Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 212: The World Council

Chapter 212: The World Council

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was Wis on my arms. She was a cuddler and had an iron grip on me. Thankfully, we both had our clothes on so nothing had happened.

After managing to free myself from her grasp and turning around, I was met by Yara. She stared straight at me, as if peering into my soul.

My heart skipped a beat, startled by her sudden appearance, it was like a damn jumpscare.

Before she could say anything, I shrugged and said, "We are technically married."

"I don't care about that. The princess is a grown woman who can make her own decisions," Yara stated.

Then why do you treat her like a kid most of the time?

"Please take care of her," Yara suddenly bowed down at her waist.

"There's no need for that. I will always take care of her," I reassured her, dismissing her unnecessary concerns.

"So you won't break her heart?" she persisted.

"No-" I began.

"That means not having a harem," Yara clarified. "Because powerful men like the Kuro Clan Head and others in power usually have a harem."

Having witnessed the results of such harems, and the resulting emotional damage to the children involved, I knew it was a recipe for disaster. Growing up in a household where mothers put their children against each other. Even I, without being a psychiatrist, knew it was problematic.

In fantasy, harems seem appealing, but they pose numerous challenges in reality. It was impossible to keep everyone in the harem happy, leading to jealousy, betrayal, and more. The last thing I wanted was to end up with a dagger in my chest because of a jealous woman.

No thanks. I preferred a worry-free life.

"If you mistreat her, I will kill you," Yara weakly threatened.

"You should look someone in the eyes when making a threat. It's more intimidating," I advised.

I stood up and approached her, causing Yara to step back. As someone who could see Ord in its truest form, she probably saw even the Ord I sent to Carpy. That meant she always saw me at my full potential, in my 'true' state.

I gently held her face, making her meet my gaze. Her cheeks were soft and she smelled like lavander. However, even when I turned her face towards me, she kept looking at the ground.

"Look me in the eyes," I urged, trying to rid my Ord of any dangerous intent.

Since I would be away on Avalon Island, I needed someone to keep an eye on the princess. Delia was an option, but I wanted someone who was truly involved in the process. Because Delia was someone who would let Wis die and then send an apology card with a sticker shoddily drawn on it. Meaning, she wouldnt care much about a request like that.

After a dozen seconds, Yara finally stared at me. Although she squinted her eyes, as if looking at the sun. "It's hard to look directly."

Hmm, that was something she needed to change. Because no one would take a threat seriously if the person threatening them avoided eye contact. Especially exorcists who danced with death every day.

"Then maybe you should wear some sunglasses," I suggested.

"That won't work on the spiritual glow," she explained.

"I know that, but if you have sunglasses, you just have to direct your head toward someone. It will make it look like you're staring straight at them, even if you are actually cowering," I said.

My words offended her, and she frowned.

Good. She should use her anger and annoyance to improve. Despite her ability to see someone's true self, which would help against frauds or assassins, Yara was severely lacking in power to protect the ruler of this country in a dire situation.

I promptly took my hands off Yara's face as Wis groaned and woke up.

"You're still here? Ugh, this is gonna be such an annoying day," Wis groaned and retreated under her sheets.

"C'mon, weeb queen, we have things to do." I sighed, pulled off her sheets, and she yelped.

"You can't treat me like this! I am royalty!" She threw a pillow at me, which I caught and threw back at her.

Unlike hers, my aim was true, and it hit her in the head. "Agh!"

Then I threw her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes as she complained. I turned toward Yara and said, "Go and get the ladies-in-waiting. Have them find a stylish, classy dress, as Wis will meet with the world leaders."

"Ah, what torture," Wis complained. "I already left you to handle everything in the country, but you still want to use me? Can't a normal weeb have some free time to do what she enjoys? But even after everything, I have to be overworked to death."

"You were literally binge-watching anime for multiple days straight and barely sleeping," I confronted her with reality.

"It was a kingdom-building anime, so it was technically researching. So really, I was just working for two days straight without rest."

Wow, that was some mental gymnastics. She really had a way with words. If she wasnt such a weeb she would have made an amazing politician.


Wisteria sensed that Kon had something on his mind. He appeared constantly worried, and there wasn't much she could do to alleviate the troubles that plagued someone like Kon.

However, she was determined to help him forget about those worries, if only for a little while, and live in the present moment. Besides, she really didn't feel like working.

