Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 214 It’s Time

Chapter 214 It’s Time

Several more days had elapsed, and Shi Tian's appearance had undergone a peculiar transformation. He now resembled a panda with his completely blackened eyes, a testament to his days without sleep.

Awakening from his slumber at the workbench, Shi Tian moved with the sluggishness of a sloth. Even the simple act of standing up and reaching for the doorknob took an excruciating 20 seconds.

"Need... coffee," he mumbled, his voice devoid of energy as he desperately sought caffeine to stave off an impending migraine.

After managing to get a few hours of sleep, his head throbbed mercilessly, a consequence of his disrupted sleep patterns and relentless work schedule.

Shi Tian shuffled his way to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face, a feeble attempt to rejuvenate himself.

As he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, he was nearly startled by his own appearance, which bore a striking resemblance to a corpse.

The toll of his relentless efforts was becoming apparent, and it was clear that he was pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion.

Grabbing a towel to wipe off the remaining cold water on his face, Shi Tian was about to head back to the workbench and carry the crates to the main lobby.

However, he didn't even get a chance to return back when he heard the doorbell ring.

Confused, Shi Tian turned around and glanced at the monitor screen by the side of the wall to see who was outside.

'Mary? Why did she come up here?' Shi Tian was dumbfounded by her sudden arrival.

Unlocking the door, Shi Tian opened it and asked softly, "What are you doing here, Mary?"

Mary's facial expression darkened as she glared at him. It was as if her eyes alone could kill people.

"You're seriously asking me that when you refuse to reply in the text or pick up your Cellos device?" She asked in a low but subtle tone.

Initially angered at Shi Tian, seemingly thinking he was ghosting her or ignoring her, her tone and expression soon softened up when she saw the haggard look of Shi Tian.

"Have you not slept properly at all these days?" She entered the apartment and asked, looking at the kitchen and the living room.

She noticed that there was quite a bit of trash piled up, and it was clear that he hadn't had the time to throw them out.

Not to mention, the apartment seemed lifeless, almost as if no one was living here at all.

Mary's concerned eyes scanned the apartment, taking in the scattered tools, empty coffee cups, and the disarrayed pile of takeout containers. It was a stark contrast to the normally meticulous and well-organized living space she had seen the last time she was here.

"I bet you're regretting kicking Vanessa out right now," Mary said, shaking her head at the current lifeless Shi Tian.

She was surprised when she learned from Theobold that Vanessa had relocated to one of their strong houses, protected by a lot of soldiers.

She was unable to fathom why Shi Tian would do such a thing.

It wasn't as if the apartment complex here wasn't safe given the Crimson Mage's presence.

And the last time she had interacted with Vanessa, it was quite clear to her that the two had a somewhat amicable relationship.

Meanwhile, Shi Tian ignored her remarks purposely, walking to the kitchen and brewing another set of coffee. These coffees were found in a random store and despite the bland taste, the bitterness in it was enough to keep him awake.

Mary clicked her tongue when she realized Shi Tian was avoiding the topic of Vanessa. It was a good thing that she wasn't a curious person either, so she didn't plan on prying further once she noticed his unwillingness to discuss.

Instead, she changed the topic and explained her reason for visiting.

"Since you didn't read my text, I'm just going to inform you now. In two days, we are going to head out to the wilderness and assist Commander Theobold." Mary said, informing him of the time.

And she continued, "Thanks to the Claymore Mines you have produced and sent to the frontline, they are going to give you an award and merits for your action. But knowing you, I told them to simply give you money."

Shi Tian simply nodded his head. He was glad that Mary understood him.

Fame and popularity weren't the things he was chasing after by crafting so many Claymore Mines. It was for money and forming a good relationship with the Flameheart Vanguard. Being in one of the influential military's good graces would benefit him in the long run.

As for the publicity or citizens' opinion of him, he does not care a bit.

Is their praise worth anything?

The answer was no!

In fact, having such a reputation would inevitably result in them expecting you to constantly do everything on their behalf, similar to what Theobold was doing.

Serving the citizens without expecting any rewards back.

Sorry, but he was not going to do those kinds of charity work.

Especially when he had witnessed the true cruelty of humans, and being forced into becoming a lab rat, he had long forgo the naivety of saving others like some hero.

"Thanks, Mary." Shi Tian replied calmly after taking a few sips of the bitter coffee.

"If they really want to give some awards out, then just tell them to give it to Optic Mech. I might not be an official employee of Optic Mech, but I'm indirectly working for Optic Mech." He added.

"Rest assured about that, Nathan." Mary chuckled and shrugged her shoulders.

"I have long told Commander Theobold that all honor and glory shall be received by Optic Mech. Given that we provided the most materials and much more equipment to the frontline." She snickered coldly, reminding him that she was more of a money grubber than he was.

"Heh… what a shrewd woman you are." He commented, shaking his head.

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