Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 106: What is Honor?

Chapter 106: What is Honor?

"That crazy bastard"

Amaryll screamed after she almost fell off from her bed hearing Knight's wake up call.

After Don had left Everlight to help Darlene, Knight started to train the men and women mercilessly as they only got a few hours of rest in the night and even Amaryll couldn't escape from her training. 

And since Amaryll liked to be the head chef in Everlight's kitchen, she had little to no time after keeping Everlight's treasury in check as well as training with Knight. Luckily for her, she had Uncle Dior and Catalie to help in the treasury area while the goblins helped her with the cooking.

But when it comes to training with Knight she had no help. And when she realized that Knight is going to train them even in the night time, she almost went mad. 

"I'm going to poison his food, Damn you! you four legged bastard!!! "

Surprisingly after she shouted and cursed Knight, she heard Knight's laughter in the air which made her more furious.


Currently, Knight was standing on a stage while looking down on the tired sleepy face of men and women in Everlight's army.


The moment Knight said this word, everyone despite the fact they were tired, moved into two big groups and two smaller groups.

The first big group had mostly dwarves and demihuman men and women while the other big group had elves and humans. As for the smaller groups, they had a mix of elven women, dwarven women, goblins, and demihumans with weak physiques like bunnies and cats unlike the other group of people covered in black robes from head to bottom, not even their eyes were visible to others.


Another shout from Knight made the first big group step forward and they started to hit their hammers and swords against their big heavy shields.


The second big group moved behind the infantry and aimed their bows, nocked the arrows, and released them as the arrows pierced through the air and landed far away from Knight in perfect rows.

"Dark angels"

The blacked robes unit stepped forward and put their hand on their chest as Knight nodded.


The remaining group stepped forwards and raised their sacks and bags towards Knight as he grinned devilishly.

"What the hell are you doing Knight?"

While Knight was looking at his men, he heard a furious shout as he turned to see Amaryll walking towards him with ruffled hair in her sleeping dress.

"What does it look like?"

Knight was trying his hardest not to laugh at Amaryll seeing her look in front of the men.

"You tell me, it's midnight you bastard! You're going to train us to death at this rate"

"Winners don't sleep at night, Amaryll"

"And who said that?"

Amaryll rolled her eyes and asked Knight in an irritated tone as Knight ruffle his hair and said

"He's standing right in front of you"

Seeing the smug on Knight's face, Amaryll wanted to strangle him to death but she controlled her anger and sat on the ground to see what's he really up to

"You" Knight pointed his finger(paw) at one of the demihumans in the infantry unit 

"What's your unit's role in the battlefield?"

"We are the defense, our main goal is to protect the Archers and our main target is the enemy cavalry, general Knight "

At first, the men and women in the army hesitated to call him as general instead of your majesty but Knight ordered them to call him as the former because, in Knight's mind, general Knight sounded cooler than your majesty Knight.

After nodding at the demihuman in the infantry, Knight pointed his finger at the elven woman in the archer unit and asked the same question that he asked the demihuman just a moment ago.

"We are the offense, our goal is to destroy enemy infantry as quick as possible, general Knight "

"You, the same question"

Knight pointed at one of the people in the black robe since there was no way to tell whether it was a woman or man behind those robes.

"Our goal is simple, kill the enemy commanders and formidable enemies during or before the battle"

"Hey, isn't that kinda dishonorable?"

Amaryll frowned and asked Knight when she heard the black-robed person as Knight shook his head

"There's no honor and dishonor in a battle Amaryll. When you fight, you fight to win and if you think this dishonorable, wait till you see my favorites" as he said Knight pointed his finger towards the small bunny girl in the Reapers unit

"Tell me what's your job to Amaryll here"

The bunny girl was nervous since Amaryll could even see the cold sweat on her forehead as the bunny girl took a step forward carrying her sack

"We reapers have only one job, we pillage and recycle everything in the battlefield when the right time comes. Our motto is don't leave anything behind"

For a moment after the bunny girl finished talking, there was nothing but deathly silent in the field as Amaryll was so shocked as she stared at the reapers with wide eyes and opened mouth

"You are so despicable, Knight" Amaryll shook her head and she couldn't know whether to laugh or cry when she thinks about the goblins and little bunnies running around the battlefield looting the corpses

"What? why?, Reapers will do the noblest thing by recycling the waste left by our enemies, in a way we are keeping the world clean"


"So general knight, when will we get a cavalry unit?" from the crowd, Knight heard a young voice asking this question

"Soon we will get cavalry and the other units and everything that you would've imagined"

Knight was forming an army as he saw in the divine continent and the information he heard from Stodemar and Uncle Dior with some additional ideas of his own.

Currently, Everlight's army had nearly five hundred soldiers in number which is almost the number of some powerful rank 4 kingdoms, and with Knight's training, the apex machine and the healing potion made the army of Everlight look invincible but the only thing they lacked was the real battle experience.

As for the cavalry unit, Knight and Don wanted to form the cavalry unit with orcs since their huge strong physics and their mounts made them ideal than others. However, until now Don and Knight had no idea of where to find the orcs since they are as rare as the elves in the slave market.

In addition to the number of soldiers, Everlight had another advantage over the other kingdoms, the Apex machine. As of now, almost all the 500 hundred of the soldiers reached the peak of the master level and a bunch of them on the verge of breaking through to the great master realm and all of them had the bound energy running through their veins, also the fact that the life energy has been already started to replenish in the world helped them speed up their cultivation rate.

Other than the soldiers, Knight had ordered the dwarves to build some war machines like huge crossbows and catapults for now since they had no resources or workers to build a little more effectual war machines let alone building the powerful and nearly invincible machines following the blueprints that Knight and Don stole from some ancient ruins, sects, and families in the divine continent.

And when the time comes, Ken could build ruthless devices and machines with the help of his knowledge from the future but for now, Everlight had to live with what they have got.

"The reason I've called you in the night is to train you on how to use the darkness of the night to our advantage"

When Amaryll thought that Knight couldn't be more despicable, he surprised her by teaching the army all sorts of despicable unhonourable things like killing the enemy soldiers resting in their sleep, burning the rations, stealing their armors, and even sending beautiful woman from his army as dancers and eliminate the generals and mages.

"General Knight, if we do that wouldn't the world call us dishonorable or despicable?"

An elven archer asked Knight as the elves were taught to be honorable by their ancestors so the things that Knight asked them to do were against their nature.

"Well the world can go and fu"


Amaryll glanced at Elrond as Knight cleared his throat and continued

"You must know that there are no honorable or dishonorable things in a battle, only winning that matters. What honor means when you die fighting honorably?"

Knight looked at the men and women before them as their seemed conflicted especially the elves but the dwarves looked very intrigued by Knight's new tactics

"Listen up, if you are sure that you can fight honorably and win, go ahead no problem. But when the odds are against you which they will often, you have to take every chance and use every trick to turn the odds to your favor"

Most of the demihumans and dwarves started to nod their heads as the elves started to realize the truth behind Knight's words

"And when we become stronger than everyone else in this world, what we say is the truth so until then we fight in my way because I and Don fought more battles than you could ever imagine"

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