Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 287: – Abyss Hell

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Chapter 287

287 – Abyss Hell

Keeping my distance from the mother, I lower my altitude . For now, it’s necessary for Aro to raise her level .

I considered going up and having her take refuge with the others, but Aro is the only one who can enter a battlefield that contains a high B rank monster . It would be difficult for me to pull the guards away while also inflicting a fatal wound by myself . I want to defeat it here . The guards arranged in a tight formation . But it’s not like it’s impossible to break through .

As I skim the ground, Aro fires off repeated [Gales] at the normal abysses . Seeing her struggle to kill them, I help out with [Wind Slash] and my partner helps with [Death] . In no time at all, almost ten abysses are transformed into corpses . Experience acquisition windows pop up in my head one after the other .

【138 experience points have been acquired . 】

【Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 138 experience points have been acquired . 】

【The level of [Ouroboros] has risen from 79 to 80 . 】

Great, great, we’re doing good . The mother clearly doesn’t want to break its formation, because even though it has the [Enraged] status condition, it’s not taking active movement .

Some tentacles come after me, but I’m able to cut them off with [Wind Slash], keeping them at bay .


The tornado ploughs through a crowd of abysses, sending them flying . Intent on finishing them off midair, I suck in my breath, but I notice a change in the mother . Its four eyes shine with a red light .


The mother’s scream reverberates . At the same time, a cone of black light stretches out from its centre . The ground engulfed by the light dents as though something heavy is on it, cracks tearing open .

I’ve seen this once before, so I know what skill it is at a glance . It’s scale is way bigger, but it’s the [Gravity] skill . Ages ago, I was on the receiving end of it from the twin head .

The nearby abysses sink into the ground and stop moving . A moment later, I’m also in the area of effect too . Wrapped in black light, my body suddenly becomes heavy .

I try to resist, but I can’t lift my wings . My altitude drops, and a moment later my feet are on the ground . Aside from the baby abysses on the mother’s back, it looks like all of them are affected by [Gravity], as even though their legs struggle, they’re unable to move .

With the enemy unable to move, it’s not a particularly scary situation . I’m just about able to move by crawling across the ground .


Aro uses magic while lying on my back . The terrain deforms as needles of earth burst from the ground, impaling the abdomens of nearby immobilised abysses, scattering their body fluids .

【120 experience points have been acquired . 】

【Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 120 experience points have been acquired . 】

Okay, okay, this is going well . So, what I have to pay attention to is…


A tentacle shoots towards me . Fighting gravity, I raise both wings in front . With a crashing sound, the tentacle hits my wing . A sharp pain runs through my body .

The moment the tentacle is repelled, the black light disappears and my body becomes lighter all of a sudden . I whip backwards slightly from the sudden lack of resistance .

Oww… But I can recover from this much right away…

“VeEeeh!” “VeEE!”


Released from gravity at the same time, the abysses leap towards me together . They bite at my legs and scramble up my body .

I kick off the ground and spread my wings, which are also being bitten at by several abysses . My body grows more and more numb as the abysses pump their body fluids into me .

…I-isn’t this pretty dangerous? There’s three, four of them on my leg, three that have climbed onto my body, and two that are clinging to each of my wings . I’m too weighed down to fly properly .


My partner drops one of the ones them on my wing with [Death] .

【186 experience points have been acquired . 】

【Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 186 experience points have been acquired . 】

But as she does, more of them jump towards my body . At this rate, there’s no end to them . Up until now I’ve been fighting them from outside their reach, but since being forced to the ground, their numbers are a problem .


Roaring, I swing my tail upwards, using its momentum to complete a roll .


Aro is thrown into the air . I catch her in my mouth, then increase the speed of my rotation as I fall to the ground .

After landing, I [Roll] in a straight line before crashing into the wall . The twenty-or-so abysses that were crawling on me are flattened, along with all the abysses that were in my path .

Their death cries overlap, echoing throughout the chasm bottom .