"Why couldn't Kon just take charge and handle everything?" she wondered, feeling frustrated that her royal responsibilities were interrupting her usual anime marathons. "How about we get this over with and get married right now?"

"Are you suggesting that just so I become King, and you won't have to leave your room?" Kon questioned.

"..." Wisteria fell silent.

"In that case, I refuse," he replied firmly.

"Fuck you.

"That's not very ladylike behavior," he chided.


It took days to put everything in place, and once it was done, Wisteria summoned the other royals from around the world and announced a World Councila privilege granted only to the leader of a powerful country.

To ensure the safety of the gathering, the meeting place was chosen randomly each time. Certain individuals were aware of the royals' whereabouts, making it dangerous.

This time, they convened in a vacation lodge atop a mountain, arriving in a flying magical carriage that soared over vast, snowy fields. Wisteria couldn't help but feel the cold seep through the carriage's wooden frame.

At least she was accompanied by two people she trusted: Yara and Kon. She knew that Kon would protect her from any threats that might come their way.

"Do you think we could have brought a TV with us?" Wisteria asked, seeking distraction.

"No, you're already too addicted," Kon shook his head. He held a small box in his hands, refusing to disclose its contents. After hours of traveling in the carriage, Wisteria's curiosity reached its peak.

"So, what exactly am I supposed to do there? Just let you do all the talking?" Wisteria asked, fidgeting with her crimson dress adorned with jewels worth enough to buy a town.

"No, you will make the declaration. The Sun Kingdom's royal family will no longer be under the control of the two great clans," Kon explained wearily. "Think of it as political nonsense. Don't worry too much, though. No one will dare to oppose you openly. Some may even congratulate you with fake smiles."

"What if a fight breaks out?" Yara interjected.

"I didn't come up with this plan randomly. We are surrounded by snow," Kon reassured. "Don't worry, even if they all decided to attack me together, we should be able to escape... probably,"

His last word caused Wisteria to feel even more anxious about the upcoming meeting. Yara also took a deep breath. While Yara seemed genuinely worried, Wisteria dreaded the draining effect of social interactions.

Okay she was being a tad melodramatic. However, she disliked conversing with strangers and having to put on a facade. After all, she couldn't reveal her true self.

If only everyone was a weeb, the world would be a much simpler place.

Wisteria gazed out of the carriage window at the northern mountains, where endless white fields and snow-covered peaks stretched as far as the eye could see.


As they reached their destination, it became apparent that they had arrived at a flat mountain top. What stood before them wasn't just a wooden lodge; it resembled a massive wooden mansion, far grander than expected.

Wisteria couldn't help but wonder if it had always looked this way or if some Ord shenanigans had been employed to enhance its appearance, considering the impending arrival of arrogant royals.

Upon her arrival, she noticed a gathering of people who were already engaged in conversation. However, what truly caught Wisteria's attention were the various modes of transportation used by the other arriving royals. Some flew in on swords, while others sat comfortably on chairs or were carried by flying demons, though they were all accompanied by exorcists.

Glancing at Yara, Wisteria observed that her companion was able to calmly observe the exorcists present without looking away. Which showed that most individuals here were weaker than Kon.

As soon as they touched down, Kon's demeanor changed, and he greeted Wisteria with a smile. He even extended his hand, which she took, intertwining her arm with his, as if they were a genuine couple.

Though they had never put any labels on their relationship, Wisteria found the closeness quite pleasant. Everyone who held animosity toward her country had to put on a fake smile when they saw Kon.

Before any of the approaching royals could engage in conversation, Kon finally opened the box he had been holding onto all this time. To Wisteria's surprise, inside was a mosquito the size of a fist. Before she could inquire about its purpose, she felt a small sting on her bicep, and the mosquito emitted a blinding glow that stung her eyes.

"Well, I didn't expect you to possess almost 70% talent," Kon muttered under his breath. "Still, it doesn't change anything.

As Wisteria regained her senses, the realization of what had occurred stung herKon had just awakened her Ord!

Her heart raced with apprehension, aware of the strict rules imposed upon her royal family. Scanning the crowd, she spotted the Kuro Clan Head and the Raion Clan Head among the onlookers.

However, before she could worry any further, Kon placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and whispered, "Don't worry, you're now under my protection."

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