Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 595 Addressing the ‘Lizard in the Room’ III

Chapter 595 Addressing the ‘Lizard in the Room’ III

What happened next was a bright flash of golden light that was too blinding to look directly at, as a singular golden bolt of lightning dropped down from the air and onto the body of the Lizard Lord.


The ground shook heavily as a huge cloud of smoke and flames rose towards the Boss Room Ceiling, while shockwaves spread out in all directions on the ground.

In the midst of this, a small black cat hopped out of the shadow of the Lizard Lord and tossed a ball of black light towards its back, before disappearing back into the shadow.

Bhak's body was now rocked with another explosion of darkness and light elements, blasting apart some of its scales and reaching the flesh underneath, while its form hurtled through the air.


Kayla's voice rang out, and a giant fist composed of lightning blocks punched Bhak's body down into the ground.


The lightning blocks reforged into a massive palm and slapped down on the Lizard Lord's body, smacking it deeper into the ground.


She finished the combo by transforming the lightning blocks once more, repositioning them into two long block lines, and crossing at around 70% of their length so one side of the intersection point was longer than the other.

The 'Scissors' then flew toward the Lizard Lord, its cutting motion primed to deal massive lightning elemental damage.

However, just before it snipped shut on the monster, two clawed arms burst out from the smoke and flames, catching both 'blades' and pushing them apart.

Aura surged through the arms and the fingers pressed down on the lightning blocks that constituted the scissors, shattering them to pieces with pure physical strength.


A roar rang out across the room, but unlike the last one that had a stunning effect, this Primal Roar increased its user's attack power by a certain percentage and boosted its resistance to all attacks, physical, mental or elemental.

Right after it did that, it looked at the clouds of smoke and flames surrounding its body, narrowing its yellow eyes lightly before clenching its left fist.

As the familiar-coloured magic circle reappeared around its wrist, Bhak spoke with what seemed like a grin.

[You handled the first one, did you not? There's more where It came from.

Venomous Tempest!]

*BOOM! x3

What followed was a trio of toxic gas explosions, with the cloud of venom spreading across the Boss Room faster than the first one it released.

"You guys handle it, I'm going in."

Evan kicked off the ground after he spoke, dashing straight towards the source of the poison and slicing the magic circle in two with his aura.

Bhak was lightly surprised at his boldness, something the boy noticed as he infused his sword and spoke.

"Didn't I say it before, Lizard? Poison doesn't work on me!"

He swung his sword with all his strength, down towards Bhak's neck, but the Lizardman pulled its spear out from within the cloud of poison covering its other hand and raised it to block Evan's strike.

'It hid the spear in the poison cloud?'

Evan made that small observation as he pulled back his sword and backflipped into the air. While upside down, he unleashed multiple blade cannons towards the Lizard Lord.

In response, Bhak moved its spear and swung it multiple times, unleashing a whirlwind of slashes that knocked down all the fist-sized bullets of aura, whilst also countering the accompanying projected slashes.

Evan landed on the ground and dashed forward without even a second's delay, engaging Bhak in a close combat battle that shattered the earth beneath their feet.

Bhak spun its body around and attempted to swipe Evan off his feet with its tail, however, a timed elemental shield with an earth attribution saved the hero from being knocked off.

The boy then let go of his sword and grabbed onto the Lizard Lord's tail, along with tendrils of darkness that shot out of Evan's shadow and latched onto the monster's tail.

With simple body-strengthening magic amplifying his strength, Evan pulled Bhak's tail forward, knocking the monster off balance in an ironical twist of fate.

He then caught his sword in the air, his magic and aura swirling into the blade along with Mesarthim's Prismatic flames.

Bhak saw it could not avoid the attack and instead chose to tank it, creating a shimmering magic barrier of scales that enhanced its own body's defences as well. 

With the Scalebound Ward's damage absorption prowess, the Lizardman was sure Evan's attack could be handled.

A part of its mind even felt that it did not need to do that much and it actually reduced the energy concentration in the barrier, intending to 'conserve the energy for future purposes'.

