Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 585 Giant Worm

Chapter 585 Giant Worm

The sharp blade of Evan's sword, recently maintained at the hands of a Living Legend, sliced through the heads, necks, and sides of the monsters, killing most of them faster than they could realise.

The boy's sword was coated in a thin layer of dense icy energy, and when coupled with his 350m/s movement speed, he was more than able to break the monsters' powerful defences with ease.

Evan and the other two burst out of the rocky hallways they were in, into a large open space with a surrounding environment as if they had just entered a different realm.

The ground shook immediately after, caving in to pave the way for the appearance of a massive brown-skinned worm, with fangs leaking a greyish liquid that melted entire trees with a drop.

The creature's body was long; very long, as it curled itself up many times and still towered more than twenty metres into the sky.


It launched its large tail towards them after letting out that strange roar, with Evan silently blinking out of the way the moment he saw it move.

Greed, however, simply held up his hand and activated his idiosyncrasy.


The speed of the monster's tail lunge reduced drastically, as did the strength it was using to support its large body in the air.

'Huh? Did he just steal its agility stat?'

Evan internally questioned as he jumped up in the air above the falling monster, generating a two-ringed magic circle on his palm and swinging it down.

"Grand Fireball."

The massive orb of flames descended towards the monster's venom-leaking mouth, prompting it to let out another strange roar, one that released compressed ultrasonic sound waves that slammed into the fireball and made it explode mid-air.

Unfortunately for it, there was a third person present; and said person was one who would never let go of the opportunity it just presented.

An orb of compressed golden lightning spun through the air and into the mouth it had opened to roar, falling inside neatly like a basketballer's 'nothing-but-net'.



The monster flailed around in pain when the lightning bomb exploded inside its mouth, with brown blood pouring around and staining the floor, melting the grass and trees around.

As it flailed around, Evan landed on his feet and kicked off the ground in one breath, casing his sword in an icy layer.

'Aura Slash.'

With the skill's aid, he sent out a massive slash of golden ice that tore through the monster's tough skin, blasted its flesh apart and even reached some of its internal organs.

Following up, Greed jumped in the air and summoned Mammonas, spinning around to gain momentum before kicking the hilt of the blade with all his might.

It didn't even take a second for the sonic speed propelled sword to pierce right through its body, in the exact same area Evan had slashed and pinned its massive form to the ground.

It let out another scream with its strange voice, while simultaneously spewing out a stream of the greyish liquid in Greed's direction.

[You're too noisy!! And disgusting!!]

Kayla screamed out as she prepared to activate a skill, only to notice that other monsters had been attracted by the sounds of battle.

'In that case…'

The girl switched the skill she wanted to activate to one that dealt more AoE damage.

[Laser Ring.]

Her voice was bright, and so was the scene that followed.

Five cubes of golden lightning manifested in a ring around her, rotating rapidly and shooting out five massive laser beams omnidirectionally.

In an instant, the area around them was turned into a sea of flames and the screams of multiple monsters rang out as the devastating explosion of energy decimated some of them, leaving only a scorching aftermath.

The hot condensed lasers of lightning made short work of all the small fry, and then Kayla cancelled the skill and fused the five lightning cubes into one which she sent hurling towards the worm.

In response, the worm smacked its tail on the ground, generating a massive wall of earth to block the incoming projectile.

'This thing is smart…but not strong enough.'

As if to agree with Evan's thoughts, the lighting cube bashed through all the earthen walls it created and bashed right into its head, exploding on contact.

While it writhed in pain, Greed closed into it and grabbed it with his hands, his muscles bulging up lightly at the same time.

"…You're not about to do what I think you're gonna do, right?"

The High Demon did not reply and instead dismissed his sword that had been pinning the worm to the ground, before lifting the monster's massive body off the ground.

Its 100m+ long body was lifted off the ground with ease, and this was the scene that Eliza met with when she and Pride arrived in the area.


Evan said that as he created a path with his shadow and let his body fall back to it, reappearing from Eliza's shadow just in time for Greed to slam the monster's body onto the ground he had now reforged to hold earthen spears pointed towards the sky.


The sound of its body slamming back onto the ground, plus the ensuing explosion held enough force and power to make the entire dungeon floor tremble.

Shockwaves blasted out, carrying dust, smoke and rocks with them, but Evan and Kayla were safe behind Eliza's barrier and had nothing to worry about.

"Greed! We wasted too much time; they've caught up to us."

Evan shouted with his magic-amplified voice after the blast noise had died down a bit, and the High Demon he spoke to climbed atop the monster and looked at the hero waving from the edge of the hallway leading to where they were.

[Dust's down, let's go, Master.]

Evan and Kayla simultaneously broke into a run, with the young hero blitzing forward and encasing his sword in flames.

He released an aura slash that hit the dazed weakened monster and set a part of its body aflame; a flame Greed decided to amplify with his wind magic.

The High Demon Swirled the flames with a cyclone spell, concentrating it on the monster's head area as it screamed out in pain.

[And a little topping.]

The lightning spirit snapped her fingers and dropped a bolt of lightning onto the swirling flames, triggering a massive explosion that blasted its' entire head to smithereens.

"Good, now let's go."

"No, let's wait a sec."

Evan countered Greed's words, holding up a finger as he waited for the remaining S rankers to arrive.

The moment they came into view, he gave the signal and the three ran off in a seemingly random direction and vanished from sight, leaving behind their companions who only sighed whilst shaking their heads.

"Why do I feel like they waited for us to appear before they left…?"

"Because they actually did."

Eliza replied to the mercenary's question before taking a sip of a stamina recovery potion and then continuing her chase after the three racers.

Back on Evan's side of things, the young hero led the race with a margin of ten metres, lightning swirling around his body as he ran up the walls.

He grabbed the neck of a lizardman with his right hand and then ran towards the ceiling, before abruptly jumping off the wall and slamming its body onto the ground headfirst.

Blood, bones, and brain matter splashed around as the monster's neck and head were flattened on the ground. Evan left the corpse there and continued running with the two trailing behind closely.

The trio encountered a wave of monsters not too long later, and since those monsters were probably headed to the surface, they decided to get rid of them.

Greed came out with the opening act, sending out an imperceptible wave of his idiosyncrasy's power to absorb the strength and agility of all the monsters in front of him, making them stumble and fall onto each other in a chaotic scene.

"Hey! I'm here, you know?!"

Evan who was in the midst of the monsters suddenly screamed out as he noticed what Greed did, but the High Demon only gave a nonchalant reply.

"You're my sister's contractor; my power would not work on you unless she wills it."

Right after saying that, he jumped above the monsters and towards Evan, using the boy's shoulder as a boost to dash forward at sonic speed whilst hacking and slashing at everything in his way.

The shockwaves blasted the monsters and knocked some of them to the side, while any that didn't get knocked away turned into experience to raise his level.

"That son of a-!!"


Kayla blitzed past Evan, mid-speech, but the young hero didn't stop and completed his words first.

"He just used me as a boost!!"

A burst of golden aura blasted out of his body and enveloped him, with his form vanishing in the next second, together with the body of a random lizardman.

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