Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 164:Elixir of immortality

Chapter 164:Elixir of immortality

Mermaid girl's innocent gaze, coquettish and initiative look, it seems a little inappropriate if nothing happens tonight.

Then Charlotte noticed Vivian, who was watching him with interest, on the side, as if waiting for him to make a decision.

He suddenly realized that Kasha and Vivian were about the same age.

His mind instantly became much clearer.

"We can talk about the matter of sleeping together later, but since you've already moved into the clinic, you must take on some of the work," Charlotte said to Kasha.

"Work?" Kasha looked at him in confusion.

Charlotte nodded, "That's right. Now that the clinic is gradually getting on track, more and more patients are coming for treatment and buying potions.

Vivian and I need to perform surgeries and treat patients. So, I plan to have you handle the sales of magic potions."

"But... I've never sold anything before," Kasha said with some lack of confidence.

"Don't worry. Currently, the clinic only sells a few types of potions to the public, and the prices are easy to calculate. You'll be fine after getting used to it in a couple of days. I'll teach you," Vivian encouraged.

"Do you have a concept of money?" Charlotte asked tentatively.

"In the depths of the sea, coins are still used as currency. Although I don't spend much money usually, I'm sensitive to numbers. I can handle simple calculations, such as small amounts," Kasha was quite confident about this.

"Good." Charlotte nodded, stood up, and reached out to Kasha with a smile.

"Welcome to the Abyss Clinic, Kasha."

Kasha looked at the well-defined hand and hesitantly reached out her small hand, which was then held firmly.

"Thank you, master," Kasha felt herself being embraced by a warm, big hand, and her face instantly turned red.

Charlotte withdrew his hand, looked at her, and seemed a little hesitant, "When you were in the sewers, did you sleep in the water or on a bed? Do you need a blanket?"

It didn't seem quite appropriate to let a mermaid with a large fishtail lie on a bed and cover herself with a blanket.

"Or, can you turn your fish tail into a pair of legs, like other races' humanoid transformations?"

On the Ise Continent, many races were capable of humanoid transformations.

For example, dragons at level six and above automatically possessed this ability.

Some demon races and beastmen also had a similar abilities after reaching a certain level.

It was somewhat reminiscent of the transformation abilities of a yokai.

"The merfolk can only transform their fish tails into legs after reaching level six and acquiring the ability to live on land for a long time," Kasha shook her head.

"I'm only at level three, and my strength has been continuously declining after coming ashore. I can no longer transform.

When I was in the sewers, I slept in a cave. I liked the damp caves because they made me feel comfortable."

"I like them too." Charlotte looked at her.

"You can't touch seawater, but you're not allergic to fresh water, right?"

Kasha nodded.

"That tonight you try sleeping in the bathtub first, soaking in the water might make you feel more comfortable," Charlotte said as he walked away, taking Kasha to her room and lighting the beast oil lamp in the bathroom.

Against the wall was a large marble bathtub.

Charlotte turned on the faucet and started filling the tub.

He said, "You'll sleep here tonight. To add water, you just need to turn this faucet. The drain switch is on the side of the tub. Adjust the water level to what's comfortable for you."

"Okay," Kasha obediently nodded.

"Well then, get some rest. Your body needs to recover for a few more days. Don't overexert yourself," Charlotte said as he turned to leave.

"Master..." Kasha suddenly spoke up.

Charlotte stopped in his tracks and looked at her.

"Good night, Master," Kasha blushed and softly said.

"Good night, Kasha," Charlotte smiled and closed the door for her.

Kasha took off her tightly fitted clothes, revealing her snow-white skin with no more red marks. Her skin was smooth and tender.

Her lower body was also restored to perfection, with the ice-blue scales shining brightly.

She gently slid into the bathtub, swaying her mermaid tail, feeling somewhat lost, "Is he resisting me? But the book says that a maid should serve her master..."

Charlotte went downstairs and quickly brewed five batches of hemostatic potions and five batches of cleansing potions, completing the day's KPI.

He then returned to his study.

The only breakthrough in Kasha's condition seemed to lie with the author of that picture book. He planned to talk to the bald boss tomorrow.

As an old-fashioned bookseller, he might have channels to find the author of the picture book.

With a thought, tattered animal skin and an exquisite wooden box appeared on the desk.

He had obtained half of the animal skin from Harry the day before yesterday. Opening the box, there was another half inside, which he had obtained from the owner of the Siba Tavern before.

These past two days had been too busy, and he hadn't had time to study this thing carefully.

Just as Harry had said, this was the most authentic-looking piece among the pile of seemingly genuine treasure maps, giving off a rather strange feeling.

Charlotte spread the two pieces of animal skin flat on the table, and the broken edges matched perfectly, confirming that they were originally one whole piece.

Apart from the overly dramatic phrases, it was rather puzzling as to what was hidden at the geographical location marked on this animal's skin.

