Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 171:Maid outfit and Lolita (1)

Chapter 171:Maid outfit and Lolita (1)

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

With a muffled sound, the four orcs were sent flying almost simultaneously, crashing down tens of meters away, their breaths interrupted.

"Wow... amazing!" Kasha's mouth hung open in astonishment.

"Has the boss become a knight? But he was a mage!" Vivian also wore an expression of disbelief. She thought Charlotte would use magic spells in battle.

She never expected him to handle the fight so deftly with a scalpel and his physical skills.

You should know that the pig-headed orc was at least of third-level strength!

Yet, the boss killed him in just a second.

Doesn't that mean the boss is now an intermediate knight?

How... how is that possible?!

Charlotte brushed off the dust on his pants and carefully wiped the bloodstains off the scalpel with a cloth. Then, he calmly said to the two stunned women, "Let's go, Tova Street is ahead."

Vivian pulled Kasha, whose legs were still weak, and followed Charlotte, quietly asking, "Boss, when did you become a knight? And... you even became an intermediate knight."

"Shh, it's a secret," Charlotte replied, glancing at her and speaking softly.

"Got it, got it," Vivian nodded, showing an understanding expression.

The boss's background is even more tumultuous than hers. He went from being a prodigy banished from magic to now becoming an intermediate knight.

The suffering he experienced can be imagined.

From being banished from magic to the present, it had only been three years.

Therefore, in just three short years, at the age of twenty-something, he started from scratch and trained to become a third-level knight.

It's... simply an abnormal existence!

You should know that knight training emphasizes a solid foundation.

You must cultivate your bones from a young age, gradually solidifying your foundation as you grow older.

If you want to become a knight, later on, you must endure hundredfold efforts.

She thought of Charlotte's rumored fiance, Elizabeth, the daughter of the Lord of Calva. She was hailed as the most talented knight among the younger generation.

Even though Vivian was far away in the capital, she had heard many legends about Elizabeth.

Two years ago, she even represented Calva and visited the capital, defeating the top student of the Knight Academy with her sword skills, without a single defeat.

This battle made her famous, and many students from the Medical Academy skipped classes to watch the duel, just to catch a glimpse of that elegant white-clad girl.

Unluckily, Vivian was one of the onlookers who skipped class.

Due to her short stature and the large crowd, she only caught a brief glimpse.

That young girl in silver armor, challenging the tall and imposing chief of the Knight Academy's Swordsmanship Association, left a deep impression on her.

Although the boss was not bad either, handsome in appearance, good-natured, and even his cooking was delicious, she had always felt that he was somewhat incompatible with Elizabeth.

But today, the boss revealed an astonishing talent in knight training, causing her to reevaluate the two of them.

It could be said... they were both extraordinary individuals.

In comparison, she was just a waste who knew how to cook.

"Sigh..." Thinking of this, Vivian couldn't help but sigh.

When a cute girl sighs, she must have something on her mind. Charlotte glanced at her and smiled, "What's wrong? Do you have many big questions in that little head of yours?"

Vivian stared at Charlotte, "I'm curious, where does all your talent come from? At least I have been called a prodigy since I was little, but compared to you, I feel like a waste."

"That's just how it is. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, things can't be changed," Charlotte smiled.

Vivian: "Do you think you're funny?"

This girl is hit hard!

"To be honest, when I was your age, I had just become an intermediate mage," Charlotte looked at her seriously.

"Keep it up, young girl. The path to becoming a top-notch mage is still long, and your talent has already made other mages envious."

A smile reappeared on Vivian's face, even with a hint of pride.

"But besides healing spells, I'm going to supervise your practice of offensive magic more from now on," Charlotte said, looking at her, "So, let's start tutoring tonight."

Vivian's expression instantly fell, looking pitifully at Charlotte. "Tonight? Can't we start tomorrow?"

"No," Charlotte's words left no room for negotiation.

"Alright," Vivian nodded.

She knew that she was weak in offensive magic. As an intermediate water mage, she only knew a few offensive spells besides healing magic.

This was closely related to her upbringing and future goals. Growing up in a noble family and aspiring to become a top physician, she never thought she would need to fight one day.

But after being stranded in the chaotic and lawless Abyss, she deeply felt the importance of self-defense.

Healing magic could save others, but when faced with villains, it couldn't save her.

They walked through the alley and arrived at Tova Street.

The Night of the Red Moon was a devastating disaster for Tova Street. Half of the street was destroyed, and the residents suffered heavy casualties.

But after a few days, Charlotte was surprised to find that the destroyed buildings had all been repaired, and even some old buildings that hadn't collapsed were demolished and rebuilt.

A brand new Tova Street appeared before them.

The shops along the street were posting rental notices, and about half of them were under renovation and displaying merchandise.

Knights wearing black armor were patrolling the streets, and Charlotte noticed the Duru family crest on their chests.

The chaotic district that was once filled with magic drug addicts and dealers suddenly became orderly after the Duru family took over.

Charlotte was somewhat surprised, yet also relieved.

If Roland could promote this model throughout the Abyss, the transformation of Abyss into Calva wouldn't be just a fantasy.

Of course, there was still a long way to go before it became a vibrant city, but restoring order and establishing investment confidence were undoubtedly the first steps.

"It feels similar to Baka Street here, relatively safer," Vivian whispered following behind Charlotte.

"The safest place is by the Master's side," Kasha followed closely to Charlotte, almost sticking to him.

The previous experience had frightened her. Now she realized how terrifying and dangerous the Abyss truly was.

But the powerful Charlotte gave her a strong sense of security, especially when he held her. She felt a slowly growing sense of safety.

Charlotte led the two of them to Eighth Lane, where the tailor's shop was open. He approached and knocked on the door.

Ivan, who was cutting fabric, looked up and his eyes lit up. He happily put down the scissors and walked over, saying, "Dr. Charlotte, why are you here!"

After not seeing each other for over half a month, Ivan's complexion was completely different from when they first met.

He was once emaciated and on the verge of death, but now his cheeks had regained some flesh, although he was still thin.

His complexion looked almost normal now.

"Just came to see how you're doing, and also to have two sets of clothes tailored for the staff in the shop," Charlotte entered the tailor's shop.

Kasha and Vivian followed in.

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