Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 597 Addressing the ‘Lizard in the Room’ V

Chapter 597 Addressing the ‘Lizard in the Room’ V

Evan's following words were more than enough for Bhak to know that the boy was not done just yet. He held up his palm while speaking and condensed his energy rapidly, conjuring a massive orb of prismatic flames in it.

'Mesarthim; Red: Inferno Comet.'

Did the Lizard Lord have flame resistance? 

Yes, a very high one at that.

Did that matter to Mesarthim?

From the way Bhak tried to run away from Evan's attack range, clearly not.

The blazing sphere of multi-coloured flames was propelled forward at blistering supersonic speed, the sheer velocity creating a resounding boom and leaving behind a short radiant trail of fiery brilliance.

It only took a second for it to send Bhak's body crashing down on the ground, with enough force that it bounced back up.

And when it did, a streak of dark light descended from above and crashed right down on it, rendering the creature momentarily breathless.

It also vomited out a ton of blood too.

From the corner of its vision, it caught sight of a black boot encased in demonic energy kicking it in the side and sending it flying into the wall.


Bhak let out a low grunt, waving its burned now scaleless arm to blow away the dust cloud, revealing the appearance of the person who made it carve a Lizard-shaped crater in the wall.


The High Demon Pride, holding the severed head of the Lizardman Assassin that was still dripping with blood came into view.

She tossed it on the ground casually while ignoring Eliza's talk about getting her healed as she walked up to Bhak, the poisoned blade still sticking out of her stomach.

[How are you…still able to move?! That's Inhuman!]

"If you have not noticed, Lizard. I'm no human."

Pride roughly pulled out the armour-piercing blade, revealing a part of her stomach that had turned green from the poison.

"I'm a demon, the Demon of Pride."

Tossing away the dark green blade dripping with black blood and poison, she continued.

"And as the Deadly Sin of Pride, if I say such a paltry sneak attack can't harm me…It can't"

Right before their very eyes, demonic energy swirled around the wound and the black blood spurting out of it stopped. The greenish infection spreading on her skin began receding to the point of origin, eventually being expelled from her body as a blob of poison that fell to the ground and melted a hole in the reinforced earth in mere seconds.

Only someone with an A+ durability like Pride could easily endure having an acidic poison capable of melting through buildings and still only have a small part of her stomach wounded.

As for the fact that she was still able to move despite that—this was simply her just being built different.

The wound healed up like it was never there, and her clothes were patched up like they were never pierced, all while Bhak looked on dumbfoundedly until Pride's voice snapped it out of its daze.

"See. It can't."

[…What in the-?!]


A knee that slammed right into the side of the Lizard Lord's head and sent it flying cut that question off, courtesy of a very pissed-off Greed.

It crashed down onto the ground, landing coincidentally right next to its spear which it grabbed and activated another technique.

'Blazing Gaze.'

Its eyes radiated an intense heat that allowed it to launch a fiery projectile at Greed with its gaze, and while it did that, it raised its right foot and stomped down to activate Earthquake Slam.

However, Evan teleported right beside it and blocked Bhak's foot with his own, cancelling the required motion for the skill's activation.

Evan pulled the monster's foot forward, sending its body tumbling down on its back.

As if reading his mind, Kayla created an Electroflame in that instant, one that Evan sent a fracture diving right into.

'Scalebound Ward!'

The ward Bhak put up at the last moment was blasted to pieces by Evan's fist.

He then proceeded to grab Bhak's weapon-wielding arm, using body-strengthening magic to amplify his already strengthened muscles even further and then spun around to throw the Lizard Lord over his shoulder.

A flower cannon came in whilst its body was still airborne, knocking it to one corner of the room where Amy appeared in a pillar of flames and smacked it down with her great sword of flames.

Milena came in right after with a gigantic spear of ice that crashed down diagonally from above, doubling the speed with which it hit the ground.

The instant it touched the ground, Evan sent a signal to Eliza and shouted.

"Glacial Annihilation." "Life Energy Draining Prison."

