Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 101: Breakfast with King Harold

Chapter 101: Breakfast with King Harold

After saying goodbye to Riya, Arrora sneaked near Don's room and when she looked up, she saw Don's room windows were closed.

"Hey Don, open up your windows" Arrora contacted Don through Khal and waited for his response. However, there was no response from Don for a few moments 

"Oh come on what's he doing?" Arrora was losing her patience just as Don's windows opened.

"Finally" Arrora said with a smile and leaped into Don's room like a bird to see Don standing before her with a face that says "what the hell do you want in the middle of the night?"

"I found ourselves a runemaster" Arrora's face was brimming with delight and excitement as it made her face even more beautiful in the moonlight.

"Really? Where?"

"Here, he's the cousin of Darlene"

"Cousin?" Don frowned as Arrora leaned on the wall and said 

"Let me tell you the story"

Arrora started to narrate the whole story to Don as he listened patiently without asking any questions but here and then while she was telling the story, Arrora could see a cold murderous aura radiating from Don 

Eventually, Arrora finished the whole story and waited for Don to say something as Don finally asked

"You sure we can trust them?" 

"I'm not saying we can trust them completely but if we help them they'll be loyal to us and to Everlight" 

Hearing Arrora's answer, Don thought about it for a moment

"Besides we do need a runemaster don't we?"

Arrora was right and Don knew it, they needed a runemaster quickly as possible to repair the teleportation array which was a tremendous help to Don and his plans would be slowed down or even be hindered if the teleportation array broke.

"So we need to figure out what's wrong with Nikalas's mother in order to get him to our side"

"Hmm" Arrora nodded as Don rubbed his chin 

"And there were no physical injuries in her body?"

"Yes "

"I should call Reghys here then"

If there were any physical injuries Don could simply heal them with his positions since there weren't any, Don decided to call Reghys because the dragons were more knowledgeable than humans or any other races for that matter.

Also, Reghys didn't need to use the teleportation array as she could easily fly here without getting noticed by the humans. However the one problem of bringing Reghys was even in her human form, she still had wings yet Don decided to bring her anyways.

And since Arrora was alone with Don she needed to remind him about something

"Hey Don, the blood in Luther and Grannar do you still remember it right?"

Don didn't forget about Arrora's request to investigate the bloodstains she saw when they were shopping for clothes as he already contacted Knight

"I've asked Knight to send Arwen to investigate,he'll contact you if he finds anything"

"Thanks Don" Although she knew she didn't have to thank him but she had to thank him since he was solely doing this for her as Don just nodded

"What about Stodemar, Ken, and Benedict ?"

Before leaving from Everlight to Korrinth, Stodemar was tasked to buy enough materials for construction works while Ken went to the capital to buy the metals and supplies needed for building some important devices for Don as Benedict accompanied him in the journey as he was tasked with acquiring the materials needed to temporarily repair the teleportation array, again.

"Stodemar reached Everlight without any problems, Ken and Benedict are still in the capital"

"We should get them space rings so they don't have to make many trips "

Arrora said.

Don and Knight had space rings and the only person who had a space ring beside them was Uncle Dior who got one from Royal dine when Don made a big purchase. As Arrora had just said, everyone in the Everlight should get a space ring in the future but for now, Don had to buy them for the people who work closely with Don like Arwen, Stodemar, Arrora, Ken, Benedict, and Amaryll.

"Alright I should leave before anyone notices us, that would be bad" Arrora chuckled and jumped out of the windows.

After Arrora left the room, Don closed the windows again and started to cultivate until someone calls him in the morning.


The golden shining sun started rising from the ground and filled the sky with its mighty colors of red and splashed the clouds with endless rays of orange. Inside of Don's room, the warm ball of light filtered through Don's eyelids and awakened him from cultivation. Rays of light cast different shapes onto the glossy stone floor, reflecting onto various objects in the room.

Opening his eyes, Don blinked a few times as an attempt to help his eyes adjust to the sunlight coming through the windows. And before even Don could stand up, he heard someone knocking the door

"Your majesty, the hot water for your bath is ready"

Usually, Don used the water and air element around him to clean his body and freshen up but since he was in Korrinth he needed to put up with these types of things like a regular noble.

"Your maje..." the person outside knocked the door again but it was abruptly stopped.

"Your majesty" a second after the knocking ended, Don heard another voice calling for him but this time he recognized the owner of the voice, Arrora.

While Arrora was waiting outside Don changed the clothes to something the nobles wore in the night and walked towards the door to open

"Good morning, your majesty," Arrora said and when she saw Don she tried to hold her laughter because this was the first time she has seen Don in typical noble clothing. Don wore a tunic that almost looked like a gown and just by seeing him, Arrora could guess it was very awkward to him in this dress.

"The things I have to do" Don raised his brows and shook his head

Come on your majesty" Arrora held her laughter and gestured at Don to follow the maid who was standing a few meters away from the room.

After taking a bath and changing into more comfortable clothes Don was led to the dining room where he saw King Harold was waiting for him with his daughters and wife and Uncle Steve.

Seeing Don coming, King Harold gestured at the maid as the maid pulled the chair for Don to sit.

The moment Don sat, he was served various kinds of foods. Eggs, meat, piles of fried potatoes, and vegetables. There were many fruits that were placed in the middle of the tables as there was also an elegant glass of wine placed beside Don.

"How's the food, King Don?"

Don didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he noticed the arrogant smugness on King Harold's face like he thought that this was the first time Don seeing such a feast. However, these foods before him were nothing as Amaryll and her workers cooked countless delicious and prettiest foods every day in Everlight that Don had ever seen or tasted. And these foods on King Harold's table couldn't even be compared to the leftovers in Everlight.

"It was delicious my compliments to your cooks" Don said after eating some fried vegetables since it would be rude to avoid the foods altogether

"So tell me about yourself King Don, where were you born? where are your parents?" King Harold asked and took a sip from the wine glass

"I was born in Everlight which was previously a part of Frenian Kingdom"

The Frenian Kingdom was located far north of the Moon Empire and Don used this kingdom because it was far far away from Korrinth that King Harold could not have enough information around there.

"Both of my parents died when I'm very little so regrettably, I have no memories of them"

"I'm sorry" King Harold said yet it was clear he didn't give a damn

"The thing is King Don, your sudden appearance is going to put Korrinth in a very bad situation with the Agorians. I will try to make peace with them for my daughter's sake but if that doesn't work" King Harold paused and stared at Don with a serious look on his face

"We will be at war with them and like I said before when that happens it's all hands on deck, no backing down"

Don could tell it was an order or even a threat towards him and Don couldn't care less but he nodded his head nonetheless

"Good. I have more important things to say "

"Okay" Don drank some water from the glass and said

"Like I said okay to my daughter without killing you when my she brought you and said she's in love with you, you have to say okay to some of my requests if you truly love my daughter and marry her"

The moment King Harold said this, Don knew those requests going to be anything but good

"He still doesn't realize who's he talking to" far away from the dining table, Arrora chuckled inside seeing King Harold as in her mind he looked like a sheep that was listing its demands to a wolf.

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