Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 582 Meeting with the BG and others

Chapter 582 Meeting with the BG and others

If those monsters had been allowed to reign free, then they would have bombarded the ground fighters with breaths and magic which would have been disastrous.

Not that this didn't happen because Evan was there, but it would be a lie to say Evan's actions did not reduce the level of aerial bombardment by more than half, while the other adventurers and mages dealt with the others.

"No problem, it works better for me as well."

With the way the monsters outnumbered them, every single combatant on this battlefield mattered in every little way, so Evan would not hesitate to save as many as he could.

The energy orb in the air solidified into an ice crystal as he spoke, forming some sort of pseudo magic stone that dropped straight into his inventory, beside the half dozen broken magic stones he had consumed earlier inside there.

Returning outside his inventory, most of the S rankers and the other beings present had dark expressions on their faces.

The reason being the words one of them had spoken earlier whilst Evan was still busy murdering those unfortunate wyverns.

"If there's one thing I know about Evan Eris, it's that when he shows up during major events like this, things always turn out to be a lot bigger than anyone can fathom."

His words had made them remember the incident in Geto City, the Osto Monster Stampede, the Cheverton Incident, and now, Lacertilia's Dungeon Break.

Though they already knew things were strange ever since the World Isolation Barrier was activated, Evan's presence somehow had the effect of implying it was a lot worse than they thought.

And the next few minutes of their conversation with Evan proved to them that it was far worse than even the worst-case scenarios they had imagined.

The Brigadier General (BG), was the one who had the biggest headache as he received the full reason why the Major General and some of his competent subordinates had been sent out of the strange barrier.

"A spell called the 'World Isolation Barrier', huh? A grand name, and so are its effects."

He and the others present had long figured out that only those who were at a certain level and above had been sent out, with the proof being the S rankers who got kicked out inside the dungeon.

"This is a lot to take in at once."

One of the Mercenaries spoke with a frown on her face, causing Evan to glance at her and some others near her.

In their eyes, he could see the unmistakable light of doubt within.

The young hero heaved a sigh and held up his palm, condensing magic power into a singular point under it, an action that attracted the attention of all those present, even those who were lost in their thoughts.

"Come Forth."

His command words had the condensing energy manifest in the form of a book, with a cover crafted from aged leather and a surface etched with intricate patterns.

"…Is that…?"

"Exactly what you think it is."

Evan replied to the words of one of the Mages present as he flipped the book's pages, stopping on the one that had the World Magic Spell Number 25's description.

With a bit of magic power, he created in the air, a projection of the Spell Circle, the details of the spell and all other descriptions related to it.

"Enough proof for you now?"

Silence pervaded the area as they all studied the spell circle floating in front of them closely; well, the magically attuned ones did. The others just read the text descriptions as they could not hope to ever understand whatever was inside that spell circle.

But onto the matter of the book Evan was holding—the Akashic Page, the boy had really learnt a lot from it in the past few weeks.

Starting from the Glacial Snickerstrike he especially favoured to the Infernovolt Rain that he and Kayla had used earlier; they all came from the Akashic Page.

When Evan closed the grimoire after seeing that all the people present had been convinced, he felt a particularly heavy gaze on him and turned towards the owner with his appraisal activated.

"Oh my, a Green Robed Grand Mage from Kasteblum. Didn't expect to see one of you here. Anyway, works well for me."

The boy held up the Akashic Page in his hands before continuing.

"When all of this is done and you head back to Kasteblum, please tell Old Man Gavin I said I'm going to have his copy ready soon.

I'd be in the GEE and there are two options. I can either send it to him, or he can send someone to pick it up."

He dismissed the grimoire after he spoke, right before the Grand Mage replied with a bit of annoyance in his tone at Evan's improper addressing of the Chief Grand Magus.

"That's the Chief Grand Magus, boy. You are to add-"

"Yeah, I know what position he holds. But to me, he's just Old Man Gavin so that's how I address him. If your brother was a king, would you call him 'Your Majesty' or by his name? Gavin and I are not related but you get my point.

Anyway, please do well to pass on my message to him, that's far more important than whatever means I address him as."

When he was done speaking, Evan then turned his attention back to the BG and the other Lacertilian officials present.

"Coming back to the main situation, may I know the updates regarding the party that has been sent in to clear the Dungeon?"

All those present knew the simplest way to end this break was to end the dungeon boss, so Evan expected they'd have already formed some kind of party and sent them in by now.

Even though their levels would not be high enough, they'd at least make it up with numbers.

"It was a failure. The dungeon's layout had changed, and given that the monsters were more frenzied than normal, they suffered a lot of attacks, which of course, they had to defend themselves from."

"…I'm guessing they killed monsters and levelled up past 450, huh?"


Both Evan and the BG simultaneously sighed in exasperation, before the boy muttered something about encountering 'this kind of break again'.


"Yeah. I have to say, you guys are in luck.

Though the dungeon's layout has changed, I have a means by which we can get to the dungeon boss despite the layout change. It does come with requirements, however."

The BG ignored the part about the requirements for now and first of all asked about the means Evan spoke of, with all those present perking up their ears to listen, even the Army company commanders who were nearby.

"An Artifact. One of the hundreds of strange stuff I've picked up over the years. It's something Ancient that was created precisely because of situations like this. I would not explain its working process, though."

Evan apported a random Artifact in his inventory that just so happened to have a compass-like display at the top, before passing it to Kayla who was on his shoulder and continuing.

"As for my requirements, I have to be the one using it to get to the Dungeon Boss."

The BG's brows raised with an incredulous expression on his face, whilst one of the other beastman adventurers nearby did the honours of asking the question on the man's mind.

"You want to enter the dungeon alone?"

"Huh? I'm not crazy or suicidal. Why would I want to take a dungeon boss that's higher level than me alone?

I'm going in with my party."

Evan could hear sighs of relief coming from all around, tilting his head in confusion as he did not understand why they'd think he'd want to face a Boss Monster alone.

"Mind if I ask where your party members are?"

Those present had only seen Evan in action, and not the rest of the Anomalies. Given the size of the Buffer Zone and the over hundred thousand combatants on it, they believed his party members were on other parts of the battlefield.

On a side note, the noise of the battle ongoing was reduced with the aid of sound magic, hence the reason why they could have proper conversations without shouting at the top of their voices.

"They'd be here within the next few minu-?"

Evan raised a brow in light surprise mid-speech, right before his shadow began expanding, something all those present caught onto as energy had surged from it.

One of the Beastmen present even reflexively struck out with his spear as he could sense something 'non-human/beastman/elf/dwarf' coming out of it.

However, Evan's hand blurred and he moved and caught the spear before it could get past his body, his grip on the weapon tightening and causing a small crack to form.

Evan's all 'A+ Level 100' stats weren't a joke, after all.

"Everyone here who knows who I am should also be aware that I'm contracted to a shadow elemental spirit as well, should they not?"

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