Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 174: I'm already an adult

Chapter 174: I'm already an adult

The Carol family wouldn't allow such a thing to happen.

Then, as soon as they entered the door, he saw the little fairy standing behind the classroom door, inspecting with her hands behind her back.

Damn it! Roland, the untrustworthy guy! Charlotte paused for a moment, ready to turn and escape.

But Roland held onto his shoulder tightly and said, "Vice Principal Jenny, we have a visitor to the school."

Jenny looked up at the sound and when she saw Charlotte standing with Roland, her smile instantly vanished. She gently closed the classroom door and said, "Scumbag, what are you doing here?"

"First of all, let me clarify that we have no grudges or romantic entanglements. It's not appropriate for you to call me that," Charlotte said earnestly.

"I think it's appropriate," Jenny approached them, her gaze shifting to Vivian and Kasha who had entered with them.

Roland enthusiastically introduced, "This is Eileen, an assistant physician, and pharmacist at Charlotte Clinic, and this is..."

"I am Kasha, the master's maid," Kasha took over the conversation and introduced herself.

Charlotte: ...

Don't continue the conversation.

"The master's maid?" Jenny's gaze suddenly became dangerous.

"Alright, Charlotte, not only are you a scumbag, but now you have a maid too. Can you even treat her right?!"

"I, Charlotte, conduct myself with dignity and righteousness. I am accountable to heaven and earth, why do I need to be accountable to others?" Charlotte's words were on the tip of his tongue, but he held them back.

No, it's too childish. He couldn't say it.

"What's wrong with having a maid? Every gentleman has a few maids. I heard that there are countless maids in Roland Manor, taking care of his daily life, and there are even two maids to warm his bed at night," Charlotte said confidently.

Roland, who was enjoying the show beside them, was dumbfounded.

Indeed, Jenny's gaze suddenly turned cold and fell on Roland.

Roland quickly explained, "No... he's talking nonsense. Although there are maids in my manor, they are only responsible for..."

"No need to explain, scumbag!" Jenny raised her fist, ready to strike.

"Wait, wait, why do you have the right to hit me?" Roland quickly stepped back two steps, confused.

"Because... because I am the vice principal of the school and the head of the guidance department, in charge of your misconduct!" Jenny confidently said, pulling out a riding crop from somewhere, ready to give Roland a lesson on the spot.

"That's right, he deserves a good lesson," Charlotte added, egging on and laughing more joyfully than anyone else.

A gentleman does not seek revenge, but if Roland marries this 'moody and suspicious woman,' he will have a hard time.

"So many teachers and children are watching, don't make a scene, give me some face," Roland forced a smile, feeling the heat of the situation.

While the two were fooling around, Charlotte had already walked to the side of the classroom.

Through the transparent glass window, he saw more than ten children in the class. In front of the class was a young female teacher, who happened to be an elegant elf.

The classroom was soundproof, so he couldn't hear what she was saying, but from her gentle expression and the immersed look of the children, he knew she must be giving a good lecture.

This teacher must have been brought by Jenny from Calva. The Abyss couldn't find experienced teachers, no matter how much money they had.

For these children, seeing such a beautiful presence like an elf and becoming their teacher was an incredible surprise.

Jenny is registered as the vice principal at Abyss Academy, but she is not just an investor who wants to experience the feeling of having power. With her status as the heiress of the Carol family, she can bring high-quality teaching resources to Abyss Academy.

She is so smart that she knows this.

Charlotte saw familiar children, especially the half-human, half-beast girl in the black dress sitting in the corner. She was the first child he saved from Siba that night.

Washed clean and dressed in a beautiful dress, her black hair was tied into twin tails behind her head. The cute brown animal ears poked out from her hair, making her look quite adorable.

Her eyes were brown, lively, and clever, and she was focused on the teaching elf in front of her.

"How adorable," Roland leaned in at some point, a hint of pride in his smile, like a farmer showing off his well-grown cabbage, boasting about his harvest.

"What's her name?" Charlotte pointed to the girl in the corner and asked.

"That's Lily, a well-behaved and sensible child," Roland said.

"She has recovered well and is very proactive in learning. She also has some magical talent. I plan to test her in a while. But she often asks me who the brother was that saved them that night"

"Why are you looking at me? Do you think I saved them?" Charlotte looked at Roland calmly.

"Dora said that on the night he and Ivan met me, they were also saved by a brother" Roland squinted his eyes.

"Do you think it's the same person? It's quite coincidental that they were brought to me like this."

"Jenny specifically asked for you, so I just happened to bring her along," Charlotte said with a smile. "And besides, shouldn't you thank me? I brought you a top investor. Not only did I provide money, people, and equipment, but I also directly elevated your position in the family."

"Well then, thank you very much," Roland turned his head slightly, revealing a faint red whip mark on the left side of his face.

"Cherish it. She is a wife and teacher, and she means business," Charlotte patted Roland's shoulder and prepared to take his leave.

"I won't disturb your teaching anymore."

"Let me give you a ride back. I happen to have something I want to discuss with you," Roland said.

With a ride offered, Charlotte naturally didn't refuse.

He also didn't want to use the dagger to stab someone, which seemed inappropriate.

On the way, Roland and Charlotte discussed the establishment of the Abyss Council.

The construction of the Abyss protective barrier had been successfully approved within the Duru family due to Jenny's favor towards him. Kenneth and his two sons had been completely suppressed and didn't dare to oppose.

Roland believed that since Charlotte grew up in Calva and his grandfather was a former elder of the Calva Council, he should have a good understanding of such matters.

Unfortunately, Charlotte was completely clueless about it.

But he could still make things up.

"In my opinion, Calva is currently a very good learning model, but the situation in the Abyss is unique. It is unsuitable to simply copy it. We need to find a balance and establish a special council system for the Abyss."

After listening, Roland pondered for a while and nodded solemnly, "You're right. We must establish a system based on the situation in the Abyss. Simply copying wouldn't work and might even backfire."

After speaking, Roland looked at him with admiration, "You know a lot, as I expected."

"I know a little," Charlotte modestly replied.

The carriage stopped in front of the clinic, and Charlotte and the others got off.

Roland followed, holding a bottle of red wine and handing it to Charlotte.

"What's this?" Charlotte took the wine, somewhat surprised.

"Consider it my consultation fee. Beauty and wine, a perfect match." Roland smiled and climbed back into the carriage, gradually moving away.

"This should be worth quite a bit of money, right? Should we sell it to Harry?" Charlotte played with the wine in his hand.

Only an old label was stuck on the cork, and with his limited knowledge, he couldn't tell which vineyard it came from or its value.

"Is the beauty referring to us? Boss, do I and Kasha get a share of this wine?" Vivian approached.

"You're just a kid, thinking about drinking wine? Wait for another two years." Charlotte carried the wine and pushed open the clinic door.

Vivian followed inside, refusing to accept it, "In the Lance Empire, you're considered an adult at sixteen. I'll be sixteen in just a month!"

As she spoke, she pushed out her full chest.

Charlotte looked back at her, "You don't look like an adult just judging by your height."

"Don't attack my height! I'm still young, I can still grow!" Vivian pouted with an inflated little face.

"Okay, okay, let's save this wine for when you come of age in a month. It smells good and looks tasty." Vivian's face brightened up again, and she turned to Kasha with some curiosity.

"Kasha, how old are you?"

Charlotte also looked at Kasha. He had never asked about Kasha's age.

"17, I think... yes." Kasha replied uncertainly, but quickly added, "I'm already an adult."

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