Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 555 Speed Run To Floor 40.

Greed and Amy didn't know this but in that same instant, they bumped into Brenda in Austin's adventurer guild, a certain black-haired teenager who had her hair tied up into a ponytail with a gold-coloured crown-shaped accessory on the right side of her head had also seen them.

Pride had noticed the girl's gaze and turned in her direction, locking eyes with her dark grey eyes momentarily before turning back to Greed and Brenda.

Right after the demon turned back, a golden crest flashed in the girl's eyes for a split second, and she chuckled lightly to herself while muttering something about a certain 'leader being crazy'.

Date of Occurrence: Year 1053, March 19.

After the party reunited on the 21st, they first set their sights on a certain dungeon in the Cloud Piercing Isle, resolving to clear up to the fortieth floor before leaving.

The reason was that they wanted to boost their levels a little higher in preparation for their adventures in Lacertilia.

The Countdown to the 'Lair of the Lizard Lord's' dungeon break was slowly reaching its end, after all.

And so, the Anomalies disappeared from the Oak Avenue Manor once more, for nearly four weeks this time.

They spent 26 days in the tower of trials, fighting hundreds of Level 300+ monsters and eventually crowning it with a Level 410 boss.

The temptation to carry on was there, but they resisted it and called the Tower Dive to a close, having all increased in strength by a considerable margin.

Eliza had increased by 16 levels, putting her at Level 421 while Greed was not too far behind at Level 414.

|Name- Greed

Race- High Demon

Gender - Male

Age - 1352

Level- 414 (777)

Existence Level - Grandmaster [Intermediate] (Sovereign)

Titles- Deadly Sin of Greed, Peak Rank Demon, Ascendant, The One Who Wants All There Is, S-Rank Adventurer, Anomaly, Honorary Baron of the Great Western Empire, Geo Blade, Earthen Wrath Successor.

Class- Terrakinetic Great Swordsman

Health – S- (X2-)

Energy - S- (X1+)

Strength – S (X2+)

Agility – S- (X2-)

Durability – S- (X2)

Intelligence - A+ (X1+)

Condition- Normal.

Magic Tiers- Earth Tier 6, Fire Tier 4, Wind Tier 5, Lightning Tier 3.

Skills- Greed Manipulation, Emperor of Greed, Power of Wealth, It's Mine, Burning Barrage, Tar Bomb, Evocation: Covetous Archers, Earth Manipulation, Geo Blade, Crystal Manipulation.

Unique Skills- Incarnation of Greed, Geomantic Wrath. |

Evan did not know the exact reason, but all of the Seven Deadly Sins always had most of their stats match their existence level, even if the individual stat levels were low.

Take Greed for example who had his Health Stat to be 'S-', but was actually just at 'S- Level 20'.

His strength stat was at 'S Level 70' though; he was the Deadly Sin sibling with the highest raw strength, after all.

Date of Occurrence: Year 1053, April 17.

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Adventurer's Guild Hall

Dungeon City Merdin


April 19th

Year 1053

On this fine morning, a boy walked into the Adventurer's guild, his demeanour oozing waves of confidence and pride as he walked over to the reception tables.

He was dressed in light armour made of powerful Master level beast leather and had a sword of mithril on his waist.

Not many people paid attention to him, other than a few heads that turned upon noticing how young the boy who had just walked in was.

From his appearance, one could estimate that he was about 13 or 14.

But when higher-ranked adventurers looked at him, they noticed the strength he held was not the kind people his age were supposed to have.

That was natural as the boy was clearly a Master level existence.

His name was Jack.

Jack was from a low-profile noble family in the GWE and he had undergone various forms of training from as far as he could remember, honing his techniques and mastery with weapons and combat.

He wasn't ignorant about the ways of the world either, as his father had made sure he was up to date on current affairs and had taught him how to handle himself outside.

Ever since he was small, he had always liked adventurer stories and wanted to become a prominent adventurer himself.

