Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 257: – Third Time with the Manticore

Chapter 257

257 – Third Time with the Manticore

Yarg ties up my partner’s arms with fresh rope before taking the end of the rope and pulling her in the direction of the manticore .

Behind, Tatark is aiming his spear at her head . In his other hand, he has a lantern-like container, with glowing stones inside .

Perhaps enduring since my partner kicked him, Yarg occasionally moves to hold his nose with his bandaged hand .

Throughout the journey, many anxious glances are sent our way by Tatark . My partner glares at him, and he looks away . Averting his eyes, he opens his mouth to speak .

“…Soon, we’ll be reaching the manticore . It should be expecting our arrival following the setting of the sun . At this time it should be salivating as it waits in the shrine . ”

It makes sense that there’s no guarantee it would stay in one place all day long . I wonder if it was asked to wait there by the girl with miko’s blood through [Telepathy] .

At this time of day, the manticore shouldn’t be as cautious . Having the Lithovar tribe consistently bringing it gifts at this time would have that effect .

“Oi, Tatatrk . Don’t make pointless conversation . ”


Bowing to Yarg, Tatark again shifts his eyes to my partner . I get the feeling he’s asking if she really plans to fight it .

My partner ignores him, silently walking as she’s pulled by Yarg .

Finally, we arrive at an entrance to a large cave . Similar to the cave of sacrifices, it’s a hollow in the rocky mountainside . However, this cave’s entrance is much larger than that one, and it looks like it goes in deeper too .

Around the entrance, the walls are carved in depictions of the manticore . The original cave must have been spruced up for it . It looks like it was true that there’s various plans to put the manticore in a good mood .

Yarg stops in front of the entrance, glaring back at my partner through thinned eyes .

He’s probably suspicious about her lack of resistance . Thinking about her conduct so far, his suspicion is well warranted . He’s had the combo of his fingers being bitten off, his body being kicked flying, and his nose being broken by her, so it’s no wonder .

“Ah? What is it?”

“…Something’s off”

“Would it be better if I struggled?”

Yarg scowls at her, and his injured arm drops into view for a moment . It doesn’t show on his face, but he must be remembering the pain of having his fingers bitten off .

Relying on Tatark’s lantern, we continue on into the cave . Though I hadn’t realised it would be this stupidly big . It is similar in width to the red ant nest, and it’s longer than I’d thought too . With this, I’m no longer worried that it simply grabs the offering and runs away .

All that I’m worried about now is…

“…This cave, is it a dead end?”

“Th-that’s right . ”

To my partner’s murmur, Tataark replies .

Great, that’s what I wanted to confirm . Thanks, partner .

“Escape won’t be easy then . ”

Licking her lips, she stares into the depths of the cave .

“Oi, Tatark! How many times have I told you to not have pointless conversations!”

Yarg shouts at Tatark . He probably took my partner’s speech as 『I can’t easily escape from the manticore』instead of『The manticore can’t easily escape from me』 . There’s no way he could be thinking that she’s aiming to kill it .

The sound of my partner clicking her tongue rings out . The sound echoes throughout the cave, and in response I hear the sound of something large stirring in the depths . It sounded like something stood up .

The footfalls of a huge beast draw closer .

“…The manticore is coming . ”

Yarg murmurs . There’s a slight tremble in his voice . He must be scared .

Suddenly, Tatark throws his lantern into the air, then turns his spear from my partner and charges forwards .

“Ta-Tatatrk, what are you…”

“Yarg-san, please withdraw! Fall back!”

Tatark rams into Yarg’s shoulder . Yarg staggers, releasing his grip on my partner’s rope .

Tatark swings his spear at the rope binding my partner’s arms, but she nimbly dodges backwards to avoid it .


As a result of her unexpected movement, Tatark overbalances and all falls down . He must have wanted to ensure that she could move freely before it gets here .

…However, as we want the manticore to lower it’s guard as much as possible, it’s better if we keep our arms tied . Plus it’d only take a moment to break free .

“Tatark! You bastard, what are you thinking?! You’ve been screwing around for a while now!”

Yarg yells as he regains his footing .

“Eh, ah, no… Eh?”

Tatark looks between Yarg and my partner in confusion .

“…Hey, by any chance, should I not have dodged that?”

My partner grumbles to me . N-no, it’s good that you avoided it… Well, it couldn’t have been helped I guess .

I’d thought it might make things complicated, but it doesn’t look like there’s enough time for that . From the depths of the cave, accompanying the heavy footfalls, a familiar giant beast makes its appearance .


We’re finally meeting the manticore again . With its overwhelming size compared to humans and it’s leopard-human face, it’s got a terrifying appearance . My body was a similar size when I met it before, so it’s not particularly frightening to me, but from a human’s perspective it’s terrible .

Seeing my partner, saliva drops from between its teeth . Yarg runs until he’s put enough distance between himself and the manticore, then turns around .

“…L-live food, we have brought you live food . ”

Yarg says to the manticore as though pleading . So please don’t kill me, is what he was calling out to imply . That is the extent to which the Lithovar tribe views the manticore as an object of fear .

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