Reverend Ecstasy

Chapter 247 18 Law Protectors

Chapter 247 18 Law Protectors

"A fourth-layer Array defeating an eleventh-layer Array? Master-abbot, this joke isn't funny. A fourth-layer Array is Nascent Soul territory, an eleventh-layer Array is Earth Immortal stuff. Throughout all realms of existence, including the three paradises, no one can cross a gap of seven realms." Tusha rejected Xinzi's claim, and for good reasons. Although it could rival Immortal Emperors with a cultivation base only comparable to the peak of Void Tribulant, even the unparalleled Zhen-body couldn't cross seven realms.

The notion made absolutely no sense. Why bother going through the horrors of immortal cultivation, if a junior by seven realms inferior could still make you his bitch. At that point, everyone should just give up and get back to farming.

"What are you willing to bet?"

"I belong to you, so betting is completely pointless."

"Mhm...I will remember that." The exchange ended here, and Xinzi snapped his fingers, summoning 180 Diabolic Shards that soared towards the sky. The Five Elements Transmutative Technique kicked in, channeling the 180 shards and shaping the apocalyptic energies they released to condense 18 silver monk statues that dropped towards the ground.

Though they didn't possess genuine life, the statues' eyes opened, rippling with such overwhelming energies that Tusha and Zi Feng immediately felt stifled.

"Puppets, and each one of them is comparable to a fourth-tribulation Human Immortal. Of course, why did I not think about that? If it's 18 peak-stage Human Immortal tier puppets executing the fourth-layer Array, then of course it can defeat an eleventh-layer Array powered by materials alone. Master, you're as dishonest as ever." Tusha shook her head, now realizing why Xinzi dared to utter such boisterous words.

In their right hands, 18 puppets held various artifacts, bowls, banners, staves and hoop rings. In the left, they formed Lianist mudras, chanting sutras in pious devotion.

"Correct. Together, these 18 Law Protectors can execute the Clear Heart Monastery's 18 Trials of the Luohan Guides. Though only a fourth-layer Array, once executed by these 18 puppets, it's enough to fight our way through the Celestial Farm's defensive array," Xinzi said, watching the 18 Law Protectors rotate to executed the formation.

A single Diabolic Shard had enough energy to match a one-tribulation Human Immortal. But to match a five-tribulation Earth Immortal, Xinzi needed at least 100. Instead of wasting 100 shards for a single nuke, might as well spend a bit more to create a guard that could routinely punk immortal foes.

"But I thought you didn't want to destroy it." Confused by Xinzi's new ploy, Zi Feng blinked at her master.

"I don't. But when the enemy comes to discuss peace terms, I need to be able to show them that, whenever I desire it, I can barrel through their defenses. By convincing them that they have no leverage, I can manipulate them as I please," Xinzi said.

"Oh, I understand. All formations need energy sources to operate. The Celestial Farm's biggest weakness is therefore its 11th-layer Formation which, though only defensive, implies astronomical costs. On the other hand, these 18 Law Protectors will be executing a fourth-layer formation. Even without external supply, based on their own energy levels, they will face minuscule requirements. And before their overlapping strength, the enemy will be forced to give up."

As Zi Feng poured Xinzi tea, gigantic purple wings sprouted from her back, acting as an umbrella to cover our monk from the sun's rays.

"Precisely. As my personal disciple and a reliable expert in your own right, you're entitled to more strategic secrets than the others. Needless to say, the more you know, the more contributions I expect from you. Very soon, you'll have opportunities to contribute."

"In that case, I'd rather get kept in the dark so I can enjoy getting spoiled from morning to evening, with no care of the outside world's struggles." Zi Feng rejected the opportunities before they arose, but though she smiled at her own audacity, she avoided eye contact.

"Oh? Is that honesty that I hear? Good. We're making progress. But don't worry, beautiful. When I build the fourth paradise—my paradise—spoiling you all throughout the rest of eternity will be my primary duty. As for your role in my monastic plans, it doesn't have to do with f..." Xinzi's heart skipped a beat, preventing him from finishing his words.

'Ouiiin!' In his soul, our monk heard the Mini Overlords' baby cries, sensing in them a blend of fear and fury.

At the moment, the Mini Overlord gorged themselves on meat and wine, enhancing their cultivation bases through their daddy's feast. Xinzi's babies had always been very sensible, never causing trouble, so our monk couldn't help but wonder what had triggered them so.

The chaos rising across the east didn't affect Xinzi, who had no rebellion to worry about. Little did he know that, in spite of Green Leaf Village's isolated setting, his Mini Overlords sensed Daji's song, a song that rattled their senses, and challenged what they perceived as their rightful sovereignty over all species.

'Master, the Celestial Farm's leader, Princess Tieshan, requests an audience,' Xin Zhong contacted Xinzi, preventing him from checking on the Mini Overlords.

'Oh? Sure, tell them that I will be considering the offer for a couple of days. Give them one day of respite, then announce to the Celestial Farm that if they want to sue for peace, I want to meet Tieshan and the Bull Demon Prince separately. Afterward, resume the lightning bombardment and warn Tieshan that, if she refuses these terms, I will immediately make an appearance and destroy their formation.'

'As you command, Your Eminence!' Though he couldn't understand why Xinzi needed the extra days, Xin Zhong didn't think twice before executing the orders. Meanwhile, our monk did two things:

Find and clean up the defects in his 18 Law Protectors and check on his Mini Overlords.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Pilling up on Xinzi's lap, the Mini Overlords sobbed uncontrollably, and through their mental link, told daddy dearest of the challenge they were now facing.

'The Wrath of the Fox Emperor? Has Bai Zhi gone insane? No, it can't be him. It's...her. The girl with Xiao Hu. I can sense the Divine Blessing in her. Because of that blessing, under the Heavenly Immortal realm, no one can harm her. And that blessing...came from me.' Xinzi pondered on his babies' message.

'Could it be that she is...Bai Daji? But what does she want? I know that she's practically invincible. She doesn't. What does she hope to accomplish by setting an entire Spirit Empire ablaze? She can't possibly think that Bai Zhi alone can protect her from the entire east, right?' From his white fox consorts in the Evernight Palace, Xinzi had learned about this new, prodigious nine-tailed White Fox, whose peerless beauty had stirred the demonic experts of the Western Damnation Sea.

Apparently, she used to have a marriage contract with some sea prince, who later broke the engagement due to her miserable cultivation talent. After going from waste to gold, Daji fled to avoid getting married to Hengye Zhen, or anyone else for that matter. Xinzi found the move interesting, but could have never expected that the ten-tailed White Fox he saved during the extermination of the Soaring Crane Mountain would reincarnate in Qingqiu, as Bai Zhi's waste daughter.

'Waste turning into gold due to a fortuitous encounter. Are we dealing with that widespread trope? Mhm, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were the next protagonist.

What do you want, beautiful? World Domination? The emancipation of Mysterious Beasts? A combination of both, or something else entirely?' Xinzi wasn't that far from the truth. Alas, our monk wasn't conceited enough to think that, among other things, Daji set the East on fire so she could gift him a continental empire.

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