Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 199 Hatred

Chapter 199 Hatred

Shi Tian didn't blame Gerald's action as he even found value in the experience gained from the confrontation.

At the very least, it could be said that Shi Tian was thrilled to fight against someone like Kralos Tal. Fighting against someone so powerful, Shi Tian could finally get an experience of what it was like to fight against people stronger than him.

It wasn't a simple punch or kick that could end the fight, but a serious one where you must muster every bit of your ability to fight for survival.

"Even if you don't blame me, I still won't be able to go past my conscience. So just take it as if I owed you a favor." Gerald chuckled softly.

Shi Tian shrugged his shoulders in response. Since Gerald was adamant about it, attempting to convince him otherwise would only make him look like a hypocrite.

"If you aren't planning on following us back to the apartment for rest, what are you going to do next, Gerald?" He then enquired, purposely avoiding the topic of his hatred of Kralos Tal.

Although he was curious about their history, he knew it wasn't the right time to ask such sensitive questions either. Not to mention, they weren't that close enough to share such details with each other.

"Hmm, I'm probably going to return to Optic Mech to gear up. Since we were determined to suppress the monster wave, we can't just head back out in mediocrity." Gerald responded.

And without bothering to say much, Gerald left the apartment complex. It was clear that his mind was still brooding over Kralos Tal, and the failure to capture him.

As Gerald departed, Shi Tian and Vanessa stood there for a moment, watching him disappear into the distance.

The events of the day had left them with much to contemplate, and their minds were undoubtedly racing with thoughts about the challenges that lay ahead.

Turning to Vanessa, Shi Tian finally addressed the question that had been on his mind since their unexpected encounter with Kralos Tal.

"Do you know more about Kralos Tal? You were able to recognize him despite Kralos Tal wearing a mask on his face." Shi Tian asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Vanessa glanced at Shi Tian, her expression thoughtful. She pondered for a moment before finally telling him everything she knew about Kralos Tal.

"Kralos Tal's appearance as a hunter made quite the news, given that his first assassination commission was someone known to be elusive and slippery. Many hunters had tried the commission, only to no avail, but Kralos Tal was able to achieve such a feat in 2 days." Vanessa explained.

Shi Tian listened attentively as Vanessa shared what she knew about Kralos Tal.

The information painted a picture of a skilled and dangerous individual, someone who had achieved remarkable feats as a hunter. The fact that he had succeeded in an assassination commission that had stumped many others was a testament to his abilities.

As Vanessa's voice trembled slightly while recounting Kralos Tal's achievements, Shi Tian could sense the weight of the fear he instilled in people.

It was evident that Kralos Tal's reputation extended beyond his skill, delving into the realm of terror.

Nevertheless, Shi Tian wished to learn more and asked, "Then what about his past before becoming an infamous hunter?"

The saying goes, the more you know about your opponent, the better chances you shall have when going against them.

However, it was just a shame that even Vanessa was clueless and helpless at the question that Shi Tian had asked.

"Only Gerald might have some insight into Kralos Tal's past," Vanessa responded, her tone tinged with frustration and curiosity. It was clear that she desired answers just as much as Shi Tian did.

If even someone like Shi Tian was so curious about the matter, then how could she not be curious as well? It was just a shame that she didn't have the courage to ask Gerald.

"Well, we may not have all the answers right now, but it is clear that Kralos Tal's appearance in Gearits City meant someone was really determined to see the city in ruins," Shi Tian said, his gaze fixed on the cityscape before them.

"Having the city in ruins wouldn't benefit any of the Five Families here. Which means your suspicions earlier were correct, and that someone else should be behind this monster wave." He added.

Vanessa nodded in agreement. "My suspicions may be right, but it shouldn't be the correct truth– at least not the whole truth. One of the Five Families could still be involved, but they might not know the exact consequence of the action. Or maybe, they really are sadistic and desperate for something big to happen."

Shi Tian's observation was astute, and Vanessa's agreement emphasized the gravity of the situation. As they gazed out at the city, the sun's last rays painted the skyline with warm hues, juxtaposing the impending threat they faced.

"It's concerning that someone would go to such lengths to bring chaos to Gearits City," Shi Tian remarked, his expression thoughtful. "And you're right, the motives might not be clear-cut. It could be a single entity acting alone, or it could involve some of the Five Families, even if not all members are aware."

Vanessa's speculation echoed the complexity of the situation.

"Exactly. We shouldn't rule out any possibilities at this point. But once I found the culprit that was targeting me, I wouldn't care anymore after resolving the monster wave. Whether Gearits City goes into ruin does not affect me whatsoever. I only want revenge." Vanessa exclaimed, her eyes filled with determination.

It was clear that she was overwhelmed with hatred for whoever plotted against her.

As for Shi Tian, he kept silent regarding her exclamation.

If it wasn't for his deal with Isaac Aaronax, promising to be the decoy on the upcoming New Region, then he would have long left Gearits City for another.

He was the same as Vanessa, who neither had any attachment or concern regarding the safety of Gearits City.

To them, this was merely a place for temporary shelter only.

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