Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 191 Have Any Guy Approached You?

"Damn! What happened, why hasn't he arrived on the compound?". The boy questioned himself while glancing at the staircase.

He decided to go search for Aiden a little, so he began walking toward the staircase again until he began mounting it. He had checked for Aiden in the different corridors, but he was nowhere to be found.

And the boy was really surprised, why did he suddenly disappear? This the boy couldn't fathom. He contemplated and contemplated, but he couldn't come up with anything valid. Then a certain thought struck his head,

'Maybe he doesn't want to meet with Lucia'.

That was what he concluded before he began strolling toward the staircase again, he was heading toward where Lucia was standing.

As for Lucia, she's been standing on that spot waiting for Aiden to arrive, but she didn't sight him.

'Is he becoming scarce or something?'. That was the thought that ran through her mind while she was waiting for him like he was a student of this academy.

The boy reached where Lucia was standing, and the moment she sighted him, she thought to herself,

'It's too late already'.

..That means, even if she sets eyes on Aiden, she wouldn't be able to approach him anymore.

But there was something the both of them don't know...Aiden was still around this academy, in fact, he was glancing at them right now.

The knight that does pick them up arrived with the horse and carriage, and the both of them began walking toward the carriage to enter it. Before the boy entered the carriage, he glanced around to see if he'll sight Aiden, but he didn't.

He had a feeling Aiden was still around the academy though he wasn't sure, and his feeling was right...

The knight rode both the horse and carriage out of the compound. You see how Aiden was able to keep Lucia waiting and how he approached the boy to get the information he needed? Good job.

He had accomplished one mission, getting the information he needed, knowing exactly the kind of relationship that existed between the both of them.

..Now, it was time to focus on seducing Lucia completely and banging her, there was no time.

Aiden was standing on the compound of the academy right now, and there was a little smirk on his face. The boy almost spoiled all he's been working on, but he didn't succeed due to his cleverness.

He saw when the both of them hopped into the carriage before the knight rode the horse out of the compound. He also saw when the boy was glancing around, and he didn't need to be told, he knew the boy was searching for him.

After the knight had ridden out of the compound, that's when he left his hiding place and arrived at the compound as well...

..It wasn't easy, but Aiden had achieved it, he got the information he needed.

He had been able to penetrate two people's lives that were close to each other. Not directly though, but he's been able to penetrate their lives no matter how you look at it.

He glanced around the compound, only a few people were on it. It was about time to leave the Trailes Academy, and so he did, he began walking out of the compound until he strolled out of it completely.


The knight hadn't reached Lucia's home yet, the house of a high-ranked chief. They were still on the road as the knight kept riding the horse. But in just a few minutes, they'd arrive at the Wacan Community.

..That only means one thing, Lucia and the boy were still inside the carriage.

And can you believe something? Both of them were thinking about Aiden. They didn't say anything to each other, they were just thinking about Aiden.

Can you see what Aiden has been able to do? He got both a boy and a girl to be thinking about him.

Lucia was thinking why Aiden didn't come today. As known, if she'd set eyes on him, she definitely planned on approaching him. She's been thinking about him, she was craving him, she wanted him, and she wouldn't waste time approaching him when she sets eyes on him.

For some days now, she hadn't set eyes on him. And to be sincere, she was missing him to an extent. That was what Aiden wanted, that part of his plan was also working.

He wanted to be scarce a little, he wanted her to miss him, and that would make it very easy for her to approach him when next she sets eyes on him...

..She was expecting him to come today, but he didn't, and she was disappointed.

He's got her thinking, she couldn't take him off her mind. But we all know Aiden came, but for a different reason, he didn't let her set eyes on him.

The boy was also thinking about Aiden as well. Why? He suddenly disappeared, yes, that's the reason why he was thinking about him.

He wanted to introduce him to Lucia, but he was nowhere to be found all of a sudden.

'Was it 'cause he didn't want to meet with Lucia, or is there another reason?'. The boy questioned himself in his thought.

He was trying to fathom if there was another reason, but he couldn't come up with one.

..And now, things were getting risky, the boy's mind was already diverting somewhere else.

'Was there another reason why he approached me?'. The boy thought to himself once again.

The boy was thinking there was another reason why Aiden approached him and began that conversation with him. And truly, there was another reason why Aiden approached him.

The conversations he triggered weren't random, he was triggering them on purpose, he needed some information. The boy seemed to be suspecting a little now due to the way Aiden suddenly disappeared.

..Seems like things wouldn't work out well in Aiden's favor fully in this aspect.

The boy decided to ask Lucia a question. He was about to ask Lucia the question when he remembered he didn't even know the boy's name...he didn't know Aiden's name.

This was the reason why Aiden didn't want him to know his name 'cause he knew something like this could happen. Yeah, he suddenly disappeared, he knew the boy could say some things to Lucia.

..It would have been really bad if the boy knew his name.

But it wouldn't be disastrous 'cause Lucia doesn't know his name as well, she doesn't know a lot of things about him. Up till now, she doesn't know he was the son of Ethan Dankworth.

In what aspect would it have been really bad? Once the boy mentions his name, she would definitely do her research. And then she'd know a lot of things she shouldn't know.

Number one, seducing her had been part of his plan, he had been doing it on purpose...

As said, he was about to ask Lucia a question when he remembered he didn't know Aiden's name. And this was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment,

'I didn't even bother to find out his name, damn!'.

..But that wouldn't stop him, he still planned on asking Lucia the question, the only thing was that he wouldn't mention his name.

"Do you know any guy?". The boy inquired of Lucia glancing at her.

Lucia glanced at him with a kind of confused expression on her face, and this was the utterance that flowed out of her mouth,

"I know many guys, I mean, there are lots of male students in my classroom. You should know, I've come across many guys".

The boy shook his head a little then voiced out once again, "I'm aware of that, I'm speaking of a certain guy".

"And which guy is that? I don't know who you're speaking of". Lucia voiced out once again with that confused expression still plastered to her face.

"Have any guy approached you? You know, he's cute, average in height, and so on?". The boy uttered to Lucia once again.

He was asking all these for a reason. Aiden suddenly brought up a girl he was betrothed to, a girl he was close to. According to what Aiden told him, he's been noticing him and in the process noticed the girl he was close to.

..But the boy was having a feeling there was another reason why Aiden asked about Lucia.

So he wanted to know if the boy had approached Lucia before or something. And the truth was, he hadn't approached her, but he was making his move on her, he was seducing her...and it was working.

"A cute boy, average in height, and so on? I mean, there are lots of cute guys in our academy, and many of them do approach me". Lucia voiced out once again.

"He isn't from our academy, this boy I'm referring to doesn't attend our school. Have any unfamiliar face approached you? As I said, a guy that isn't from our academy?".

..And it was at that moment that Lucia thought of Aiden.

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