Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 167:You want a vampire to go vegetarian?

Chapter 167:You want a vampire to go vegetarian?

"This is a dog, this is a dog. Look, it has sharp fangs too... This is a dog..." He began to self-hypnotize and then confidently picked up the iron wire.

Slowly, he inserted it into the cavity of the decayed tooth, trying to move it up and down along the path of the dental pulp.

This step was to remove the nerves from the pulp chamber.


Monte's body straightened abruptly, like a stiff dead fish, even his dark red hair stood on end.

This feeling could no longer be described as refreshing.

It was simply unbearable!

That thin wire seemed to have penetrated directly into his brain, then went in and out of his mind, violently pulling at his nerves.

He stared at Charlotte, wishing that if he were a blood-sucking criminal, the law would punish him instead of lying here and suffering like this!

He didn't even know how long this process had lasted. Several times he tried to attack, but each time he was forcefully restrained.

Gradually, he felt numb, as if he couldn't feel the pain anymore.

"Not hurting anymore?" Suddenly, Charlotte asked, looking at his face and seeing no response, nodding, "Looks like the extraction is almost done, that's good."

Before Monte could speak, Charlotte picked up the bamboo tube again.

He injected a dose of cleaning agent into the marrow cavity, flushing and disinfecting it.

"Spit it out, then keep your mouth open, don't speak or move. If your teeth get contaminated, they will still hurt even if they're fixed." Charlotte turned and walked towards a nearby cabinet.

Monte slowly sat up, spitting out the disinfectant in his mouth, watching Charlotte's back. Bat wings slowly unfolded behind him, revealing three sharp teeth, and his fingers turned into black claws.

"You won't be able to finish filling these teeth today. I have to fill the empty ones first, then record the size of the teeth and ask the blacksmith master to make a dental crown for you." Charlotte glanced at the terrifying shadow on the ground and calmly said.

Monte remained silent for a moment. He retracted his claws, and the bat wings slowly folded back. Only his mouth remained open, with the hollow fangs exposed.

The guilt had reached such an extent that if he ate the physician now, would he have a toothless gap for the rest of his life?

After searching in the cabinet for a while, Charlotte took out a black jar from a corner, opened the lid, and revealed a pile of white powder.

This was bone meal, mixed with some other ingredients. When water was added, it would solidify into a substance with considerable hardness.

The original owner used this to make bone grafts for some patients, and the effect was not bad, at least no one died because of it.

In the middle of the night, Charlotte couldn't find a suitable filling material, so he had no choice but to use this for the vampire's filling.

If it weren't for the poor durability of this stuff, he would have directly used it to make a dental crown for the vampire's fangs.

Charlotte cleaned his hands and then prepared a paste of bone powder.

He quickly filled the hollow space of his canine tooth with the bone powder, compacting it carefully with a thin iron rod to ensure there were no gaps.

He created a protruding base for easy placement of the dental crown.

After a while, the bone powder gel hardened.

Charlotte nodded in satisfaction.

"Is it done?" Monte was surprised at how painless the entire process was and looked at him incredulously.

"The root canal treatment and filling of the canine tooth are complete, but it will take two days to custom-make the dental crown. It will only be considered finished after the crown is fitted," Charlotte nodded slightly.

Before Monte could smile, his tone changed, "However, there is more than just one decayed tooth in your mouth. Two decayed molars need to be dealt with together."

Having just completed one tooth, Charlotte was brimming with confidence.

"Again?!" Monte jumped off the bed in shock, continuously retreating, fear evident on his face. "I won't do it anymore, I won't!"

"Decayed teeth are contagious, and you wouldn't want a mouth full of rotten teeth, unable to bite anything," Charlotte smiled and walked toward the vampire who had retreated to the corner of the room.

"Don't come near me!"


That night, Charlotte successfully removed three cavities for the vampire Monte.

Since Charlotte didn't have a dental mold, he had the vampire bite into a three-centimeter-thick iron plate, leaving behind two clear rows of teeth marks.

"Is it done now?" Monte covered his swollen right cheek, looking at Charlotte with a gaze mixed with fear, anger, and a hint of murderous intent.

"Not bad. Come see me in three days, and I'll place the dental crown for you," Charlotte looked satisfied, holding the iron plate in his hands.

He reminded me, "By the way, for the next three days, try to eat lightly, preferably vegetarian and soft foods, and especially no blood."

"You want a vampire to eat vegetarian?" Monte stared at Charlotte in disbelief.

"What's the matter? With a mouth full of decayed teeth, can't you handle vegetarian food?" Charlotte casually retorted.

Monte: "..."

"Settle the bill before you leave," Charlotte stopped Monte as he was about to leave.

"I haven't even had my teeth fixed, and you want to charge me?" Monte opened his mouth, revealing an amusingly polished upper canine tooth, complaining indignantly.

"That's how it works with dental treatment. It's a per-session fee. If you run away halfway through, how can I find you?" Charlotte took out a pen and paper and quickly wrote a list.

"Oh, and you also need to prepay for the custom dental crown. It totals 18,800 copper coins."

"It's quite expensive, isn't it?" Monte's gaze became slightly dangerous.

"For three teeth, I'm only charging you 18,800. It's a fair price," Charlotte replied nonchalantly.

After all, as a dentist, if you don't charge a little higher, it won't be in line with the market. Can't ruin the reputation of colleagues.

"In three days, you better have my teeth fixed, or I'll drain you dry." Monte placed two shiny gold coins on the table, turned around, and left.

"Collecting payment," Charlotte held the two glittering gold coins in his hand.

In response, there was a loud slam of the door.

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