Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 178: This is actually the first time I've brought a man home

Chapter 178: This is actually the first time I've brought a man home

Ruth and Charlotte went downstairs and boarded the carriage parked by the side door.

"Sorry, Doctor, for involving you in trouble," Ruth looked apologetically at Charlotte.

"It's not your fault," Charlotte smiled and shook his head. He looked at Ruth, who seemed a bit down, and asked softly, "Who is Amos?"

"He..." Ruth hesitated for a moment and then said, "He is a noble offspring of the Succubus clan, as well as a distant relative of the Daniels family, a level four Succubus strongman."

Charlotte pondered for a moment. Unlike the large and powerful races such as the Humans, Elves, and Dwarves, smaller races like the Succubus and Vampires also existed in the land of Isor.

It's just that they didn't have vast territories or large armies, so they didn't have much presence.

But being an ancient race that has always existed, they have had their moments of glory and their strength should not be underestimated.

At least judging from the fame of the Succubus spreading throughout the land of Isor, the numbers of this race are not as scarce as one might imagine.

"I overheard a conversation between him and his servant earlier. He mentioned the High Priest and the Holy Maiden, and he tried to use you as a catalyst for his promotion to the fifth level," Charlotte said, wanting to alert Ruth.

"That guy!" Ruth clenched her small fist in anger.

After thinking for a moment, she continued, "The High Priest is the most powerful being in the Succubus clan, and she is like the leader of the clan.

She travels around, searching for Succubus scattered throughout the land, and selects the talented ones for cultivation.

Three days ago, she came to the Abyss and found me, claiming that I have awakened the 'Enchanting Eyes' and intending to take me back to the clan for cultivation."

"The Enchanting Eyes?" Charlotte looked at Ruth's eyes, which had a faint golden color. They were indeed seductive, but weren't they a typical trait of Succubus?

"No, it's like this," Ruth said softly, and suddenly her golden eyes became brighter and seemed to swirl.

In Charlotte's eyes, Ruth became even more alluring, sitting there coyly with her teeth gently biting her red lips, a tempting appearance that was hard to resist.


The sound of the system interrupted their moment.

Charlotte's eyes cleared up, and he realized that he had unknowingly stood up and was less than a centimeter away from Ruth's lips.

He quickly stepped back to his seat, unable to hide his astonishment.

He could confirm that he had indeed been enchanted before, completely defenseless.

If it weren't for the sudden alert from the system, he didn't even know what would have happened next.

But one thing was certain if Ruth had intended to make a move on him earlier, he wouldn't have had any chance to resist.

After all, Ruth was only a second-level Succubus, and her awakened talent was indeed quite formidable.

"This is the power of the Enchanting Eyes," Ruth said with a cunning smile, but also somewhat surprised. "But I didn't expect you to have such strong self-control, doctor, to be able to break free from the influence of the Enchanting Eyes on your own."

Charlotte looked at her and asked, "If the High Priest takes you back to the clan for cultivation, you could become the Holy Maiden of the Succubus, the successor to the High Priest, is that right?"

Ruth nodded, then shook her head, her mood somewhat low.

"In theory, yes, but I've heard that the High Priest brings back many talented Succubus every year, but there can only be one Holy Maiden.

I'm just a second-level Succubus, even if I return with the High Priest, it would be difficult for me to compete with those prodigies and become the Holy Maiden."

Charlotte thought of the conversation he had eavesdropped on earlier with Amos.

If Ruth failed to gain the High Priest's approval and became a discarded pawn, she would only end up being a plaything for the noble families in the Succubus clan.

"So, do you want to go?" Charlotte asked softly.

Ruth looked at him, a bit lost, and shook her head gently. "I don't know either. The High Priest said that the Holy Maiden has the responsibility to lead the Succubus in restoring their former glory, but I'm just a dancer who knows nothing about what the former glory of the Succubus is. Should I spend my whole life dancing on Amman Street? Would someone like me make you look down upon me?"

Charlotte saw the dilemma and confusion of the girl and understood the reasons behind it.

In the face of such a decision that could determine the fate of the future, no one could remain calm and composed.

