Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 524 Evan Being…Evan.

Next, a giant golden bird ascended to the skies and proceeded to fight the Wyvern in a short supersonic battle that felt like it lasted hours.

Tier three spells flying around, with them thanking the gods none of those spells touched the ground.

Eventually, both parties pulled out the big guns, with the person fighting on the golden bird using some sort of strange magic that made one feel cold sweat just by looking at it while the wyvern pulled out tier 4 spells in response.

The Wyvern then suddenly collapsed and a giant arm construct of lightning then descended from the skies and the 'hit' the ground twice.

It then retreated to the skies, and everything returned to silence afterwards.

After waiting a few minutes to be sure everything was really over, the teams from the different cities all assembled and slowly made their way closer to the scene of the battle.

They saw the once lush forest laying in ruins, its vibrant foliage reduced to charred remnants and splintered trees.

The air hung heavy with the acrid scent of smoke and the lingering aura of powerful energy, with silence engulfing the devastated landscape in the wake of the earlier battles.

Eventually, they reached the location of the battles, and the sight they were met with was one that left them dumbfounded.

First, they saw the corpse of what was once the black-scaled wyvern, its grandeur and majesty nowhere to be seen as its scales had been completely destroyed, exposing its bloodied flesh.

The ambient energy concentration was thick, an effect of the earlier battle, but even so, they could still sense the residual magic power emanating from the wyvern's corpse.

It was then that they noticed that the wyvern's neck had been obliterated completely, leaving only the creature's head that lay on the floor with its eyes wide open, showing how the sheer amount of shock it felt at its moment of death.

Not too far beside it was a huge corpse of a monster bird, with bloodied white feathers that bore intricate silver patterns on its massive wings.

"It's just like the golden bird from earlier…"

Someone muttered that statement and prompted the hundred-plus adventurers, knights and soldiers to spot the similarities.

Then they all set their eyes on the ones responsible for the deaths of these two powerful creatures that were still emanating menacing auras even after death.

A teenage boy with dark grey eyes sat perched atop the colossal corpse of the monster bird, his legs nonchalantly resting on its sharp beak.

He had his left arm propped up on his legs and his chin supported by its clenched fist.

Though his stature paled in comparison to the immense creature beneath him, an aura of immense power that dwarfed his small frame radiated from his being, engulfing the surroundings.

It was this inexplicable force that commanded attention and respect, surpassing his physical form.

Looking at him, one could tell that he had just been through a fierce battle, as there was still a bit of blood on his cheeks and his trousers had a few tears and burns in some places.

Even so, the seasoned A rankers and lower levelled S rankers couldn't help but feel a twinge of intimidation in the presence of this enigmatic youth.

His gaze remained calm and unflinching despite the fact that he was faced with over a hundred combatants with power levels varying within the A, S and SS ranks.

He was flanked by three others who similarly exuded palpable auras of power.

On his left was a young girl with long black hair and noble golden eyes, with an appearance like a porcelain doll.

She looked a bit younger than the boy but her presence was no less threatening, even more so when one took into account the fragmented golden of glowing jewels that floated above her head.

On his right was another teenager who looked to be the same age as the grey-eyed boy, with lustrous blonde hair pulled into a ponytail and deep sapphire eyes with a terrifyingly beautiful appearance, to the point that it seemed to suck in anyone that laid their eyes on her.

Despite the fact that she seemed to be the one most dressed for combat among the trio, her presence radiated a profound sense of serenity.

Even so, the years of experience they all had warned them that beneath that tranquil exterior, a hidden reservoir of power stirred.

In her hands was a small cat that seemed to be napping, its tail softly waving in the air, but when it suddenly opened its eyes and stared at them, they all felt like they were not being stared at by one, but countless pairs of eyes from all over.

Lastly was a woman that had the appearance of a young adult, with flowing locks of vibrant blue hair and skin adorned with a gentle sheen that mirrored the essence of the ocean.

Despite looking so young, the great power they all possessed was glaringly obvious, and a rough estimate put them all at the S rank level at the very least.

Gradually, some of the more powerful spirits who had assisted them in combat earlier all reappeared one by one, crowding around the group and passing on an indirect message to them.

One, if not all of these four, were responsible for sending the spirits to their aid earlier.

In the face of this, the two SS rank adventurers present, along with the head of Shelde's military; a Colonel ranked officer of Duscon's army stepped forward to represent their group and initiate talks with this young yet powerful group.

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Despite the seemingly calm and unflinching look on his face, Evan could barely stop the smug grin that threatened to emerge on his face.

[Master's childish.]

[Master's hopeless.]

[Master's acting like a kid fulfilling his fantasies.]

'Damn right, I am!'

The young hero responded to the thoughts of his contracted spirits, with an exultant fervour, akin to a child seeing their cherished dreams made real.

'Look at them! They're all scared! I'm making A rankers feel fear towards me by just sitting down and doing nothing!

Heck, even the soldiers are looking at me with awe.

This feeling is exhilarating!!'


The three spirits all sighed internally when hearing the boy's thoughts. Thankfully, the soldiers and adventurers could not hear what he was thinking.

It was then that they finally got over their initial shock and one of them uttered a question.

"Wait up! Isn't that kid the 'Irregular'?!"

"Huh? Irregular?"

"Now that you mention it…he does look the same as the person in the newspapers."

"Then that means…these guys are the 'Anomalies'?!"

Seeing that S rankers in a faraway country easily recognized him, Evan wanted to fist pump in the air while shouting 'My hard work wasn't in vain! I'm Famous!', but he knew it was best to behave himself.

Even without being able to hear his thoughts, Eliza could guess what he was thinking and only shook her head silently, before stretching her hands towards one of the S-rank adventurers.

Before the latter could react, the staff spear he was holding flew out of his grasp and into the air, before shooting towards Eliza who rose her hand and caught it.

"Thanks for bringing this along."

"…you're welcome?"

Evan alternated his gaze between the slightly confused adventurer and his girlfriend, his brow raised as he asked.

"You learned Weapon Control?"

"Not exactly.

It's just an effect of my new skill. I can recall my 'main' weapons like this while it's active."


Eliza only hummed in reply as she jumped off Silverwing's corpse and stretched lightly, before deactivating her Ethereal Equilibrium skill.

Upon returning to her base mode, her power looked to be a bit reduced, but the initial impression she had given had stuck to the minds of all of them.

Even so, her new base was Level 400, no one thought she seemed weak in any way.

Meanwhile, the Colonel and two of the SS rankers had stepped forward to introduce themselves.

"Greetings to you, Lord Bourne."

The Colonel gave a light bow as he spoke, his voice carrying a blend of deference and professionalism.

Evan just nodded in response before deactivating his intimidation skill and absorbing the energy in the magic stone he held, however, said energy quickly escaped his body in repayment of the energy debt he owed the 'World'.

"Greetings to you too, Colonel Onas."

He wasn't surprised that Evan knew his name, considering it was embroidered on his uniform along with his rank insignia.

Giving a momentary glance to the other officer-ranked personnel with him, he heaved a light sigh before asking Evan politely.

"My Lord, please forgive my impertinence, but may I kindly request some form of identification?"

Evan rose a brow in light surprise upon hearing this and for a moment the Colonel was worried his request may have displeased Evan, but the boy only took a glance at the others before acquiescing.

'Looks like this guy has it hard. Then again, there's also the possibility of using a skill to copy someone's appearance.'

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