Reincarnated As The Villainess's Son

Chapter 86: [Oracle of Past] [7] [back in the academy]

Chapter 86: [Oracle of Past] [7] [back in the academy]

In the second-year building of the bustling academy, a girl with porcelain-smooth skin sat on a bench placed on the side of an empty hall.

Her beautiful blue hair, tied in a side-braided ponytail, touched her waist.

Her sapphire blue eyes, adorned with long eyelashes, were fixed on the phone in her hand, displaying a single message.

<I will be out for a while, please don't wait for me>


Sighing, she closed her phone before leaning on the bench, her vacant gaze directed at the clear sky above.

Step, step.

The sound of light footsteps echoed beside her before someone took a seat next to her.


With her dark purple hair tied in a low ponytail, she sat quietly, her purple eyes focused on her hands placed on her knees.

"....I am sorry," Avril whispered softly, her gaze still on her hands.

"....I am not the one you should be saying that to," Christina muttered, her vacant gaze shifting towards Avril.

"....Where is he?" She inquired, rubbing her eyes, red from crying.

Instead of replying, Christina opened her phone and passed it to Avril.

"Where did he go?" Avril asked frowning, passing the phone back.

"...No idea. I tried calling him, but he isn't picking up," Christina replied, shaking her head.


"...If you have nothing else to say, then leave me alone," Christina advised without looking at Avril, who remained silent.

"...Are you angry?" Avril asked hesitantly, rubbing her sweaty palms.

"...I am not," She replied, her voice devoid of any emotion.

"...I am sorry. I wasn't in my right—."

"....You have no idea how much I wish to just rip your throat out for what you said to him yesterday," she snapped, straightening her back and glaring at Avril.

Flinching Avril turned towards her with a blank expression, her lips trembling. "....Christina, I know—."

"....What do you know!?" Christina shouted, her glare intensifying.

"...Do you have any idea how much your words would have hurt him!?"

"....I was wrong, I know—."

"....You are his elder sister, Avril, but... since childhood, he acts more mature than you," Christina complained, letting out a tired sigh, causing Avril to cry again.

"...Why are you taking his side?" Avril choked out the words between her tears.

"....How can you forget how much he hurt you—throwing objects at you, cursing you, flirting with other girls in front of you—."

"...If he would have been happy with me being away from him, I would have happily left him alone."

Christina interjected softly, leaning on the bench. "...But no... whenever I stay away from him, all I see is relief.... I haven't seen him happy in years."

"How...How can you not hate him?" Avril whimpered, looking at her.

"...No, I do hate him..." Christina acknowledged, nodding her head before continuing,

"....I hate him when he keeps everything to himself...

when he doesn't ask for help...

when he doesn't lean on me...

when he doesn't cry when he feels like crying...

doesn't laugh when he feels like laughing... I hate him for all of this..."


Avril silently cleaned her tears, her words choked in her mouth, and only unrecognizable whimpers came out of it.

" only mother figure died because of him—."

"...Was she not like a mother to him as well?" Christina interjected sharply, glaring at her, "....For once, let go of your will see how stupid you look now."

"T-then w-why...why did that?" she asked, tears once again streaming down her cheeks, "...w-why did he.... hiccup..."


For once, Christina had no reply....

even for her it was hard to believe that Azariah did something like that....

but still she tried to defend him,

" can you be sur—."

"He was the one who told me about what he did!! Even mother confirmed he was telling the truth!!"

"...maybe he was forced—."

"...Can you do it?" Avril asked again, looking at her with her blurry eyes, "...can you forgive him if he does something to your brothe—."

"....I learned how to love Alan again from him," Christina interjected softly, her voice firm, "...Az won't do anything to him...he will never betray my trust..."

"...I can't...I can't forgive him..."

"...If you can't love him, can't care for him, it's fine, I will do that for your stead as well...." she whispered, her voice almost pleading, "But....Please... don't hurt him."

"He is my brother, I don't want to hurt him...but.....why did he change so much?" Avril questioned, rubbing her eyes, "...Why... hiccup."

