Reincarnated As The Villainess's Son

Chapter 83: [Oracle of Past] [4] [Main Antagonist]

Chapter 83: [Oracle of Past] [4] [Main Antagonist]

With short black hair combed neatly, he wore a pristine white suit....

...His obsidian black eyes looked at me coldly.

"...Something I can help you with?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

"...Hahaha." His expression changed as he let out an awkward laugh. "...Would you like to spare me some time, Lady Esmeray's son?"

"...I don't have time fo—"

"...Are you going somewhere?" he asked, interjecting as he walked closer.

"...No, but that doesn't—"

"...Have you been hearing about things people are saying about you?" Interrupting me again, he asked.

"...What?" I asked, frowning.

"...About you being the [Exiled Prince]." He replied, standing right in front of me, blocking my way.

And because he was a head taller than me, with a well-built body, I had to strain my neck just to look at him.

"...I am not—"

"Why do you think so?" he asked, interjecting again as his obsidian black eyes looked at me deeply.

"...Because I can already see many people believing in it."


I remained silent as I looked at him.

Something about him makes me feel uncomfortable and uneasy... but I can't point out what.

"...Then again, 'Lady Esmeray's' son can't be 'him'," he continued without waiting for me to reply.

"...It's not like she has done anything terrible to have such a fate... right?"

I remained silent as I looked at his slight smiling face and the way he talked... it felt like he knew my mother.

But I quickly shook my head as I tried to walk past him.

"...What are your thoughts about going down the path of revenge?" I halted my steps as his words reached my ears.

"...What do you mean?" I turned back to look at him again.

No matter how I think about it, I can't understand why he asked that.

He smiled softly before he replied,

"...There was a pretty famous saying in my kingdom: 'Before setting out for revenge, you must first dig two graves.'"

"And why are you telling me this?" I asked, tilting my head a little.

"Yeah, that's a silly thing to say." He replied, rubbing his nose as he glanced at me. "...Still, do you think revenge is a good thing?"

"...It's not."

"...Even when the one you lost is very dear to you?" He questioned again, walking closer to me.

"...It's still not a good—"

"...Will you really not take revenge even if someone you love died?" He questioned, interjecting me again.


"...You will, right?" He asked as I remained silent.


"...Looks like you will." He continued with a smile as I refused to reply.

"...I need to go—"

"...Revenge doesn't come cheap, does it?" But just as I turned around, he asked me again.

"...It doesn't."

"...Not until it's worth the price." He replied, coming forward and blocking my way again.

And this time, in an aggressive manner, he made sure I couldn't walk past him.

"What are you doing?" I asked calmly, looking at him, ignoring the uneasiness that I was feeling.

"...Have you ever heard about the weapons of the [Primordial Gods]?" He questioned, looking into my eyes.


"...Do you know about the Elothra ?" He asked, making me flinch visibly.

How does he know that name?

Only the church, my mother, and—

A chill ran down my spine as I suddenly realized who I was talking to.

"You are sweating a lot all of a sudden, Lady Esmeray's son." He commented, looking at me deeply as I took a step back. "...You do know that name, don't you?"

"...I-I n-need t-to g—"

"...Did your mother tell you about the sword?" He asked, interjecting me again. "...Are you that important for her to tell you something like that?"


We both silently looked at each other as my heartbeat started to race and my legs trembled slightly.

Tinkle! Crackle!

I took a step back again as I heard the soft sound of tinkling, accompanied by the sound of a soft crackle of crystal forming from the hand he placed behind his back.


But we both shifted our focus as the sound of a ball bouncing on the ground echoed in the empty corridor.

And immediately, our eyes fell on a small boy with dark blonde hair standing in the corner, looking at us.


The sound of something breaking echoed as the man shifted his focus away from me and walked towards the little boy.

"...What are you doing here alone, boy?" He asked with a bright smile as he knelt in front of him.

"...I lost my way." The boy replied with a dejected look.

"...I will take you to the main hall." With a smile, the man replied, gently grabbing his hand.

And before he could look at me, I turned back and ran as fast as I could....


"Fuck Fuck FUCK!!!"

Slamming the door open before closing it hard, I cursed at the top of my lungs.



Bringing my trembling hand up, I roughly arranged my hair as I walked back and forth.

[...Who was he?]

'Delywn Hesperia, the [Main Antagonist] of the game.'

[...Wait, isn't he—]

'Yeah, former Prince of Hesperia kingdom.'

The kingdom that my mother massacred fifteen years ago...

The kingdom where his parents, his son, and his wife lived...

...And they all fucking died in the massacre fifteen years ago...

My mother killed everyone he loved.

I grabbed my stomach as I felt like a knot was forming inside me.

She killed everyone in the kingdom for the Elothra...

The sacred sword of Elohim...

"Fuck." I cursed again, grabbing the back of my head.

[Azariah, stop panicking]

"How can I do that!?" I groaned. "Didn't you see he was ready to kill me just now?"

And all the things about revenge that he was talking about, why the fuck was he doing that?

[...What do you mean?]

In the game, there was no such thing about him taking revenge for what my mother did.

I don't remember anything that he did for the revenge for his kingdom.

He is one of the leaders of the Principalities; he had the power and an organization with him that could stand against my mother, but he never did such a thing....

[....What about you?]

He never showed any interest in me as well...

He never did anything to me in the game to take out his personal revenge...

Then again, I was just a boy who can't even use mana in the game.

"Fuck, then why is he here?" I grumbled as I stood up straight.

There was only mention of one Overlord in the documents Adaliah gave me...

How come he is here and for what fucking reason?



[.... Because you can use mana now]



Why the fuck did I become a target just because I can use mana...

[.... People are afraid of your mother, but they are more afraid of you becoming just like her.]

"...A monster."

I silently sat down on the floor as I took out my phone...

[...What are you doing?]

"Messaging Christina," I mumbled as I typed the message.

<I will be out for a while, please don't wait for me>

And sent...

She is a smart girl...

She will understand my message if I die today...

[... Don't say such negative things]

"...You know my luck, El....if an Overlord did try to kill me...I would be good as dead."

Hmm, I should message Ashlyn as well...

And Arianell...


"...It was good knowing you, El." I mumbled as I messaged the same thing to her as well, " were useless till the end."

[...Stop bullshitting—]


I looked around the place as suddenly the electricity of the bathroom turned off...

"Why now?"

Glancing at my phone I mumbled, as there were still half an hour before the start of the—.

"Fuck! Did they start it early!?" Cursing, I abruptly stood up from my seat as I walked outside.

And the only thing that lit up the place was the chandeliers hanging at the ceiling.

I walked towards the main hall with light steps, looking around the place...

"Wait, the princess!" I exclaimed as I suddenly remembered her.

....Fuck, where is she now?

I turned back as I walked towards the place where I last saw her.

And as I walked, I could hear the faint sound of the raining...



I dashed towards an empty hallway as I heard In?s crying for help...

And it didn't take me long to arrive at a place where four guards were forcefully dragging her somewhere...

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