His father agreed to let him do as he pleased, only when he became a Master Level, something he achieved pretty easily given how talented he was.

And so here he was, ready to become an adventurer and pave his way to greatness.

Even so, it was kind of hard for someone who was praised for his talents since he was young and had become stronger than some people who were twice his age would not have some level of pride in him.

Especially as he had an appraisal skill that let him see the levels and ages of people he met, so entering the guild and seeing D rankers who were in their 20s made him feel good about himself.

He walked up to the counter and greeted the receptionist politely, before stating his reason for being there.

While she pulled out the necessary forms for him to fill, he decided to appraise her to see her level of strength, and the instant he did, she looked up from her desk and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Don't do that to other adventurers. You have no idea who might take offence with you appraising them and pick a fight."

She spoke as she looked back down at her files, much to the boy's shock as he hadn't expected her to detect it.

But when he looked at the skills that the woman, Martha, possessed, he figured out why.

'Instinct, huh?'

"If the person who takes offence with me is weaker than I am, then they'd be fighting a losing battle. I'm a lot stronger than most lower-ranked adventurers, after all."

The moment he said that, someone who was turning a quest in at the next counter, another mask-wearing boy who seemed a bit older than him turned and spoke up.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

Jack turned towards the person and saw that they had a D-rank adventurer card hanging from their neck, and the person also didn't have that much magic power emanating from his body.

"Exactly what I said.

You're a D ranker, right? Though I'm not yet an adventurer, I'm on the level of a C ranker. I'm stronger than you."

"This brat! You're tryna pick a fight?!"

The person shouted out as he threw a punch towards Jack, one the teenager dodged with ease. The person kept on throwing out more attacks, but they were so sloppy and Jack could dodge them with his eyes closed.

Eventually, he set out a leg and tripped the masked boy, making him fall on his face while the rest of the guild looked on in silence.

Feeling the gazes on him, Jack glanced around and saw that the gazes of more powerful adventurers who were in the guild's gallery were now looking towards him, and he didn't need to appraise them to be able to tell which ones were grandmasters, and those who were above that level.

He could even see the platinum and mithril adventurer cards either hanging from their necks or in their hands, and that alone spoke volumes.

'I wanna be as strong as them in the future.'

Just as he thought this to himself, something strange happened.


It started from one random A ranker—


—and within seconds a chorus of laughter erupted throughout the guild.

Jack was naturally dumbfounded by this as he didn't understand why they were laughing.

'It couldn't be because I tripped this guy, right?'

"Oh, Eliza's back!"

"Hey, Eliza. Your boyfriend's messing around again!"

Hearing those two lines amidst the noise, the boy's confusion only grew as he looked around trying to find whom they were referring to.

It didn't take him long though, as a beautiful blonde teenage girl with sapphire eyes that seemed to suck one in appeared in his field of vision.

However, he was not focused on her beauty, but on the Platinum Adventurer Guild Card he held in her hand.

'She's an S Ranker?!'

Jack was shocked that this girl who was clearly a teenager like him was an S ranker, and for a moment, he doubted If him having C rank level strength even meant anything big.

The girl spoke to the person beside her, whom Jack didn't know was the Vice Guild Master, before moving over to the masked boy on the floor, grabbing his hair and pulling him up.

"Stop playing around Evan, our train's leaving soon."

"Hahaha…I just wanted to be on the other end of this scenario for once."

The boy spoke with a short laugh as he got to his feet and dusted his clothes, before turning to Jack and continuing.

"I expected you to at least throw a punch in retaliation, you know? I even had a list of reactions lined up."

As he spoke, he held up his hand and a small 50 cm wide black opening materialized in mid-air, which he dipped his hand into and pulled out another adventurer guild card.

He removed the D rank card hanging from his neck and replaced it with this newly appearing, Golden card.

'Gold? That's for A rankers! He's an A Ranker?!'

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