Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 306 Attorney An Xiulan

“Aish, ” An Xiulan made a bad face. “I am a criminal lawyer. I know the penalty for the offence of stalking.”

“I can’t understand why you were hiding behind the curtain, ” Meimei muttered. “I came to clean your room but it’s already clean.”

“That’s because I hate my messy bedroom, ” An Xiulan said. “If you have a housemate like mine, you will grow to hate messy houses too.”

Jiang Yao was an amazing cook but she was a messy housekeeper. Since she had to make almost one to two videos a day for content for social media, the house was always messy. Clothes, make-up, shoes etc would be kept in the living room for days.

“Missy, it seems someone has come to live in the house next door, “Meimei added as she saw a jeep parked outside the house. They didn’t know in which house people came to stay. There were several villas in the neighbourhood where nobody stayed.

An Xiulan swallowed and tried to be as nonchalant as possible. “Let’s go downstairs. Mom will be waiting for me.” When she came downstairs she saw her mother setting the lunch table with a huge smile on her face, she took her usual seat and stared at her mom’s beautiful smile that she missed so much. “Mommy, what’s up with you?”

“My baby is finally home. I’m just too happy, ” An Qinyan said as she dropped a kiss on her daughter’s face. “I missed you a lot.”

An Xiulan smiled. “I missed you a lot too. Sorry for causing you trouble, mom.”

“Nah, it’s nothing, ” An Qinyan said. “You can be around me all the time. You are a grown-up girl. You have a life of your own. Whatever you do or wherever you live, as your mom it’s my duty to support you. You were fighting for your dreams in America. How can I be mad at you?”

An Xiulan tightly hugged her mother. “You are the best.” She looked at the food on the table and asked, “Mom, Lu Xuan and Yan Gege are coming too?”

“Oh, we didn’t inform them you are back, “An Qinyan said. Last night, she was excited to tell bedtime that her baby girl was home. But then, she decided to keep this news to herself. Everyone would crowd her baby girl and she wouldn’t get to spend quality time with her daughter. Until and unless she was satisfied with spending time with her daughter, she wouldn’t let this news go outside. As for Lu Zhaolin, she had a talk with him and he wouldn’t dare to go against her decision.

“Why?” An Xiulan asked.

“We want to spend time with you, ” Gu Yanxi said. He shared the same thoughts as his wife. “If they meet you, they will get your attention. We will inform them later.”

“When?” An Xiulan asked.

“In a month or so, ” Gu Yanxi shrugged. “I even sent Shangyan food from home so he won’t need to come here.”

An Qinyan rolled her eyes at his childishness. Fine, as long as they were happy she didn’t mind their childishness after all she also missed them a lot.

“Xiulan, what do you think about joining me for fishing with my old buddies?” Gu Yanxi asked. “I told those old men I have a beautiful and smart daughter but they don’t believe me. They say a girl can either be smart or beautiful. I wanna punch their faces.”

“Don’t worry uncle, we will punch their faces with my blinding beauty and shining talent, ” An Xiulan acted cheeky with him.

“I thought you would go shopping with mom, ” An Qinyan pouted.

“Mom, we will go shopping too, ” An Xiulan said. “If there is one thing, I can’t say no to, it’s shopping and especially when you are paying.”

“I will sponsor my girls’ shopping, “Gu Yanxi announced.

The lunch with the three of them was full of chatter and laughs. They talked a lot about things she missed and how happy she was to be back.

“Uncle and mom, you guys don’t expect me to move out like my brothers, right?” An Xiulan gave her best puppy eyes. “I will not survive alone anymore.”

“Nonsense, we are not even thinking about this, ” Gu Yanxi said. “Lu Xuan and Gu Shangyan are older. They can live alone but you are the baby of the family. Why would you live alone?”

An Xiulan nodded her head, completely forgetting that she spent seven years alone in a foreign company.

“Do you want to renovate your bedroom? It is designed for a teenage girl, ” An Qinyan mentioned.

“I think it’s fine, ” An Xiulan said. “I like how it is. It gives me a sense of familiarity and peace.”

“We will do as you say, ” An Qinyan smiled. “Tell me about your new job.”

An Xiulan got excited and began telling them about her new job and how nervous she was about joining. She was supposed to join soon but according to her boss, she had to join a week later and she was sure that it had something to do with her dad.

“Your father must be happy someone is finally joining his company, “Gu Yanxi laughed. “Lu Xuan broke the old man’s heart.”

“Dad is happy, ” An Xiulan smiled. “Isn’t this the reason why he doesn’t mind that I haven’t visited him yet? I gave him the best birthday gift that he could ever ask for. Attorney An Xiulan will be joining her father’s company.”

“Can you believe she is the same girl who swore she will never join the law?” Gu Yanxi laughed. “Do you remember that you and your father got into a battle because of law and you announced that you will take any major but law?”

An Xiulan pouted. “It is not my fault. When dad helped me in the admission process, he said I can only have law as my major. I was desperate to become something and so I went with it. Who knew that it would be the best decision of my life.”

“Your father said you have talent in law, ” An Qinyan sighed. “It was just his method that caused the whole fight, not his intentions.”

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