Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 190: Big Demons

Chapter 190: Big Demons

Carpy had grown substantially in the past months and was not just big; he was colossal. He resembled a serpent the size of a train, rising powerfully from the depths of the ocean floor. His jet black scales shimmered in the sunlight, while a dark crimson horn emanated stifling power.

Despite not yet having attained the status of an ultimate-class demon, Carpy's current form still left me awestruck. It was almost inconceivable that he had once been a perfectly regular carp fish merely a year and a half ago.

"Sei categorized him as a Horned Serpent, also known as an infant dragon," I explained. "They stand high among the High Class level beings, comparable to the Six Armed Zombies and the Six Petal Flowers of Blood Demon."

Horned Serpents teetered on the threshold of dragonhood, although there were no records of a successful transformation. Nevertheless, whether or not Carpy would become a dragon, it was evident that he would evolve into a formidable ultimate-class demon.

"Anyway, Carpy can fly, so he'll be our means of transportation," I clarified to everyone.

"Carpy? Your fish demon?" Anika appeared perplexed, but it was a lengthy story I didn't wish to delve into.

Opting for a simpler explanation, I shook my head emphatically. "No, this is a totally different Carpy. He's Captain Carpy, or simply Carpy for short."

Before they could pose more questions I'd rather avoid, I leapt up, conjuring a platform of water beneath me, and ascended into Carpy's head. Standing at the height of an eight-story building, he offered a movable vantage point. In every direction, I beheld majestic mountains, lush forests, and the nearby town.

It was undeniably a splendid view. With a smile on my face, I beckoned the others. "Come on, before Carpy and I depart. Otherwise, you're taking the long route to Magic City!"

Sei mumbled something, conjuring a mirror that they all stepped onto as it hovered upwards. Once they reached the platform, I nodded in admiration. "That's a pretty cool mode of transportation, but it pales in comparison to Carpy."

The heir of the Seimei Clan regarded me with an inscrutable expression, though I sensed his irritation.

"This isn't a competition," he declared.

"But if it were, Carpy would undoubtedly win," I said, my smile widening.

Carpy, my once-smallnow not-so-smallfish companion, and I had come a long way together. I deserved the right to boast about him after all the time and effort we invested, and I would gladly take any opportunity to do so. He had transformed from a mere fish into one of the most formidable demons around.

The waves beneath Carpy shifted as he encased himself in a coating of water, leaving only the area where we stood exposed. With a sudden jolt, Carpy took flight and soared above the clouds.

My heart leapt with excitement, and adrenaline coursed through my veins. Despite the sun's glare and the dampness of the clouds, my smile couldn't have been any wider.

"This is incredible!" Agon exclaimed.

I slung an arm around his shoulder, grinning. "Indeed, it's a fantastic way to travel. Unlike someone who's stuck behind a mirror."

"I couldn't agree more," Agon smirked at Sei. "That's just pathetic."

Sei let out a sigh and drew a dagger. "Alright, this is where I end you, you miserable bastards."

In an instant, I changed my stance and nodded at Sei. "You're right, Agon took the insults too far."

"Why are you so quick to switch sides and abandon me?" Agon complained.

I clasped my hands together in prayer. "The departed have no place for complaints."

Three hours later, amidst playful banter and frequent switches of allegiance, I successfully incited both Agon and Sei, provoking a potential fight. Sei, however, likely saw through my scheme, but I only needed one side to be angered, and convincing Agon was predictably effortless.

"You have a peculiar sense of humor," Anika remarked.

"Don't worry, it's just a guy thing. You wouldn't understand. We'll all still be friends in the end, after all the teasing and messing with each other," I reassured her with a smile. Although she appeared skeptical, she didn't question it further.

In the distance, the sun's reflection off the golden pyramid caught my attention, causing me to become fixated on the structure. The sight of the sealed nine-tailed fox from above was truly mesmerizing.

"We reached our destination rather quickly," Anika observed.

