Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 6 - Chapter 338 - Rule No.1 of the guild battle - Seize the Big Castle first

(Last chapter Map details)

  1. Naming are mostly same, white line mean Eden team, as visible they split into three team. Green means castle is under protection period. (After which they will turn white, mean ready to be attacked)

    2.Red square line is Saturn guild, pink similarly mean those castle are under protection period albeit different color because it was taken down by great star guild.

"Alright, we have the <Central Big Castle>. Next target is <Southeast Big Castle>, let's go!"

"Hn. I am going to use dash."


Once we succeeded in taking <Central Big Castle>, an obvious outcome, I immediately pointed out our next direction.

Karua and Karua nodded, and with me taking the lead, we headed towards the southeast triangle.

"They got us!"

"W, Wait Zephyr!"

Seemingly flustered by our action, Sarturn and Tom tried to chase after us, but they were a step late.

I, Karua and Ester boast the highest speed among <Eden>.

On this note, Ester isn't using <Thunder Javelin> right now. We are going to refrain from using it for now since it's one of our trump cards. And although Saturn and his team broke through LV40, they were unable to catch up once they fell behind.

Chasing side falls into significant disadvantage if the distance is pulled due to the protection period in place.

"Guh, they have taken the front square."

"A detour, damn, not even with a detour we can catch them."

The shout of upperclassmen echoes behind us.

Thanks to the protection period, I deliberately stay away from taking the straight route, disrupting their advance route they would want to take which will earn us some time.

It takes 2 minutes for the defense monsters to recover once the square falls into the camp of either side, and opponents can't enter there in that duration. This tactic is named 'interception' and it takes advantage of the protection.

The one chasing after us are 6 people, including Saturn and Tom. Remaining ones left for the north it seems.

It was quite an apt decision to take on impromptu.

It takes us time in terms of minutes to take down a big castle.

Whether it's to intercept and seize the castle, or interrupt the opponent by engaging in PvP battles, having more people is advantageous to capture the big castle first. That being said, the result is never set in stone depending on the method one uses.

"We'll use the same tactic as before. Coordinate with Lana and Shizu eight seconds after they catch up from behind."

"Hn. Got it."

"Please give a shout for that time."

Looking behind, Lana and Shizu also caught up with us treading the route in the protection period we created. Another member, Rina, has completed her role and returned to the base.

With this, now there are 5 people from <Eden> and 6 from <Best of the Best, the Great Star> targeting the <Southeast Big Castle>.

Lead is in the hand of <Eden>.

We succeeded in taking the adjacent square to the <Southeast Big Castle> first.

"Let's defeat the defense monsters. Their level is 35. <Sonic Sword>!"

"Hn, easy. <Force Sonic>."

"Understood. Haaa! <Long Thrust>!"

The monsters guarding the Big Castle are not weak enough to be defeated with regular attacks alone unlike the small castle.

However, the point to be careful here is the usage of skill. If one uses their strong skills without a plan to defeat the monsters, this will put skills into cooldown and when the time comes, the team will lack skills for the decisive moment.

"Monster wipeout complete."

"Alright, let's chip away the HP of the castle, save the <Tri-Tree> for later." (T/N - Tri-tree: Third order skill tree)


After swiftly defeating the defense monster in a few seconds, I quickly give the next instructions.

By the way, <Tri-Tree> is abbreviation for Third order Tree, Similarly, Second Order Tree is <Twi-Tree>, and <Beg-Tree> stands for Begigginer Tree, they pointed to <Skill> & <Magic> of respective order.

Third order skill tree's cooldown is considerably high so we kept them as backup and focused on shaving the humongous HP of Big Castle. These Big Castle's endurance is comparatively higher than <Rhombus> field.

Big Castle's endurance works on the basis of 'more castles = more HP'.

<Rhombus> field had 3 Big Castle, so their value is the lowest. <Six Star> field has 5, so they have quite high HP, making them tough to take down in a short time.

And just when my thoughts had reached that point, Lana and Shizu had also caught up with us.

"Kept you waiting, Zephyr! <Light Blade>! <Light Pillar>!"

"We have arrived. Let's time it. <Grenade>!"

"Let's have the detonation at 35th second! Everyone, match the timing!"

At my shout, everyone checks the wristwatches they have wrapped around their left arms.

It is an ordinary item that tells the time but at the same time, a crucial item to confirm the time in the guild battle. That's why I have made it compulsory for <Eden> members to wear wristwatches.

"Don't think you can get the better of us------!!"

"We caught up---!!"

Just then, the 6 member team of <Best of the Best, the Great Star> led by Saturn and Tom caught up to us in the adjacent square.

The square we are in is still under the protection period, so they have taken the side square. It's also the square adjacent to the Big Castle, so they desperately started their siege.

"Everyone attacccck, intercept them!! <Flare Burst>!"

"It will be over for us if they take even the <Southeast>! You must intercept them at all cost! Use your unique skill! <Great Explosion Axe - Axe Sun>!!"

"Uwoooo! Unique skill <Grand Magic - Meteor>!"

The HP of the Big Castle was draining at an astonishing rate under the series of powerful attacks from Saturn and Tom's team. Oh, so that's their real unique skill? They look quite cool.

An explosive giga-axe and a meteor struck the Big Castle.

Unfortunately for them, Big Castle still had its robust HP when the unique skill strikes down, so they failed in taking out the Big Castle. But Big Castle isn't going to last for even 5 seconds if they continue with their momentum.

Both sides continue to unleash relentless attacks.

Normally, It should have been suspenseful development to see which side will manage to seize the Big Castle first. Well, normally that is.

However you're still too amaetur, Saturn and team. Let me impart the teaching on how to properly execute decisive moves.

Members of <Eden> changed their rhythm of attack as they check the time.

"1...<Shining Saber of the Sacred Light>!"

"1... <Judgment Shot>!"

"2...1... <Quick Slash>!"

"3...2...1... <Brave Slash>!"

"3...2...1... <Delta Stream>!"

A series of attacks with varied timing.

Starting with Lana on top, Shizu, Ester, me and Karua shot our <Skill> and <Magic> on mismatched timing.

Like iron toward a magnet, our attacks drew toward the Big Castle and struck it.


——Alongside echoed a thunderous explosion.

The damage done by <Best of the Best, the Great Star> served as the stepping stone to our grand move, blowing away the remaining 30% of the HP instantly and taking down the Big Castle.

The side to score it was guild <Eden>.

This was the correct way of taking down Big Castle, and it is called—— <Precise Time Attack> tactic.

Map details---

1.Blue mean no one attacked that castle yet.


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