【2760 experience points have been acquired . 】

【Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 2760 experience points have been acquired . 】

【The level of [Ouroboros] has risen from 80 to 83 . 】

Haah, haah . I was somehow able to pull through . That’s what they get . My body is drenched in their body fluids, and I get the feeling that a few of their corpses are stuck to my back, but I don’t know anything about them . I’ll forget about them . [Roll] really is my strongest and most amazing skill .

I pull my head out of the hole in the wall . The abysses that are timidly observing me from a distance suddenly all flee in unison .



The power of my [Roll] from earlier must have scared them quite a bit . C-could I maybe force my way through the guards with [Roll]…?

I twist to change my direction then rush towards the mother with [Roll] . The abysses that I run over en route are converted to experience points .


With the mother’s scream, the surroundings are wrapped in black light . My body becomes heavy once again, slowing me down . It’s using the [Gravity] skill again . Even so, I don’t stop, continuing on straight . I feel what must be the mother’s tentacles jabbing into my body, but I don’t alter my course in the slightest .


Shaken by the power of my [Roll], the mother screams even louder than before .

If you can dodge me, then by all means . If it’s forced to move, then it’ll lose the protection of the mother guards, albeit temporarily . If it doesn’t dodge, then that’s also fine . Let’s have you receive my [Roll] that has been used to hunt countless monsters with your body .



Species: Ouroboros

Condition: Normal

Lv: 83/125

HP: 2195/2195

MP: 2212/2212

Attack: 877

Defence: 516

Magic: 967

Speed: 630

Rank: A

Sacred Skills:

[Human Realm: Lv-]

Characteristic Skills:

[Dragon Scales: Lv7] [Voice of God: Lv5] [Grisha Language: Lv3] [Flight: Lv7] [Dragon Scale Powder: Lv7] [Dark Attribute: Lv-] [Evil Dragon: Lv-] [Automatic HP Recovery: Lv8] [Presence Perception: Lv5] [Automatic MP Recovery: Lv6] [Double Headed: Lv-] [Split Spirit: Lv-] [Mutual Understanding: Lv3]

Resistance Skills:

[Physical Resistance: Lv5] [Fall Resistance: Lv6] [Starvation Resistance: Lv5] [Poison Resistance Lv6] [Loneliness Resistance: Lv6] [Magic Resistance: Lv4] [Dark Attribute Resistance: Lv4] [Fire Attribute Resistance: Lv3] [Fear Resistance: Lv3] [Oxygen Deprivation Resistance: Lv4] [Paralysis Resistance: Lv6] [Illusion Resistance: Lv3] [Instant Death Resistance: Lv2] [Curse Resistance: Lv2] [Confusion Resistance: Lv2] [Strong Light Resistance: Lv1]

Normal Skills:

[Roll: Lv7] [Status Inspection: Lv7] [Scorching Breath: Lv5] [Whistle: Lv2] [Dragon Punch: Lv3] [Plague Breath: Lv6] [Poison Fang: Lv7] [Paralysing Poison Claw: Lv6] [Dragon Tail: Lv2] [Roar: Lv3] [Heaven’s Drop: Lv3] [Return to Ground: Lv1] [Humanisation Technique: Lv8] [Wind Slash: Lv7] [Neck Breaker: Lv4] [High Rest: Lv6] [Self-regeneration: Lv5] [Travelling Companion: Lv-] [Death: Lv4] [Soul AppendmentFake Life: Lv4]

Title Skills:

[Son of the Dragon King: Lv-] [Walking Egg: Lv-] [Klutz: Lv4] [Simple Fool: Lv1] [Infighter: Lv4] [Pest Killer: Lv8] [Liar: Lv3] [Evasion King: Lv2] [Path of Evil: Lv8] [Calamity: Lv7] [Chicken Runner: Lv3] [Chef: Lv4] [Mean King: Lv9] [Gutsy: Lv4] [Big EaterGiant Killer: Lv3] [Pottery Craftsman: Lv4] [Group Leader: Lv1] [Laplace Interference Authority: Lv2] [One Who Knows Eternity: Lv-] [Ant King: Lv-] [Brave Hero: Lv5]


AN: It is rather difficult to work into the main story, so I’m listing it here… Seeing it after so long is amazing, right?

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