"...Sigh...stop crying..."

Letting out a tired sigh, Christina stood up from her seat, walking in front of her.


"Az isn't here." With a light smile, Christina replied, "...Isn't this the perfect time to visit the first-year students?"

"...Huh? W..hiccup..hy?" Frowning, Avril asked.

"...just come with me." She rebuked, grabbing her hand and jerking her body up.

They both walked out of the second-year building before making their way towards the first-year building.

The class was still going on, so most students were inside the class with some exceptions....

"...Why are we here?" Avril asked, frowning while placing a handkerchief on her eye.

"....Just come with me." She instructed, sneakily making her way towards a silent room in the empty corridor.

And before long, a girl with a slightly beautiful face came into view....

"...Why are we—"


Placing her finger on her mouth, she gestured Avril to shut up before focusing on the girl.



A tingling sensation of electricity ran through her limbs before a burst of energy blurred her body out, sparks flying from her body dispersing in the air or on the ground below.

The girl didn't even have time to react before Christina was upon her.

She reached out, her hand crackling, and grabbed the girl's mouth firmly, muffling her.

The girl's eyes widened in shock and fear as she recognized Christina.

"...I will remove my hand, and you will make them open the door, understood?"

She whispered softly, yet her voice was commanding, making the girl agree in fear.

She gently removed her hand, gesturing for her to speak, "...W-we h-have n-new m-members."


Even though her voice came out crooked, the other side didn't think much before opening the door.

"...Welcome to Lord Azariah fan clu—Ahhh!!"

The girl who opened the door shouted in her introduction as she saw Christina smiling coldly at her.

"...May I come in?" Christina asked, entering the room with Avril walking behind her.

"....Come on."

Avril grumbled, looking around the room which was filled with posters of a purple-haired boy taken from hidden places.

".....How many members do you have?" Christina asked, glaring at the two girls who stood trembling at the side.

"...T-thirty-nine." One of them replied, stuttering.

"...How can you like him, knowing how he is?" Avril asked, with an absurd look on her face.

"...H-he i-is quite h-handsome—"

"Even the fallen ones were handsome. Do you like them as well!!" She exclaimed, glaring at them.

Their faces turned pale as they bowed deeply, "...w-we will disband the club immediatel—."

"....There is no need for that." Christina interjected, pointing at the posters, "....Just send all the posters to my room."


"...And if you are going to continue the club, then...."

walking closer to them, she instructed, glaring at them ensuring her words are clear enough,

"....Make sure all the girls have long nails, or I swear I will cut their hands myself."

The girls' already-drained faces turned white from fear....

" I clear?"

"Y-yes ma'am."


Saying so, she turned around, walking outside of the room...

"...You act like a Villainess sometimes," Avril remarked, walking beside her.

"...Do I?" She asked, tilting her head.

Nodding her head, Avril asked with a light frown, "...but why did you leave them alone? I was sure you would fry them up."

"I don't own Az...they can admire him from afar if they want."

She replied with a smile that didn't hide her possessiveness, " the end, he is only mine."

"...Wait! Where are we going?" Avril asked in panic as Christina turned towards the first-year classroom.

"....Did you notice something common in the background of every photo?" she asked, glancing at her watch.

"...Right, that girl with caramel hair."


"Then who?"

"Oliver....why was he in every damn photo?"

"...Wait, are you more worried about Oliver than that girl!?"

"...I know her." Clenching her fist tightly, she replied, her voice barely audible, "...Ashlyn."


The bell for the end of the class rang as they arrived closer to the classroom, and it wasn't long before the corridor started to fill with students.

"...Wait, let me find Miley as well." Avril mumbled before separating from her.

But Christina's steps slowed down as a girl with white hair came into her vision.

Arianell's gaze also met hers as they both stood in their place for a while before they walked closer.

They both once again looked into each other's eyes before Arianell walked past her, mumbling, "....Take care of him."

Christina remained silent before she glanced at her one last time, looking at her departing figure.

"Remember me, senior Christina."

But she quickly shifted her view as a boy with brown hair stood inches away with a bright smile.

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