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Chapter 113: Distress against Slimes (2)

Chapter 113: Distress against Slimes (2)

Racing through the town of slimes, Rustly leapt forward in a frenzy as the group followed from behind. Whilst they did so, the party fought against the enemies that jumped at them from the side.

"Ugh... These guys are still at it," Ethaniel clicked his tongue whilst swinging his blade in an arc, slashing at the monsters that pounced forward.

"Even though it feels like we've fought against half the rats... They're so endless!" Frey cried out. "Just how many are there?!"

Throughout their time fighting against the rats and slimes alike, the battles around town were still ongoing. Even with the number of monsters defeated, it seemed as if the number of rats was still at large. Unbeknownst to them of what exactly was occurring, the group could only follow the lead of Rustly.

" know it's weird," Shinto calmly analyzed whilst moving his eyes around the town, noting that the rats that were lurking around were those that were normally seen within the catacombs. "Despite the rats flooding the town, I don't see many elite enemies, even at the castle's gate."

"Elite enemies?" Frey tilted her head. "You mean to say the enemies we fought aren't elite enemies?!"

"From the looks of it, no," Shinto stated as his eyes then turned towards his notification system, confirming the name of the monsters that were defeated earlier[ Dweller Rat Servant ], [ Corrupted Slime ].

"Huh...?" Frey blinked in disbelief at Shinto's statement. "If they're the normal enemies... how come they pack a punch compared to before?"

"It's probably because of the fog around us," Shinto thought. During the times when they were in battle, the pitch-black fog remained prevalent within the area. However, Shinto did not get any sort of system prompt regarding it. "Speaking of which... Frey, did you receive anything related to a notification around it?"

"A notification around this black fog thingy?" Frey helplessly shook her head, "Nope."

"I thought so..." Shinto mumbled out.

Since Shinto didn't receive any notice, he thought that it might have been the works of his class attribute wherein, abnormal statuses don't work well. But even then, he still should've gotten the notification. Thus, he needed to confirm with Frey on the matter and, with that confirmation, his eyes turned towards Rustly.

"Rustly. Do you feel anything weird?" he asked.

"Huh?" Rustly abruptly stopped at his leaping, quickly turning to Shinto. "Feel anything weird...? What do you mean?"

"The black fog. Is it affecting you in any way?"

"Um..." Rustly was stumbled for words as he heard Shinto's worries. "The black fog... It's the work of Sanke's magic but..."

"Kiikkk!!" As the two conversed with one another, the rats around the vicinity quickly approached the group.

"Ah! There's no time to talk! We need to go to Madam Ru this instant!" Rustly seemed to be shaking his head as he hurried along the path, parrying against the rats that approached.

"Rustly...?" Shinto blinked at the slime's action. However, he could only let out a sigh as he continued to follow behind him.


Barging right into the building of where the group had been living for the past few days, the slime who first entered into the building shouted out.


However, in reply to his shout, it was pure silence.

"Madam Ru? Madam Ru!!" Rustly continued to shout out.

" this slime calling for the other slime?" Frey questioned as she tried to depict whatever the slime was saying. "They should usually be around here, right?"

"She should be around here," Shinto stated. "But... Did she went somewhere?"

"MADAM RU!! WE NEED YOU!" Rustly jumped around the building as he searched for Madam Ru. However, to his dismay, he could not find her. "...did something happen?! Ahh! This is the worst!"

"Why be quiet won't you!" A voice suddenly protruded out from behind a room. "If you keep shouting like that, you'll attract all those Farchu here!"

"Madam Ru, you're okay!" Rustly exclaimed excitedly. "Good, good...!"

"What do you want?" Madam Ru asked as she hid behind a wall. "You're not here to cause more trouble than you are already, right?"

"Huh? C-Cause more trouble?"

"Obviously is by bringing those humans here!" Madam Ru shouted out. "I knew something would happen... but now it's for the worst! We're doomed!"

"Cough... calm down. We're not the ones that caused this..." Shinto said helplessly.

"You're not the one who caused this?" Madam Ru clicked her tongue. "Don't you see what this entire situation is all about? It began because of the number of outsiders that was brought here!"

