Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 216 FTAV Mark X

Chapter 216 FTAV Mark X

The frontline battlefield of the Gilaso variants' monster wave was a chaotic and nightmarish landscape.

The once sturdy and secure safe holds were reduced to rubble and debris.

The Gilaso variants had torn through these defensive structures, leaving behind a trail of destruction. Broken walls and collapsed buildings littered the area, making it a treacherous terrain to navigate.

The ground bore scars of the battle, with large craters and scorched patches where energy weapons had struck. The earth itself seemed to have been scarred by the violence, turning the wilderness into a desolate wasteland.

Corpses, whether it was the Gilaso variants or humans, were littered throughout the landscape, forming a pile of human pyramids,

Despite such gloomy and grim scenery, people surveillancing by the cliff were expressionless.

Ironically, they were more pleased with the number of human casualties than having fewer casualties.

After all, this meant that their commission price would increase further with this many deaths.

Not to mention, the people who had perished could only blame themselves for being incapable.

"Hmm, we just have to hold the fort here and these Gilaso variants never attack at this time. Though confusing, we still take those. Use this time to rest up." One member of the group announced.

The member then placed down a detection turret that would sound the alarm if the Gilaso variants arrived at the warning meter.

As the group of people started to rest, a military vehicle arrived in the background.

The military vehicle didn't have a license plate, but everyone knew who it was.

After all, it was the FTAV Mark X, standing for Future Tactical Assault Vehicle. The FTAV Mark X had a sleek and streamlined design that incorporated advanced materials and stealth technologies.

Its appearance is characterized by: Advanced Stealth Coating, Angular Design, Adaptive Camouflage, and Holographic Insignia.

The Advanced Stealth Coating provided the vehicle with a special material that absorbed and reflected radar and thermal signatures, rendering it nearly invisible to enemy sensors.

Its Angular Design body featured angular lines and facets, reducing its radar cross-section and making it difficult to target by enemy radar.

As for the exterior, it was equipped with adaptive camouflage technology that allowed it to blend seamlessly with its surroundings, whether in a desert, urban, or forest environment.

Lastly, the reason why there isn't a license plate needed was thanks to the Holographic Insignia, which displayed the unit insignias and identification markings using holographic projection, allowing for quick identification by friendly forces.

"Look, isn't that the newest FTAV Mark X military vehicle that has just been invented?" One of the more educated onlookers was dumbfounded by the appearance of such advanced military vehicles arriving on the frontline.

These types of vehicles are usually situated in the inner city, designed to protect the "higher-ups" from supposed danger.

While the group of people were pondering who could be in the FTAV Mark X, they were soon stunned when they saw a muscular man coming out of the vehicle.

"C-C-Commander Theobold!" One of the group members stutteringly called out in a dumbfounded tone.

Given Theobold's physique was quite easy to spot, it didn't take long for one of them to be thoroughly astonished by his appearance.

However, that wasn't the reason why everyone in the scene was astonished. It was the fact that Theobold was waiting by the door, almost as if he was a bodyguard escorting someone.

"Thank you, Commander Theobold," A woman walked out of the vehicle and thanked him for standing guard.

"It's my duty to protect an important individual," Theobold shook his head and said calmly. "The people from Optic Mech should arrive soon, so you can stay by the tent that my soldiers have set up, Vanessa."

Vanessa nodded her head, agreeing to the arrangement. In the past days, she had managed to recompose her emotion, no longer bothered or concerned by the past events.

Calmly walking toward the tent, the other spectators were confused, seemingly wondering what Vanessa's identity was.

It was just a shame that she was covered in protective gear and her face was hidden thanks to the mask, so that no one was able to get a clear look at her.

While the spectators were eager to know the identity of this woman, Theobold had already begun commanding the soldiers stationed on the frontline.

He even made sure to emphasize the importance of Vanessa and that her safety was the number one priority above all else. After all, he had seen the Ancient Technology that Vanessa possessed back when she came to one of their strong houses.

With his eyes being the concrete proof that Vanessa indeed possessed the key to suppress and alter the monster wave, how could he not ensure her safety was guaranteed?

'Her importance was simply too valuable. No wonder why some nefarious people would want her dead.' Theobold thought to himself, still feeling disgusted that such vile humans could exist when their world was practically in shambles.

To ensure Vanessa's safety, he even had to delay the time to arrive at the frontline, having to take preemptive measures in different kinds of scenarios.

As Theobold joined Vanessa by the tent and organized their plans, another vehicle swiftly arrived at the scene as well.

The other spectators were even more dumbfounded now, believing that there shouldn't be any more reinforcements coming.

"Huh? Isn't Commander Theobold the final reinforcement? Are those other cowardly military teams from the Five Families joining as well?"

"Hah, fat chance of that happening. Those military teams from the Five Families are just spineless bastards that hide behind them. They are all show and no power."

"You're right… but who else aside from Commander Theobold would come here? All the mercenaries or other hired hunters are gathered here already."

"If you're that curious, then you might as well jump in the monster waves. Dying there is better than dying from curiosity."

As this group of people discussed the newly arrived, Mary was parking her Iron Sentinel close to Theobold's FTAV Mark X.

Hopping off the Iron Sentinel, Mary gazed upon the FTAV Mark X vehicle, seemingly fascinated by it.

"Sheesh, this must be the latest version," Mary exclaimed, her expression was as if she couldn't wait to dismantle it to copy the mechanism or take it for herself.

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