decorated Peak Expert thirty years his senior, no, Gerel had to humiliate him too.

Mother in Heaven, why was she so aroused?

Fuming at the insult, Sang Hyoon took his stance while Gerel did the same, and then the battle began. Letting loose with a bellowing cry, the First Elder hefted his hammer high and brought it crashing down onto the stage. Gripping her armrests to keep from leaning forward, Yuzhen willed her heart to slow down before she grew lightheaded from shock, because Gerels feet were still planted in place and yet to move a single step. Glaive resting on Sang Hyoons shoulder after Deflecting the attack aside, her betrothed smirked at having proven his claim and retracted his weapon. My mistake. Saw the opportunity and instinct took over. Ill give you an extra ten moves as recompense.

Red-faced and veins throbbing, Sang Hyoon almost looked shamed enough to leave the stage, but instead he roared incoherently and brought his weapon to bear. Lashing out with a combination of Swipes the Rushes and Traverse the Mountain, he charged forward with a powerful swing which cut through the air with a howl. Forced to retreat, Gerel skipped back a single step, then another to avoid the next attack, but on the third, he reversed his momentum and slid forward underneath his opponents swift and intense attacks, his feet flat on the stone stage yet gliding across as if it were ice instead. Though not as graceful as other warriors like Han BoHai or even Vichear, Sang Hyoon was light on his feet and quick to react, but no matter how he twisted or turned, Gerel stuck close to his back without giving him a chance to come face to face. Laughing at the comical display, the crowds reaction brought Sang Hyoon to the height of fury as he used the haft of his weapon like a spear and thrust blindly behind him. Lancing directly towards his opponents chest, the accuracy of his blind strike was a testament to the First Elders consummate skills, and it forced Gerel to parry and side-step only to be met with Hyoons meaty backhanded punch.

A gasp slipped out as she watched the blow connect, but her man did not disappoint. Turning with the impact, he emerged unscathed without so much as a bruise before returning to his deadly dance, stepping, sliding, and leaping about the stage with a hunters grace. Aside from their first exchange, Gerel never met Sang Hyoon head on, dodging first and parrying only when forced to. Ten moves, then twenty, then thirty were quickly used up, but the First Elder had yet to land more than a glancing blow, all of which did no damage as they were unable to break through Gerels Domain. Though lacking a Domain of her own, Yuzhen knew enough to understand the basics. While it didnt offer invulnerability to attacks, a Domains defensive properties were nothing to sneeze at, for most Martial Warriors would have to go to great lengths to even scratch the armour on a Peak Expert. Her former guard captain, a silvered grandfather who served her old man well, had implied it wasnt a physical barrier which guarded the Martial Warrior, but wouldnt go into more detail because she wasnt ready.

The last thirty moves went by quickly, and when Gerel finally struck again, his glaive flashed faster than the eye could follow and severed Sang Hyoons hands off at the wrist. Sweeping the appendages up with the flat of his blade, Gerel flung them out over the crowd and buildings to sail off into the distance, and Yuzhen almost choked trying to restrain her laughter. Best run lest a stray dog find them first, Gerel said, ignoring his defeated opponents murderous glare. Is this the best the Society has to offer?

This time, Yuzhen recognized the warrior who stepped out, an Arhat from the Baiji Sect named Teng Hong Chuan. Though considered superior to his deceased cousin Major General Teng Wei Sheng, Gerel gave the Arhat a handicap of thirty moves and the man was smart enough to merely accept it without bluster. Her betrothed had already proven himself a worthy opponent and there was nothing to be gained from grandstanding, so both Peak Experts let their weapons do the talking. Fast as Sang Hyoon was powerful, Hong Chuan lived up to his moniker, Vast Fist, by unleashing a dizzying array of kicks and punches which seemed to disappear before Yuzhens eyes, but Gerel had no trouble warding them off while both men zipped back and forth across the stage. A symphony of metal sounded as gauntlet met glaive, but since she could barely track their movements, she focused on committing the battle to memory for future study.

Impressive as this duel already was, she also needed to account for what she couldnt see. Not just their speedy movements, but all the tricks and tools available to a Domain-capable Expert were largely invisible to the naked eye. Waves of Reverberations trailing after his attacks, pockets of Lightening or Reversed Lightening to throw off his opponent, and shards of Honed Chi protruding from ones weapons, these were but a few of the Peak skills Hong Chuan could be using, but if so, Yuzhen saw no sign of them or any other skills she knew of. This didnt mean they werent being used, but rather that Gerel was dealing with them so easily that they might as well not matter. Whats more, she saw no sign of Domain Deflection from her betrothed, and though a few hits landed, he merely twisted aside or moved with the attack to minimize the impact, all without slowing his footwork a single beat.