Charlotte squinted his eyes, preventing himself from getting too engrossed, and carefully flipped the two pieces of animal skin over.

"Do you desire immortality?"

"Do you want to understand the true meaning of life?"

The two lines of red words carried a peculiar meaning.

Just then, the two lines of red words suddenly flashed.

Charlotte instinctively took two steps back, squinting his eyes even more, blurry text, preventing himself from getting too absorbed.

And then, something eerie happened.

The torn pieces of animal skin started merging at a visible speed.

Within a few breaths, the torn animal skin had completely healed itself!

This scene made Charlotte's scalp tingle, and he instinctively took a half step back.

Has this animal skin become enchanted?!

As the animal skin merged, a third line of red text appeared on the back:

[Immortality Elixir Formula]

Now, Charlotte couldn't stay calm anymore. He took two steps and reached the table, picking up the animal skin parchment.

The red text remained mysterious, but his attention was focused on the six words "Immortality Elixir Formula."

Human cultivation seeks nothing but immortality.

This is particularly evident among humans.

Compared to giants who can live for thousands of years and elves who start their lives at eight hundred, the lifespan limit of ordinary humans is one hundred years, which increases with their strength.

Apart from gaining strength through cultivation, the most tempting aspect of cultivating is extending one's lifespan.

After breaking through the fourth stage, a human's lifespan can reach four hundred years, quadrupling the length of their life.

But... what's the deal with this Immortality Elixir?

Could there be a potion in this world that grants immortality?

It's impossible!

If such a precious potion truly existed, it wouldn't be reduced to being buried in the depths of the mountains, completely unknown.

That would be too far-fetched.

But what if it's true?

This potion would be more astonishing to the world than a potion that repels magic.

Charlotte flipped over the map.

The rough map transformed along with the animal skin, turning into a detailed route map.

The destination was a place called "Seven-Star Valley."

Charlotte pulled out a map from the top shelf of the bookcase and compared it, finding a mountain range.

Roughly estimated, the destination was at least three thousand kilometers away from the Abyss.

He fell silent for a moment, quietly stuffing the animal skin back into the black box, and then storing it in his spatial ring.

He could make a note of it, but who knows how many years it would take for him to hitch a ride with a powerful and convenient caravan.

The Elixir of Immortality... It sounds too mysterious. He even had some concerns that it might be a trap.

However, following the map, he ended up stumbling upon a great opportunity, unleashing some terrifying ancient monsters or creatures.

The Elixir of Immortality... It targets the weaknesses of human nature.

As a mediocre and penniless person, he was very aware of this. He wouldn't immediately pack his bags and venture into the wilderness to pursue that elusive immortality.

In comparison, a bottle after another of powerful potions provided him with a much more comforting sense of security.

Outside the window, he faintly heard a few screams and cries for help.

The night of chaos in the abyss was once again gradually returning.

Charlotte closed the window, shutting out the noise.

Without a sword in hand, he naturally wouldn't venture out in the middle of the night. It didn't align with his principles from the bottom of his heart.

He heard that the Harriman family and the Duru family were in talks, preparing to join forces with the Daniel family to establish the Abyss Council and set up the Abyss Guard, as well as establish a tax system specific to the Abyss.

Charlotte had heard Roland and Diana talking about their plans to rebuild the abyss based on Calva.

The Abyss Council was the ruling body, while the Abyss Guard served as the violent enforcer of that rule. As for the tax system, it was closely tied to commerce.

The unique geographical conditions of the abyss resulted in almost no agriculture, so taxes could only be imposed on merchants.

Naturally, when the prices of goods rose, these taxes would eventually be passed on to ordinary residents.

Charlotte's limited understanding of economics could only grasp this much.

Transforming the abyss, which had been in chaos and disorder for thousands of years, into a miniature Calva was by no means an easy task.

Roland was very dedicated to this endeavor and personally involved, and this spirit greatly impressed Charlotte.

If this plan succeeded, it would undoubtedly benefit the trapped residents of the abyss.

"Knock, knock!"

At this moment, a series of knocking sounds suddenly rang out.

No, it wasn't knocking on the door!

It was the sound of knocking on the window.

Charlotte looked up and saw the window. In his hand, he already held a Fireball Spell Scroll and a Thunderstorm Spell Scroll.

The protective barrier had been activated, trembling slightly in response to the knocking, showing signs of breaking.

This indicated that the strength of the approaching person was above Level 4.

They were knocking on the window instead of breaking indirectly, implying that their hostility wasn't particularly strong.

While contemplating, the knocking on the window grew louder and the trembling of the protective barrier became more intense, as if it could shatter at any moment.

Charlotte gripped the scrolls, took a deep breath, and opened the window.

A pale, gruesome head hung at the window, with a pair of bloodshot eyes staring fixedly at him.

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