Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 589 Bad day at work for Maude I

Chapter 589 Bad day at work for Maude I

It all happened so suddenly.

One moment, her mind was focused on how she was going to deal with the spell formation she was using to funnel pure 'power' into the Lizard Lord, and the next, a small girl who looked to be in her early teens suddenly appeared and killed the five Subordinates she had on guard in an instant.

When she turned around and scanned all the people who appeared in the room, a wave of shock hit her as she recognized every single one of them.

It was then that she locked eyes with him.

In that short moment, various thoughts ran through her head.

'Evan Eris?! That's him, isn't it?! How is he here?! The Dungeon's Layout is different! Even we would have gotten lost if the Boss didn't lead us.

More importantly, how did he get past all the platoons scattered across the past five floors?!

Damn it, I can't leave the spell formation now or it might fail!'

"Hi, Maude."

When she heard him call out her name, a different set of thoughts ran through her mind.

'I have an appraisal blocking artifact on me! Unless…he knew about me before-!!'

These thoughts were cut short when the boy sudden appeared in front of her, emanating a totally different pressure from before.

Her soul trembled in fear, gripped by a suffocating sense of dread.

"Bye, Maude."

He spoke with a smile on his face, her senses picking up on a skill's activation as he swung the sword down towards her neck.



The sword bearing down on her neck was suddenly blocked by another blade that appeared at the last second, it's wielder being a grey skinned winged humanoid spread out her wings as if to shield Maude body whilst her hands struggled to push away the grey eyed boy's blade.

It did not take her half a second to realise she could not block the attack, and she quickly made the decision to parry the blade.

She angled her own sword and tried to take advantage of the power behind the boy's attack to divert it towards the ground.

But even so, the boy's blade did not go down so easily.

The sword that slid down her blade that had been titled towards the ground on her left brushed past her face by a centimetre, before going on to slice half her left ear off and carve out a piece of her shoulder.

Only then, did it fall down to the ground, the force behind it causing shockwaves that knocked even its wielder back by a few metres.

The woman, Dreneth, was also nearly sent flying, but she used a skill to keep her feet on the ground, infusing her wings with energy to create a shield to protect the other woman behind her.

Despite the pain coming from her ear and shoulder, she gritted his teeth and kept her eyes locked onto the boy who had just attacked, not intending to let him out of sight.

Unfortunately, the boy had zero intentions of dealing with her.

"Pride, if you please?"

The instant she heard those words, a knee slammed into the right side of her head, coincidentally on that other ear.

A cracking sound rang out as blood sprouted from the woman's skull, all in the same moment that her whole body was violently sent flying to the side.


She slammed onto the wall of the Boss Room headfirst, with more than enough force to shake her brain around in her skull.

Her vision momentarily went white, and she could swear he saw his grandparents calling for her on the 'other side'.

With Dreneth out of the way, Maude was now at a crossroads.

There was an 80 percent chance of failure if she broke out of the spell formation right now, but on the other hand, if she didn't, she was sure that Evan's next attack was definitely not going to end well for her.

'His power…! It suddenly multiplied! It's just as Domnik's last report said! But even with that, it should not have been enough for him to get past all the Senior Members I left outside the Boss Roo—Wait! He's an Irregular…common sense would not work on him!'

Coming to that conclusion in an instant, Maude drew upon her magic power and released a surge of the energy into the spell formation her hands were on, shattering the illusionary restraints around her arms and freeing them.

This action caused a small energy burst that kept Evan away for another second, enough time for Maudes's now free hands to reach for the staves on her waist.

Her right hand moved and grabbed the one on her left side, infusing it with aura and turning the very action of drawing it into a slash attack aimed at Evan who closed the distance.

"I don't think breaking from the spell was a good idea, you know?"

The boy bent his upper body backwards to avoid the staff that grew longer with the intention of smacking him in the face, but Maude wasn't done yet.

Her left hand grabbed onto the second staff on her right, coating it in her aura and swinging it at the boy whose form was currently imbalanced, aiming for his knees.

But much to her momentary surprise, he suddenly threw a backflip and avoided the staff before it could get within a dangerous range, landing not too far and pulling his sword back in preparation of a thrust.

His stance, his grip on the blade and the energy in his sword, everything indicated he was about to unleash a thrusting attack.

Unfortunately, our resident hero was a fan of the saying 'Never let them know your next move'.

Just as he pulled his sword back, his entire body suddenly disappeared, reappearing beside Maude's still outstretched left arm and grabbing onto it.

His sword, was nowhere to be seen.

Evan turned to his back and with his grip marked tight on Maude's arm, pulled the woman's body over his shoulder and slammed her onto the unforgiving ground in front of him.



A small crater formed on the sturdy magic reinforced floor as Maude's body slammed onto it with so much force it bounced back up.

Following up, Evan spun his body around to generate momentum, infused magic power into his legs and then delivered a roundhouse kick straight to Maude's torso—all in on fluid movement.

The Demonic Hand Executive's body drew a parabolic arc through the air, crashing down more than a hundred metres away and rag dolling for a couple dozen more before coming to a stop, seemingly unconscious.

Despite all this, Maude was still able to keep her grip on her weapons strong, something that made Evan a bit impressed.

But as someone who knew about Maude from the game, Evan knew he could not allow himself to be hit by the woman under any circumstances.

'My Destruction Aura might negate her skill's effects, but better safe than sorry.'

With that thought, he resummoned the Unforged and blinked right beside her, swinging down the blade towards her neck with full force.



—the weapon harmlessly bounced off her neck, and the sensation transmitted to his hand made him feel like he had just tried striking an immovable rock.

Evan knew the reason why this happened, and the fact that it did, meant that Maude was fully conscious, unlike how she appeared to be.

His Danger Sense hadn't even sent out the warning when he quickly jumped up to avoid the sweeping slash to his legs, something so casual that it would have barely even dealt damage to him.

But his Danger Sense still activated.

Evan quickly activated a skill, generating a black portal with reddish gold lining in the air above her body. He then swung his free hand down and released a beam of aura aiming straight towards the Demonic Human.

She tried to roll away, but her shadow came alive and hugged her to the ground, keeping her in place long enough for the beam to hit.


The young hero jumped backwards to be out of the ensuing explosion's range, landing beside Eliza and Kayla as he whispered.

"Liz, can you give me your best Status Effect Resistance buff? The fact that my danger sense skill still sent an alarm in my BoD state means that her skill can still work on me.

Kayla, you be on standby for now."

The dust of the explosion cleared up, revealing the standing figure of the Demonic Human, but despite having taken a direct hit from Vindiction's Strike, she appeared unharmed.

While deactivating BoD, Evan locked eyes with the woman, ignoring the rage in her eyes as he appraised her.

|Name- Maude Gilatryd

Race- Demonic Human

Gender- Female

Age- 29(68)

Level- 470 (504)

Existence Level - Grandmaster [Superior] (Epic)

Titles- Ninth Finger of the Demonic Hand, Member of Blealand's National Parliament, COO of Thunder Mining Group, Demonic Stoneheart, Earthshaper Enchantress.

Class- Earthshaper Mage

Health– S+

Energy- S+

Strength– S

Agility– S

Durability– S-

Intelligence- S+

Condition- Shocked, Annoyed.

Magic Tiers- Earth Tier 4, Life Tier 2, Wind Tier 1.

Skills- Hypercognition, Polearm Mastery(E), Telekinesis, Earth Magic(E), Stone Skin, Earthquake Strike, Seismic Wave.

Unique Skills- Stoneheart's Embrace. |

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