When they first met, Yuzhen had thought them both somewhat equal in skill, but in less than three years, Gerel had left her far behind on the Martial Path.

Pride and delight overwhelmed her as Gerel defeated Hong Chuan without dismembering him, offering respect where respect was given. The courtesy won him praise and applause from the crowd, which he accepted gracefully with a Martial salute. Enough games, he said, once the bustle died down. Situ Rang Min, have you the courage to face me, or will you continue to hide behind your allies?

Half-giddy and half-terrified, Yuzhen felt like an eternity passed between each heartbeat before Rang Min finally answered. Insolent whelp, he uttered, cold and without passion from his hidden vantage point, like a lord addressing his subjects. Who are you to meddle in the affairs of your betters?A mere rankless soldier is enough to deal with you. Kuang Biao, teach this savage a lesson he wont soon forget.

Cloud-stepping over the audience, the soldiers graceful entrance was a cut above Gerels, but in all fairness, this Hurricane wasnt laden with heavy armour and a massive glaive. Wearing a wrinkled brown robe and carrying only his naked sword, Kuang Biao hardly lived up to his name, a young, slender, man with long, unkempt hair which looked like it might have recently been braided. Standing at full attention, he towered above his opponent even while offering a Martial salute, and Gerel responded in kind. This one isKuang Biao, thirty-seven years of age. By Great Ones order, this one shall defeat you.

The audience burst into chatter about the soldiers young age, then again when Gerel put aside his glaive in favour of his longsword, and a third time as he took up his stance without offering Kuang Biao a handicap. By now, any fool could see Gerel felt threatened by his unassuming opponent, and everyone settled in for an exciting match, but the two combatants did not oblige. Standing a mere five meters apart, they were close enough to strike, yet neither one moved a muscle as they held their swords in identical stances, both hands on the hilt and tip pointed at their opponent.

Long minutes passed without movement and in the deafening silence, all Yuzhen could hear was the beating of her racing heart. Then, without warning, both men moved, but only to change their stances, with Gerel moving his sword to one hand and holding it over head for a chop, while Kuang Biao cocked his arm and brought his sword back for a thrust. Over the next ten minutes, they changed their stances thrice more, but still they merely stood and stared while an invisible battle took place between them, one of Aura, Domain, and positioning, and Yuzhen could only sit and wait.

It was over in the blink of an eye, their movements so quick she only saw the outcome. His left hand severed at the wrist, Kuang Biaos right hand held his sword with the point stuck in Gerels gut, whose hands were whole and unharmed, but empty as his weapon slid across the stone stage. A clear win for the self-proclaimed rankless soldier, but Kuang Biao was not yet done as he withdrew his sword and raised it high for another blow.

Hear me. Receive Imperial Consorts token.

Though not bolstered by Chi, Rains voice carried easily over the shocked, silent crowd, and a blur of motion shot out from the top floor of the tea-house. Catching the projectile easily with his one remaining hand, Kuang Biao barely looked at the token before falling to his knees and lowering his head, leaving his sword unsheathed but pointed away from Yuzhens beloved betrothed. This one awaits your command, Imperial Consort.

Resisting the urge to lean over the railing and gawk like a child, she made a personal vow to learn to Scry as soon as possible, even if she had to beat the method out of her idiotic husband. Why mar such a stunning exhibition with death? Rain asked, his voice light and amused, and Yuzhen imagined his gaunt, sickly frame standing on the balcony above for all to see, perhaps supported by his wives or family. Stay your hand.

By your will, Imperial Consort.

Kuang Biao, is it? An impressive display for one so young, I am awed by your attainments upon the Martial Path.

This one is unworthy, but thanks Imperial Consort.

More than worthy. Yuzhen could hear the smile on his lips, for he spoke in that same, knowing tone he usually reserved for humbly bragging about his accomplishments or the newest trick his pets had learned. But I must confess, I am rather confused, and I hope brother Biao could clear things up.

This one will endeavour to answer whatever questions Imperial Consort has.

How did an Imperial Royal Guardian end up working under Situ Rang Min? With a condescending tone, he added, Your boots. Lion-hide and Imperial marked. Standard issue for Royal Guardians. Who commanded you to come up on stage?

