Rise of the White Dragon

Chapter 254: Idiot Decision [Not yet edited]

Chapter 254: Idiot Decision [Not yet edited]

The color of Luan's eyes darkened. "As expected, they are very idiots..."

Ingrid smiled sweetly and nodded in a gentle voice: "Yes, I agree."

Going at full speed, a Nymph who arrived at the Fourth Order in a forced way, since it was obvious that she had become frantic and was being controlled, was heading towards Saulo Dimas' house.

Luan saw it, and Ingrid was able to see it too. They appeared in front of this Nymph and intercepted her intention to continue.

Luan laughed coldly and said sarcastically, "Your queen Tifa is very good, she even turned her right arm into a monster... Wow, I must applaud and praise how good she is, yes?"

Luise lost all senses, after she stopped in front of Luan and Ingrid, she only thought of them as a target. Her body, which before was very beautiful and cold and charming at the same time, became something scary, her mouth became like a drill full of teeth, her body became dark green, looking like a rotting fruit, even the smell that before was soft and pleasant, now it was very unpleasant.

Her eyes were like two big round balls of glass and they were red in color, and she looked at Luan and Ingrid as if she were looking at food and she started to drool.

Ingrid stopped smiling and said coldly, "Simply disgusting!"

"KILL!" The voice was incredibly frightening and full of resentment and hoarseness.

Pointing a hand to Ninfa Luise, a branch of the tree came out. Luise tries to dodge, but like a snake lunging, the branch's speed increases and pierces Luise's chest.

Very quickly, the roots start to blink in neon and information from Luise's memories is transported to Luan's mind. After discovering everything he wanted, Luan created a seed within Nymph Luise and gave the following commands by destroying what once controlled Luise: "Go and kill all those you know are against me and my family in Brazil and then if Woods."

"Yea." Without the slightest humanity she responded devoid of any emotions, sounding like the voice coming from a robot and the branch on her chest came out and she turned and flew towards the territory of the Nymphs.

The once rainbow-colored wings of hers were now almost as lifeless, and at the same sinister start to beat fast.

"They are monsters…" Ingrid felt a little distressed.

Although she is not directly affected, she was affected a little emotionally. She'd seen Luise before and to change into something like that was worse than taking her life.

"The government promised the Nymphs that if they managed to kill Saulo Dimas, they would have free access to the tower." Luan stopped talking. The rest was predictable, they accepted by the way they transformed the Queen of Nymphs' right-hand man.

Ingrid pursed her lips in disgust and coldly sneered: "They already have enough money, enough resources, but they are still not satisfied and want more and keep trying to control and steal the country while thousands of people die at the expense of living in luxury. I sincerely..."

"Not that it justifies what they do, but the feeling of being in power is what they least want to lose, some is just for the money, but many are because they have the power to control other people's lives." Luan said slowly: "Being able to dictate who lives and dies is something that you will only understand when you have that kind of power, if you have common sense, it will still do something good, however, it can also corrupt you, and make you feel powerful and omnipotent. That's a feeling that's hard for them to want to let go of, that's what makes a lot of them feel alive, but it doesn't justify what they do either."

Ingrid rested her head on Luan's shoulder and asked, "You've led a lot of people, so you understand?"

"Yes, and at times I almost got lost and let myself believe that I owned many people's lives and treated them for a while as mere tools." Luan sighed as he remembered someone: "She saved me, you might say. A friend I made showed me how wrong I was and made me see my mistakes. That's when I also became a Fifth Order cultivator."

"Is it over there? Who was she?" Ingrid was intrigued, even a little jealous, but she controlled herself, she was just jealous because she saw Luan talk about another woman so gently.

"Nora, Nora Van de Steffan. A friend I made on the 50th floor and princess of the Steffan clan of vampires. Remember the girl I said I saw before?" Luan said: "She was at the place I made with my other 4 friends, I think she is Nora's daughter or relative, but I didn't feel she was from the same lineage, maybe she was adopted by Nora? Honestly, it's been years and I don't know what happened. However, she had a strange reaction when she saw me using my Origin, which suggests to me that she knows me, or rather my old self."

"Would she be Nora in disguise?" Ingrid asked.

"No, that's impossible." Luan absolutely denied it. It wasn't a matter of smell, or even aura, but if it was really Nora...

"She would have reacted differently... Did she like you?" Ingrid was incredibly insightful in that moment, she saw the look of surprise on Luan's face and knew she guessed right: "So, did you two date?"

Luan sighed and didn't hide anything: "Not exactly, our relationship was very good, and I came to like her, and she well, she loved me and she's risked her life for me many times, so yeah, she didn't I would react as indifferently as the woman I met before."

"... Do you still like her? I mean, in a romantic way?" Ingrid asked as she felt some pain.

"No, I don't have romantic feelings for her." Luan said looking into her eyes: "I actually loved her, but my love was lost over the years and turned into admiration and treating her like family, a big sister at times, and a younger sister at others, it was a strange relationship, but I didn't get to love her again or allow myself to. I wanted her to move on, as my situation was neither good nor hopeful, the only way I could figure out a way to make myself 'a man' again was by getting to the Seventh Order, and that by itself, it took almost a thousand years."

"This strikes me as a romantic story of tragic love, for some reason it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth, so let's not talk about it anymore, okay?" Ingrid didn't want to be mad at him and be irrational, but she admits she was jealous of Nora Van Steffan she didn't even know.


Meanwhile, Luise arrived in Nymph territory and started attacking non-stop, she was now stronger than all of them, as she used an ancient and forbidden technique to make her berserk mode and gave her many impure monster cores for her to eat and reach the Fourth Order by force. If not for the old technique, they would have been dead before, as it was not easy to control someone who went berserk mode frantic.

Tifa was looking at Luise in silence as she watched her exterminate her clan, she only felt pain and anguish but not anger at Luise, she who brought it, she shouldn't have listened to the clan elders, but it brought something incorrigible, she already I expected the worst the moment these old idiots fell into temptation, even after seeing the power of Luan Dimas.

The Elders yelled at her, and wanted her to help them kill Luise, but she just laughed and laughed. Her laugh was totally desperate, she didn't want that, but somehow she was a little glad to see the elders' despair and said coldly: "I warned you, I warned you it was foolish, you made her frantic and I didn't have it. choice, but come to think of it, I'm an idiot too, I deserve to die, at least I'm going to die at Luise's hands, maybe it won't be such a bad ending."

"Stop talking nonsense, it's no use crying over spilled milk, if you don't help us, we'll be lost!" The elders despaired, the old technique wasn't working, the seal inside Luise's body was broken, and they couldn't stop her, nor did they have the strength to go against her.

In a short time, many old women died, among other Nymphs.

Using an ancient spell, Tifa made the youngest children that were together teleported, she aged a hundred years doing this, and lost all her strength, but at least she saved the Nymph children, they were almost all her children, the queen, there was no way she could let her clan be wiped out completely, she was willing to give her life for the lives of her babies.

As for death, she laughed. She already despaired, but did not regret dying, she made wrong choices and it brought disaster for them, she can only blame herself for being naive and not having noticed the actions of the elders.

But it was too late to regret, she just hoped her children would survive. That's all, he's already let her die with a tear-filled smile on her face as her chest is pierced by Luise.

"I'm sorry…" She spat blood and smiled, Luise in her frantic state, cried blood and screamed pitifully, and then went back to killing the Nymphs.

Then she didn't stop and went after the politicians who urged them to do this, the ones who wanted to kill Luan, at least the ones she knew and started killing them all too and killed herself in the end.

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