Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 23: Can I Pay Next Time?

Chapter 23: Can I Pay Next Time?

As the influence of the Physician Association continued to expand, the professional education for doctors on the Nolan continent also entered a proper track. Specialized medical schools became almost standard in the super-sized cities.

The Imperial Medical Academy was the top medical school in the Lance Empire, gathering not only noble children but also the most outstanding medical students in the empire.

Vivian had been a highly regarded prodigy since she enrolled at the age of ten. Aside from her father's prestigious position as the Minister of Finance, her exceptional talent was the most important factor.

At that time, the most common praise she heard was that she might become the next "Charlotte!"

Yes, Charlotte Clayton. That name was synonymous with genius.

He was the pride of the Carlva Medical Academy, hailing from the distant Free City of Carlva. He was hailed as the most talented doctor in a thousand years and even served as the poster child for the Physician Association's publicity of geniuses.

At that time, Vivian didn't particularly agree with that metaphor. She wanted to be herself and didn't want to become someone else.

However, that didn't hinder her from considering that name as her goal and forcing herself to become stronger.

Until three years ago, the rumors about Charlotte suddenly changed.

He went from being the shining star of the Carlva Medical Academy to a source of shame for the academy. It was said that he caused the deaths of multiple patients due to unauthorized surgeries and was subsequently imprisoned.

From that point on, Charlotte was nailed to the pillar of shame and became the negative example used by teachers to admonish students.

Vivian sneered at it as well. A senior mage with exceptional talent in healing magic, born into a traditional medical family, had abandoned her beliefs to perform surgeries. It was simply unreasonable!

But what she didn't expect was that three years later, when she fell into adversity and accidentally ended up in this small private clinic, the owner turned out to be "Charlotte"?

"Boss, are you Charlotte Clayton?" Vivian looked at Charlotte and asked softly.

"Hmm? You know me?" Charlotte raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"As a medical student, it's hard to say I don't know..." Vivian nodded with a complex expression, puzzled. "But you've already become a senior mage, haven't you? Then why..."

Seeing Vivian hesitating, Charlotte smiled and said, "It seems like the Physician Association didn't publicize everything they did, such as how they severed my magic origin and expelled me from Carlva."

Vivian's mouth fell open, revealing a shocked expression.

A senior mage having their magic origin severed was almost no different from being killed.

Vivian could hardly imagine if her magic origin was severed, losing all the magic she had diligently cultivated for over a decade, whether she would have the courage to continue living.

"Why?" Vivian almost blurted out the question.

But she already knew the answer... or rather, the reason given by the Physician Association.

"Just as you heard, it's because I performed surgeries for patients who couldn't afford the high medical fees." Charlotte smiled.

As Vivian looked at Charlotte's mocking smile, she fell into confusion.

If she were still sitting in the classrooms of the Imperial Medical Academy, she would have unquestionably supported the actions of the Physician Association, condemning the heretics who deceived patients with so-called surgeries.

However, she had just witnessed a bone fracture surgery, where she saw Charlotte reconnecting the lizardman's broken bones without relying on any magical means.

As a medical student, she could confirm that with the lizardman's natural healing abilities, his broken arm would fully recover and regain normal function in no more than three days.

This was a surgery performed skillfully by Charlotte, someone whose magic origin had been severed.

So, should a doctor who saves patients through "surgery" like this be judged?

Who said that being able to perform magic was a requirement for being a doctor?

Why would the Physician Association, whose primary principle is "putting the patients' interests first," suppress him like this?

Vivian couldn't understand.

"There are many things in this world that you can't understand at your age. When you grow up a bit more, you'll naturally understand," Charlotte didn't continue explaining and picked up a half-filled basin of cold water prepared nearby, pouring it over the lizardman lying on the operating table.

Conditions are limited, and physical anesthesia is the only way to awaken physically.


As expected, the lizardman immediately woke up, sitting up abruptly from the sickbed, looking around in confusion. His gaze finally focused on Charlotte, and his eyes widened, his aura suddenly rising.

Before the lizardman could react, Charlotte had already picked up the Judgment Sword placed by the bedside and calmly said, "The surgery was successful. The broken bones have been reconnected, but you need to rest for a few days. You can't exert force until the bones have fully healed."

Jack, the lizardman, glanced at the Judgment Sword, and his anger immediately subsided. Then he looked at his left arm, which was bound by a wooden brace, and saw that his arm had visibly regained its straight state, with greatly reduced pain. His eyes lit up instantly.

It's really healed!

Although he can't use it now, he is well aware of his own physical condition. With the bones reconnected, it will only take three to five days for his hand to fully recover.

Although the so-called "surgery" process was somewhat frightening, the final result completely exceeded his expectations.

This human doctor is quite impressive!

As Jack looked at Charlotte, his gaze shifted from initial distrust to gratitude.

As a mercenary who relies on his body to make a living, Charlotte has essentially extended his professional career, allowing him to continue thriving in the Abyss.

"The surgery fee is 500 copper coins." Charlotte looked calmly at Jack, playing with the sword in his hand. "You should have brought money, right?"

500 copper coins are undoubtedly a very reasonable price.

If he had gone to another hospital, he wouldn't have been able to leave without paying thousands of copper coins.

But Jack only has 3 copper coins in his pocket, still 497 copper coins short.

"A surgery as complex as this, and you're only charging 500 copper coins?" Vivian's eyes couldn't hide her surprise. The unexpectedly low fee was completely unexpected.

In her understanding, doctors in the imperial capital were undoubtedly part of the upper class, charging exorbitant consultation fees, and enjoying prestigious status and wealth.

Although Charlotte can no longer use magic, he possesses this unique means of "surgery" to treat patients. So why is his fee so low?

Jack's legs trembled, and an even more awkward smile appeared on his face than when he was crying. "Can... can I pay next time? I didn't bring any money with me today."

"If you don't have money, then leave something of equal value as collateral," Charlotte said calmly.

"But I don't have anything valuable on me." Jack spread his hands, boldly claiming his poverty.

"Then let's take a part of your body as compensation. Would you like to choose it yourself, or should I choose?" Charlotte took a step forward, holding the sword, and his voice turned colder.

He hated people who had no money yet acted as if they were in the right.

The menacing sword aura made Jack instinctively step back. In his eyes, Charlotte, with the sword in his hand, appeared as a killing god.

"I... I have three copper coins..." Jack tremblingly took out the only three copper coins from his pocket.

Charlotte took the coins. "You're still 497 copper coins short. I think your tail looks quite nice. How about choosing your tail?"


Three minutes later, the lizardman ran out of the clinic's doors, clutching his stitched tail, his face filled with fear.

In the operating room, Vivian looked at the still wriggling tail on the ground, her face filled with fear.

Charlotte's expression remained much calmer.

Lizardman's tail, weight: 25 kilograms, unit price: 20 copper coins, total value: 500 copper coins.

In his eyes, he saw a wriggling 500 copper coins.

If the sale goes smoothly, he can earn an additional 3 copper coins.

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