But when Evan's whole body was suddenly enveloped in the Crimson red aura that came with his Bod 1st Activation state, Bhak snapped back to his senses and tried to return its barrier to full power.

However, it was already too late by then.

'Destruction Vortex!'


Evan's attack collided with the Lizard Lord's barrier, shattering it into countless shards of light like a diamond breaking through glass.

The voracious energy tore through the remnants of the barrier and surged towards the Lizard Lord, shredding apart the creature's scales like leaves torn apart by a hurricane.

As for the flesh beneath the scales, the spiralling mass of energy rended them, causing blood and broken scale fragments to splash in all directions.

To add salt to the injury, Evan's Destruction aura had the time of its life dealing damage that went beyond the mere body. Bhak's soul quivered in agony as the essence of destruction pierced its very soul, causing unimaginable torment.

It roared out in anguish, but even that was not enough to tell how much pain it felt.

Evan still pressed his sword further, piercing through the torn-apart flesh and reaching the bone in its left arm that was crossed over its right in front of its chest.

[Ark Flash!]


Kayla condensed static energy into a singular destructive point and dropped it down on the Lizard Lord's head, an eerie glint flashed through her eyes as, despite the fact that Bhak tilted its head to dodge on pure instinct, the electric explosion that was triggered when it hit the ground deafened its ear.


In a fit of pain and rage, the monster cried out, activating a simple yet deadly fire magic spell…on its own body.


The ensuing blast released a mushroom cloud of smoke and fire into the sky, seemingly having knocked Evan's body away as the monster was finally freed from the cycle of pain.

Since it was the caster of the spell and said spell was a lower tier than its attunement, it was immune to its effects.

Bhak staggered up to its feet, pain racking its brain and one of its ears deafened. 

However, there was no time to rest, as the high demon siblings burst in through the smoke surrounding it with their weapons held up high.

[Dark Lance of the Abyss!]

It grabbed its spear and coated it with darkness-attributed magic power, spinning around to throw the spear towards Pride using all its strength. Simultaneously, the creature turned its focus towards Greed and conjured gauntlets of earth from the shattered rock fragments.

Clenching its fist, flames surged in through the cracks in the gauntlets, before slamming them together to catch Greed's overhead slash within its palms.


Bhak's gauntlets absorbed and contained the power behind Greed's slash, creating a momentary standstill in which both opponents were locked in a battle of raw physical strength.

One that was very unfair to the Lizard Lord as Greed was using its own strength to supplement his.

A concussive impact echoed through the surroundings, shaking the ground and sending shockwaves rippling outward from their point of collision.

As the demon of Pride dealt with the spear that was abruptly thrown towards her with her white flames, the Lizard Lord slammed its tail on the ground and activated a spell.

'Grand Lance.'

Six stone spears sprouted from the ground in front of Greed, threatening to pierce the demon's body but he simply unfurled his wings and took to the skies, out of their effective range.

Bhak stomped its foot on the ground and activated another skill, three times in quick succession.

[Summon Household!] x3

Magic circles formed all around the monster's body, and from it, thirty other Lizard men manifested and provided cover for their Lord who dropped to its knees in momentary weakness.

The damage It received from Evan's destruction vortex was not one it could shake off so easily.

Besides, the monster tried to understand why it had made the foolish decision of weakening its own barrier, against Evan who it knew had Esoteric-type flames, but it could not come up with an answer no matter how much it wracked its aching brain.

No way it could detect Pride's pride manipulation that easily.

Meanwhile, twenty of the Lizard men charged towards the Anomalies, with the sole intent to buy time for the Lizard Lord to recover even the slightest bit.

Seeing this, Greed landed on the ground and slammed his palm downwards, activating one of his recently recovered skills.

"Evocation: Covetous Archers."

With the emotional energy of greed, he summoned dozens of humanoid archer constructs which pulled their bows and fired arrows of greed energy, each one dealing 50% of his strength stat as physical damage.

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