Evan and Eliza used 'Combo'; and it was goddamn effective.

As the do-decagonal prison of green light formed above and below, a torrent of crimson ice surged forth and crashed down on the Lizard; the frigid blizzard blasting quenching its Inferno Aura and forcefully cancelling the skill.

Pain rocked its body and soul from all over, and it could not even conjure up defences as Eliza's energy-draining prison sapped its energy and used that same energy to strengthen the prison to prevent Evan's Glacial Annihilation from destroying it.

The title her Child of Life skill gave her worked tirelessly to send in an essence of the law of life to combat the law of destruction's power, unbeknownst to her, of course.

Bhak's body tumbled through the air, tossed around by the blizzard's winds before finally being tossed into one of the small patches of Lava it had spread out earlier.

The force and speed it crashed with sent splashes of lava in all directions, one of them nearly reaching Evan and burning his shoes.

"Okay, this is annoying."

With his Harbinger skill still active, he stomped down and froze the entire Boss Room's floor with a wave of thick ice.

At the same time, a small pale blue flame appeared in front of Bhak's face, temporarily making it out of breath before exploding at point-blank range.

The Lizard Lord barely blocked it with a Scalebound ward, forced itself to its feet and glared at the Anomalies as it activated a skill.

[Scorched Earth.]

The ground trembled with the force of its magic power, and a field of burning was conjured around it, igniting the ground and causing it to smoulder and burn.

Evan's ice was melted by this, but the monster wasn't done yet.

[Fire Magic: Firestorm Cyclone] 

The Lizard Lord summoned a whirlwind of raging fire, a fiery vortex that surged towards its opponents and made them disperse.

Continuing the attack Chain, Bhak stomped its foot on the ground and caused the ground to crack open into multiple boulders that shot up to the ceiling. 

This caused the Anomalies to finally notice that the Scorched Earth skill, had also affected the ceiling of the Boss Room as well.

Parts of the ceiling broke off and hovered in the air for a second. Clenching its fist, all the rocks were engulfed in flames, and only after that did Bhak complete the skill activation.

[Blazing Meteor Strike!]

The shower of flaming rocks rained down from above, their fiery impacts shaking the dungeon and making the S rankers trapped on the 98th floor shudder in shock.

"Elemental Armament Barrage!"

"Divergent Wards! Elemental Boost: Water and Ice!"

[Inverted Hail!]

Evan, Eliza and Milena took action, sending forth projectiles of ice with ribbons of water swirling around them up into the sky to meet the rain of meteors.

Eliza's 'Divergent Wards' always had two sides to it; hence the 'Divergence'. One side was a barrier that blocked attacks and the other was an amplifier that boosted the damage of projectile-based attacks passed through it by 50%.

So as she created enough to accommodate all the projectiles Evan and Milena sent upward, it was needed not to be stated how much stronger they became.

Pride and Greed dashed forward to attack, but the Lizard Lord had zero intentions of letting any of them get close, especially not as it was preparing to use its trump card.

[Infernal Conflagration]

As the flaming rocks were being blasted to bits above, Bhak unleashed a wall of roaring flames below, sending it travelling forward and engulfing everything in its path in a sweeping conflagration.

Though there wasn't anything on the ground beside the corpses of the minions summoned multiple times throughout the battle, the wall of flames did a good job of delaying Pride and Greed, even if it was only for a few seconds.

But as if to mock it, Evan channelled his icy aura and sent it forward as a wall of frigid ice, an opposite of the attack Bhak had sent out.

"I'd call this 'Icy Conflagration'. Thanks for the name idea."

The two opposing elemental attacks collided with each other in the middle of the room; the searing hot flames melting the ice to water which then doused the flames faster than it could evaporate.

They nullified each other and left a wall of hot steam clouds parting the room in two.

And from within the steam, multiple streaks of light shot out towards the Lizard Lord, forcing it to raise its spear to block the flurry of attacks that followed.

Every single member of the Anomalies threw in at least three attacks in quick succession, with the humanoids using Melee whilst the spirits flexed the elements on it.

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