Magic City lay on the opposite side of the continent from where I was stationed. However, on the Carpy Express, the journey was incredibly convenient, reducing weeks of journeying to mere hours.

As we approached the city, a translucent barrier materialized in an attempt to defend the place. An elderly man dressed in a wizard's robe, riding a broom, positioned himself in front of the barrier. With his pointy hat and long white beard, he perfectly embodied the magician aesthetic that permeated the city.

This must be the local Elite Exorcist responsible for handling the area's issues. Despite our considerable distance with the exorcist, Carpy could sense the trembling inner energy within the old man.

Understanding his apprehension, as Carpy's imposing presence and overwhelming power surpassed that of other high-class demons, we disembarked and greeted the old wizard-looking exorcist. He visibly exhaled in relief and approached the floating mirror we stood on.

"We are the team assigned to address the disturbance in the pyramid," I announced.

The old man studied our faces, occasionally betraying signs of recognition. Smiling, he remarked, "You are all individuals who participated in the Expert Exorcist Exams. Back then, you were just fledglings. It appears you have all grown. Welcome back, and I hope you can resolve the issue."

We nodded and descended while Carpy returned to the water, resting at the bottom of the nearby sea but maintaining a proximity that allowed him to monitor me constantly.

Approaching the pyramid, I removed my glasses and crushed them in my hand, no longer needing to conceal my identity.

Once we reached the pyramid's base, I kept a watchful eye on Sei, ensuring his hair didn't turn white. If it did, it would indicate the presence of the nine-tailed fox. Sei served as my unwitting Tamae No Mae detector.

After climbing dozens of steps in the pyramid, the surroundings suddenly underwent a transformative shift, as though under the influence of hypnosis. The alteration left us disoriented, unable to discern directions. The wall emitted a musty odor, and recalling details from the manga, I knew that this place was absent of deadly traps, replaced by puzzles. However, I erred on the side of caution regardless, just in case someone else had tampered with this place.

Despite our vigilance, we found ourselves stuck in the labyrinth, and conversation dwindled among us. The darkness enveloped us, limiting visibility, so we adopted a collective mindset of not disturbing any potential slumbering entities in the shadows.

Even within the labyrinth, the puzzles proved complex, and even communicating with Carpy was difficult. The Magician responsible for creating this place likely implemented numerous anti-cheating measures. Nevertheless, Carpy managed to circumvent them, conjuring a ring of water to indicate the correct path. Periodically, clicking sounds reverberated through the walls, prompting us to halt and prepare for danger.

However, these clicks never materialized into traps. Eventually, we deciphered the correct sequence, opening the door to the seal. The room resembled an ancient tomb from movies, adorned with pillars and flickering torches that endured the passage of time.

At the far end of the room, a short set of stairs led to what resembled a stage, with a massive seal adorning the wall behind it. Though familiar from the original story, beholding it in person sent a shiver down my spine. "Everyone, stay back," I cautioned.

Drawing closer to the stage, I meticulously observed my surroundings. The place appeared clean, aside from visible cracks indicating a prior altercation.

{Perfect Me}

I activated my ability for a brief five seconds, scrutinizing every detail. The signs of a fight weren't recent; it had occurred over a year ago. "There was a fight here during the Expert Exams."

Curiously, there was no trace of blood on the floor, which seemed odd considering the presence of the Demonic Exorcist, known for his lethal tendencies. The rest of the group relaxed slightly, but I couldn't share their carefree disposition. As I approached the altar, I noticed that the seal meant to restrain the nine tails was smudged at the corner.

A seal of this nature wouldn't smudge on its own, as seals were delicate constructs. This clear sign indicated that the seal had been broken. My heart stopped, and a chill coursed down my spine. Despite Ord, the nine tails' presence, she had already escaped!

Turning to warn the others, I found myself immobilized, unable to utter a word. To my shock, there stood a fourth individual at the back of the group!

How long had they been there?!

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