"Under what assumption?" Shinto tilted his head.

"We have that girl who has graced her presence to learn the Flames of Etheral, the cursed human, you who can wear that necklace, those two behind you, and that Fox," Madam Ru cried out. "What more do I have to say than the alarming numbers of outsiders brought this situation to light?!"

"Madam Ru... calm down..." Rustly whimpered. "Think about it! Even if those humans didn't come here, the inevitable would still be the same in the end!"

"Well, it wouldn't be this sped up now would it?!" Madam Ru continued to cry out. "With the way thing's are right now and the uncooperative spirit of the king... we're doomed! Doomed I tell you!"

"...why is the king uncooperative with the current situation?" Shinto inquired. "From the way things are right now... shouldn't interventions be at top priority?"

"He's waiting. Waiting for the right moment to strike," Madam Ru scoffed. "But we can't wait any longer! We're already doomed as it is!"

"How long more do you think your kind can last against this assault?" Shinto questioned.

"With the black fog around... Not any longer..." Madam Ru stated worryingly. "The more you're exposed to that cursed darkness, the higher chances you're susceptible to his curses, and with the amount of Sleras already gone to madness... the remaining few will soon follow after."

"Which is precisely why we need your interventions!" Rustly interjected into the conversation. "We need to know of how to get into the castle in order to bring out that girl! If we were to wait any longer... It'll be too late!"

"You want to cause more trouble?!" Madam Ru breathed heavily. "With how the king isn't moving right now... what makes you think the arts is done and ready for usage?!"

"Then, if it's not done, we'll bring her to the other human!" Rustly firmly stated. "He knows of the arts as well! He can teach that girl much more efficiently than her heaving to learn alone."

"Are you crazy?! He's cursed!"

"It's the only way!"

"Ugh..." Madam Ru reluctantly contemplated at his words. "You really sure it's the only way?"




Outside of the building, the group exited out of it as they prepared to make their way over towards the castle once again.

"Hah... this back and forth running is really tiring," Ethaniel scoffed. "So from the gist of whatever Shinto explained, we'll be busting Raina out of the castle, right?"

"I guess?" Frey muttered out. "I'd ask Shinto for more details... but where is he?"

"Master went somewhere to do something first," Kon stated. "He'll be meeting us at the castle."

"Hah?!" Ethaniel shouted out. "What the shit does he have to do in this situation?"

"I don't know... but it seems important!" Kon said. "He asked us to follow the slime and wait for him at the rendezvous point."

"Ugh... I sure hope it is," Ethaniel shook his head helplessly as he followed after the slime who was beginning to make a move. 


Walking through the hallways of the building, Shinto calmly glanced around the area as he entered the room where the group had stayed in.

"Phew... This should be a good place to check it out," Shinto calmly muttered to himself as his eyes turned towards his notifications.

[ Your Divinity Stats has been increased by 1. ]

[ Your Divinity Stat is now at 20! Certain benefits will now take into effect with the passive 'Divinity Gauge'. ]

[ Passive Skill 'Divinity Gauge' has reached level 2! ]

[ The side of divinity is interested in you. ]

[ You have received a message from the lights above. View it in a secluded place. ]

"...with my divinity at 20 now, let's see what this is all about." Reading through the notifications, he took a deep breath as he then uttered the words, "Open message."

[ You are now opening the message of 'divinity'. ]

[ The message is in the language of Altric! ]

[ Gl gsv wrermvi, sv dsl hszoo lmob hvvp gsv tllw. Uli dsl sv irwh lu gsv elrw, dv yvhgld fklm blf gsv trug lu 'wrermrgb'. ]

[ Lm blfi vmwvzelfih, dv drhs blf gsv yvhg lu ofxp. Dv slkv blf hgzmw gl blfi mznv zmw lmv wzb, dv nrtsg yv zyov gl nvvg. ]

[ -Vobhrfn, Gsv hvvpvi lu wrermrgb- ]

"...the language of Altric is back again huh?" Shinto mumbled out as he waited for his passive to activate.

[ Your Eyes of Altric has been activated. ]

[ Translating... ]

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