Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Vol 2 Chapter 207: : Upstart couples are in trouble (1 more)

Vol 2 Chapter 207: : Upstart couples are in trouble (1 more)

The red blood, the white one is...

Sheng Xuan screamed in fright, and the smell of blood made her nauseous. She vomited watery hands and feet on the side of the road and forced herself to take a look. It was a fat man who jumped off the building.

Not Suizhou!

This is not the first case of Qiongdao jumping off a building, but it is the first time that Sheng Xuan has seen it with his own eyes.

She came to Zhu Suizhou, and someone jumped from the same building, which is not a good sign.

A good sign?

The original lively Yecheng is full of unfinished buildings. The real estate company employees who have not had time to withdraw are caught by investors. No matter how the investors beat and scold them, the real estate company employees are numb.

"Can't check out."

"No money."

"I don't know where the boss is."

I don't know how many times I have said these words, even if someone jumped off the building and fell to his death, not many people came to watch.

Where can I go to watch the dead? If everyone can't get their money back, many people want to line up to jump off the building, okay?

Sheng Xuan went upstairs with a deep kick. The elevator in the office building where "Yangfan Real Estate" was located stopped working, and Sheng Xuan could only climb the stairs. In its heyday, "Yangfan Real Estate" had more than 20 employees. Many of these people were brought by Zhu Suizhou from the business capital. They all had the ability and got high salaries. They all followed Zhu Suizhou to make a difference...More than 20 employees He was dismissed overnight and distributed the last bit of liquidity on the book of'Yangfan Real Estate'.

Zhu Suizhou said that he should not treat others badly.

Sheng Xuan smiled bitterly, so she could only treat herself badly.

Sheng Xuan finally walked to Zhu Suizhous office, but saw Zhu Suizhous back facing the door, standing by the window, not knowing what he wanted to do. With the window open, he could easily climb up the half-person high wall


Sheng Xuan's shouting exhausted all her strength.

"Don't do stupid things, don't do it!"

She rushed to hug Zhu Suizhou, and Zhu Suizhou slowly turned around:

"...Do you think I will jump down?"

Sheng Xuan did not answer.

Just now someone jumped off the building in front of her and fell to his death, she had to think more about it.

"If suicide is useful, I will do that, but suicide is useless. Even if I die, those debts will still be on you."

I have to do great things!

Zhu Suizhou never doubted this problem.

The business capital of Asia Minor is now booming, which proves his vision and judgment that the retail and department stores are profitable in business.

From 1988 to 1991, the popularity of Qiongdao real estate also proved his vision.

But he was short of luck.

When he discovered something was wrong, it was too late to evacuate Qiong Island.

Before the "Sixteen Articles" regulations were promulgated, the area of land hoarded under the name of Yangfan Real Estate exceeded 1,000 acres, with a total market price of more than one billion yuan. If all the land was sold off, Yangfan Real Estate could benefit hundreds of millions from it... Hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions of Chinese dollars in 1991, with such a large amount of working capital. Du Zhaoji's previous plan to turn'Asia' into a chain of department stores can be implemented. There is no need to invest in it, just rely on 'Yangfan Real Estate' can invest in it.

At that time, why didn't he do that?

Because it is too easy and fast to make money from land speculation on Qiongdao, Zhu Suizhou no longer looks down on the retail and department store industry.

The "Sixteen Articles" regulations were promulgated too quickly, and the real estate industry in Qiongdao also cooled too quickly. The collapse of the market was like an avalanche, and it was almost impossible to sell land in Zhusuizhou.

Tang Yuanyue intends to switch from short-term to long-term, anyway, Yuhua has recovered the cost, and the land that has not been sold can be kept for development when the real estate market in Qiongdao recovers again.

Zhu Suizhou could not do this.

Because "Yangfan Real Estate" buys land from bank loans!

In compliance with the national policy, banks no longer make payments to real estate companies in Qiongdao. On the one hand, they tightened their loans and on the other hand, they also had to collect loans issued by them. During this investigation, several major state-owned banks were shocked and sweated unconsciously. In Qiongdao, they actually borrowed so much money to go out. Qiongdao Real Estate is a game of drumming and spreading flowers. The land price of Qiongdao has been fired to more than one million, but the bank is taking the order.

Take "Yangfan Real Estate" as an example. Once the land of "Yangfan Real Estate" mortgaged to the bank has no next home, the land will lose its mortgage value.

There are too many mortgaged land in the hands of banks, and "Yangfan Real Estate" is just a company with a large total of land mortgages.

The land is worthless, and the bank wants to reduce its losses, hoping that "Yangfan Real Estate" can repay valuable assets... But for Zhu Suizhou, the land of more than one billion yuan turned into a worthless commodity overnight, what would he take? Come to repay the loan?

He can only ask the bank to take away the mortgaged land.

The bank was dissatisfied, and Zhu Suizhou couldn't repay any more--if he borrowed so much money, the interest was a large sum, what would he take to repay it?

Before dismissing all the employees of'Yangfan Real Estate', the bank had seized all the assets under Zhu Suizhou's name, including commercial houses and a few cars. Upstart couples with a wealth of more than 100 million were reduced to ordinary people, and Zhu Suizhou had nothing. , And owed a lot of money to the bank.

Even if Sheng Xuan herself works in a bank, she cannot stop the situation from deteriorating. The assets collected by the bank include Zhu Suizhous 20% stake in Chaoyang Real Estate.

As the major shareholder of Chaoyang Real Estate, Xia Xiaolan certainly did not allow this to happen. 20% of Zhusuizhou's shares were taken away by the bank, and Xia Xiaolan bought it back from the bank.

In the process of this acquisition, "Chaoyang Real Estate" was not affected, and "Asia" was not turbulent, but Zhu Suizhou was kicked out of the ranks of shareholders, and Asia has nothing to do with him anymore.

To make matters worse, "Yangfan Real Estate" owed huge debts, and Sheng Xuan was also attacked, saying that the loan procedures of "Yangfan Real Estate" were not standardized because of Sheng Xuan's illegal operations... Sheng Xuan lost her bank job as a result.

This is already the best result, Sheng Xuan is almost going to jail!

But this undoubtedly cut off the road for Zhu Suizhou to stand up. Without the convenience of Sheng Xuan's position, it would be too difficult for Zhu Suizhou to make a comeback.

When Sheng Xuan thought of the situation that had taken a turn for the worse in just two months, she couldn't help crying with Zhu Suizhou.

Who should she blame?

The research report submitted by Xia Xiaolan has not been released to the public. Sheng Xuan does not know that the introduction of the "Sixteen Articles" regulations is directly related to Xia Xiaolan. She only thinks that Xia Xiaolan's retreat from Qiongdao has gained inside information in advance.

But to talk about inside information, she also has channels.

Last year, Mrs. Song warned her to evacuate Qiong Island as soon as possible, but neither she nor Zhu Suizhou listened!

The couple is not satisfied and only earns tens of millions.

The two people did not make a mistake in their judgment of the situation, and the land price has indeed more than doubled...It is paper wealth. If there is no money, it will be completely wiped out!

Sheng Xuan hugged Zhu Suizhou and muttered:

"Suizhou, we have experienced great ups and downs. The country has cracked down on land speculation. We can only admit that we are unlucky... But why are Xia Xiaolan and others who ran away after getting inside information be safe? I don't believe it!"

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