Damn it, Yuzhen should have seen it too, but shed been too distracted by her concern for Gerel. Now that Kuang Biao was kneeling, it was easy to see his boots were those of an Imperial Royal Guardian, though it still begged the question of how Rain noticed such a minor detail. Perhaps someone else noticed and Rain was merely the mouthpiece, but it mattered not, for the scheme had been uncovered and the Situ Clan exposed as a mere cat's-paw for an Imperial Scion, one at odds with the still beloved young Hero, Falling Rain.

Hmph. Displeased at being publicly called out and by name no less, Rang Min asked, Is there a rule against Royal Guardians competing in a friendly spar?

Instead of answering the question, Rain asked with a slow, deliberate tone, And who are you, to meddle in the affairs of your betters? Muffled laughter was heard from the audience as Rain threw Rang Mins words back at him, mirth which quickly died down as they remembered who they were laughing at. Though crippled, Rain was still an Imperial Consort, and with his token received, this made his conversation an Imperial affair, so Rang Min had truly erred in speaking, but that didnt mean he would look the other way while his lessers mocked and derided him. Long seconds passed in utter silence until Rain finally spoke again. Still not apologizing? No matter. I am a magnanimous man, and for the sake of my friend Zian, Ill overlook your insolence this once.

Slap after slap dealt to Rang Mins face, and Yuzhen could no longer hold in her laughter, nor could the rest of the crowd. Even Nian Zu cackled and stomped his feet, his normally stoic expression twisted with delight. The laughter continued as the Situ Clan and their allies stormed off, but Kuang Biao remained behind, no doubt abandoned by his Master to shoulder the blame for this deception. Luckily for the Royal Guardian, Rain wouldnt bully a man whod clearly been used and dropped the matter forthwith. Instead, he extolled the virtues of Imperial Martial superiority before inviting brother Biao up to the tea-house to enjoy another musical performance from Zheng Luo.

Sublime as the musical performance was, nothing could outshine Rains performance, a crippled youth of twenty years verbally sparring with one of the most influential Peak Experts of the North and emerging victorious. When the music came to an end, everyone applauded politely before standing to leave, no doubt intent on telling the tale to anyone who would listen. Yuzhen looked forward to hearing how the truth would be contorted and garbled in the telling, but as she bade Nian Zu farewell, the old warrior reached out and took her hands in his own. Err... This is difficult to say, he Sent, looking less like a living legend and more like an embarrassed grandfather. When it came to matters of office, Du Yi never let me help. Said I was hero enough for the rest of the Empire, and didnt need to swoop in to save him too. Politics would be handled politically, not by swinging a honking big mace, hed often say. Clearing his throat despite speaking through Sending, he continued, But he knew I was there if he needed me, and I want you to know the same. Gesturing towards the direction Rang Min retreated in, he said, Now that the Imperial Clan is mixed up in things, the waters will muddy fast, so if you find yourself in over your head, then you only need speak and I will be there to help you, even if it is an Imperial Scion who seeks to sink you.

Thank you, she Sent, genuinely touched by the offer. She knew Nian Zu and her old man had been good friends, but not the depths of their friendship. To even imply going against an Imperial Scion could have dire repercussions, but he did so without hesitation or obfuscation, which was a good as placing himself in the palm of her hand. Watching the Living Legend awkwardly scurry away, she reflected on his story about sneaking a carnugator into her old mans bedroom and wondered just how the greatest warrior of three generations had become such close friends with a politician like her father. Sure, they worked closely to keep the Bridge in order, but practical jokes and unprompted promises of absolute support spoke of more than just a working relationship.

So how come she only remembered meeting Nian Zu once outside of her old mans work, when the gruff warrior refused to take her in as his Disciple? Was that when they fell out with one another? How sad. If shed known how close they were, she wouldve used her charms and convinced Nian Zu to accept her. Turning north, she stared far off into the distance as if she might see her old mans unmarked memorial all the way at the Northern Bridge. Muttering a small prayer under her breath, she told him how much she missed him and how glad she was to have had him in her life.

A new year had arrived, the second without her father here to wish her good fortune and happiness, but he need not worry, because in less than two weeks, she would marry the love of her life, a man who would do anything for her, and a man she would do anything to be with. Marching downstairs to check on her beloveds condition, Yuzhen wasnt sure if she wanted to kill him or kiss him, but either way, she would box his ears first for not telling her about this grand scheme in advance. Worst of all, he put on such a provocative and exhilarating show which got her all riled up and ready to go, then had the sheer audacity to let himself get badly wounded in the final stretch.

The Bekhai best have their Healers ready and waiting, because if Gerel wasnt in top-notch condition by the time the sun set, then her passion and ardour just might kill him...

Chapter Meme 1

Chapter Meme 2

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