Staying on Amman Street as the top dancer, although she received the pursuit and love of many, she would likely never advance beyond the second level in her lifetime. She would continue until old age and decline until her followers disperse and she exits in desolation.

If she followed the High Priest back to the Succubus Clan, to undergo cultivation and training, she might become a holy woman of the Succubus Clan, or even the future High Priestess. It would be a completely different life.

If it were Charlotte, he would choose the latter.

In this world where the strong were revered, seizing every opportunity to become stronger was the foundation for survival.

Otherwise, there would be countless despicable men like Amos, using dirty tricks to force you to submit to them.

Beauty and charm were Ruth's assets for survival on Amman Street, but also the reason for provoking the covetousness of others.

The confused Ruth appeared weak and helpless, and it ignited a strong protective instinct in Charlotte.

However, he knew very well that he couldn't even protect himself now, let alone make a promise to protect her.

If he made a promise, he would truly become the fraud that Amos described.

"Ruth, you should live for yourself and follow your own heart to make a choice, and then proceed with determination." Charlotte held Ruth's hand and looked into her eyes earnestly.

The warmth transmitted through his large, gentle hand calmed Ruth's restless heart. She looked into Charlotte's clear and pure eyes, reflecting her image. At that moment, she seemed to understand how she should make her choice.

The carriage slowly stopped, and Daisy opened the door and said from outside, "Miss, we have arrived home."

Ruth held Charlotte's hand as they stepped out of the carriage, a happy smile on her face, resembling that of a girl in love.

It was a small courtyard located in a quiet alley, probably towards the end of Amman Street. Guards from the Daniel family patrolled both ends of the alley, giving a sense of security.

"This is my home in the Abyss. I bought it with my own money, and it's the first time I've brought a man home." Ruth held Charlotte's hand and entered the courtyard.

The yard was filled with flowers and plants, well maintained and indicating that someone took care of it regularly.

Ruth led him into the house, and Daisy lit the fireplace, quickly warming up the place.

"Daisy, go get a bottle of wine and make two small side dishes to go with it," Ruth instructed Daisy, then sat beside Charlotte.

With her disguise as a glamorous dancer removed, Ruth, wearing a plain floral dress, sat next to Charlotte, exuding the charm of a delicate woman.

She supported her chin with her hand, propped her elbow on the table, and stared at Charlotte with a smile.

It was the first time Charlotte had seen her in such a peaceful manner.

Before long, Daisy brought a bottle of red wine and two small dishes.

The wine was good, but the two dishes... seemed to be reheated leftovers from outside, edible but plain in taste.

Ruth poured wine into two tall glasses, held up her glass, and smiled at him. "Doctor, thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Charlotte also raised his glass, smiling in return.

"Thank you for saving me, and thank you for letting me meet you." Ruth lightly clinked her glass against his, then drank half of it in one gulp.

Charlotte took a sip.

Ruth probably didn't drink often; her cheeks visibly reddened, and her gaze became slightly unfocused, making her even more alluring.

Then she began to chatter about some past events, like how she came to the Abyss, the hardships she endured while learning to dance under her master, the nervousness of her first stage performance, and the joy of being liked by everyone...

Charlotte quietly listened, occasionally responding with a smile.

It was the first time he had heard Ruth talk about her past, about a young succubus who lost her parents, stumbled into the Abyss, and was taken in as an apprentice by a beautiful dancer.

She learned to dance when she was young...

The path to becoming the top dancer on Amman Street was paved with countless hardships, but that's how she achieved her solid position today.

A hint of pity appeared in his eyes. Behind her glamorous facade, how many people truly knew about her sorrows?

With a bottle of wine down, Charlotte began to feel a bit intoxicated.

Ruth, on the other hand, hung her whole body on him, her arms wrapped around his neck as she sat on his lap.

Her face was flushed and hot, her gaze unfocused, and she whispered in his ear, "She... she said that if I want to become a holy woman, I must not give myself away.

But, Doctor, if I should leave the Abyss, I want... I want to give myself completely to you..."

Charlotte's hand, which was encircling her slender waist, paused.

The slight intoxication immediately sobered up.

Despite the soft and scorching beauty in his arms, he couldn't bring himself to make a move, not even a gentle push.

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